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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Temper, temper. I remember, 10 years ago I think, Chiang Mai authorities blaming elevated lung cancer in CM on smoking (as if smoking didn't exist in other provinces) and not field burning......save the tourist numbers. I can also remember reading about air pollution in CM in a travel guide 25 years ago. It's not a new problem and has probably existed for several hundred years or as long as rice has been harvested. What I don't understand is why so little (almost none in my area) field burning takes place in Isaan, I've only witnessed one. My village isn't very far from the Cambodian border and yet we don't suffer from smog due to forest fires.
  2. That could apply worldwide. Just think of the many expressions in the English language alone to describe corruption.
  3. His mummy said he has a big un and he should show it to distract from his stupid looking face.
  4. Now the police will have to look for her again, she may have problems finding a new hotel.
  5. Yes, all the units were taken apart, including the compressor units. The boss of the group said it should be done every year but that seems a bit exaggerated to me, every 3 years for a complete clean seems reasonable, I clean the filters myself every 6 months but that's my limit, the innards looked really complicated.
  6. A lot of small minded 'concerned citizens' about these days. A good thing that the Monk wasn't a foreigner and he wasn't on a surf board.
  7. Dirty air con units? I had my 4 air-con units professionally cleaned yesterday. It took 5 guys all day, the units were completely stripped down, inside they were absolutely filthy, the last cleaning was 5 years ago. It cost me 10,000 Baht which included one new fan motor and the raising of one compressor unit from the ground to the outside wall as well as plastic shrouds for the coolant pipes coming from the compressor units to the inside units. I considered the service cheap as they had to drive from Surin, 50 Km from my house. The effects were immediate, I had to raise the temperature settings as running on the old settings proved too cold, so in the long run it saves money. I can imagine this is a much neglected service in rented condos and rooms.
  8. Well I live in the North-East in Isaan, about 1,000 Km from CM, the air seems pretty good where I live, in the countryside, but what do I know. I like CM, it has a good night life and the tourists seem to be a better class than the ones you get in Pattaya or Phuket. It has a nice atmosphere (pardon the pun) to it and has nice surrounding countryside, it isn't called Laan Na (a million fields) for nothing. Turtle lake, which is great for swimming, actually has sweet water which you taste when it gets in your mouth.
  9. Well I can't say anything about that, I haven't been back to the UK for 50 years, I did live in CM for about a year but as a smoker air pollution has never bothered me, in fact I never noticed it apart from the smog. I used to work in Dagenham and the smog there was sometimes awful and at night it could be so bad that it was dangerous to drive, I've driven in Germany during really ferocious snow storms but Dagenham was worse during a smog.
  10. He sounds like an insufferable do-gooder who needs a bunch of fives.
  11. A katoey would be cheaper.
  12. Almost as bad as living in London perhaps, my brother who now lives in Australia flew to London on business, he said you could smell the air it was so dirty.
  13. An alternative would be to restrain him in a ward for geriatrics for a real psychological assessment if he breaks the gag order, that would certainly lower his status and wouldn't be prison by definition, an unfavourable psychiatric report could be 'leaked'.
  14. What! that's only double the limit, test me again.
  15. Hey! what have you got against the Brits, we are still in the league.
  16. Taking coal to Newcastle. Grassed up by a foreigner who didn't think she was worth 13,000.
  17. My wife amazed me while haggling for a pair of shoes marked up at 1,600 Baht, after 15 minute of serious haggling she got the saleswoman to agree to 900 Baht. wife, "so 900 Baht right" saleswoman, "yes, shall I box them for you'' Wife with wry smile, "so what's the real price'' She got them for 700.
  18. Yes the casinos will open up a whole new world of corruption, governors and police generals will have already placed orders for BMW's and Mercedes, Loan sharks will be patrolling the casino lobby.
  19. ......even the Royal Thai police...., I would have thought especially the Royal Thai police would be more appropriate.
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