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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Look at it as a causal chain that started with choice.
  2. A lot of trans 'women' are about to get their horizons widened
  3. Money is as shy as a deer grazing at the forest's edge, one loud noise and it's gone.
  4. One can only hope he is as active on the battle field.
  5. Where's the money coming from, more debt?
  6. Increased leisure time for many who don't know how to occupy their time meaningfully as it is. This would bring about a motivation less population, a huge increase in drug taking and crime in general, this isn't a boon for mankind, people don't want to sit on their arse all day and have decisions made for them. It reminds me of experiments made with a population of rats given ideal living conditions with no challenges food and water in abundance, they died out.
  7. Trumps arrogance is astounding, the bull in the china-shop approach.
  8. Afghanistan has had conquerors running on its lands since at least 500 BC even Alexander the great and Genghis khan were there. Afghanistan only became a country in the 1700's after which also several Arab conquerors had invaded. Britain tried to take it in the 1800's to protect its Indian empire from Russia so Afghanistan was never a peaceful oasis, America is just the latest to put boots on the ground. Yes I feel sorry for them, so lets invite an entire country to settle in the West and while we're at it take in every farming community in South America and Africa suffering from drought, plenty of Chinese suffering from persecution as well. It just can't be done, if scientists are correct the climate will get ever more hotter and more countries are going to be uninhabitable (maybe even Thailand). It doesn't matter what happened in the past or who is to blame, our politicians are paid to look after us now and be pragmatic, resources are limited which I suppose eventually means war.
  9. I've listened to some Eckhard Tolle but not in this context. Neither of my parents or my grandparents (all white and British) were christened, we were a heathen lot, doomed to everlasting fire no doubt. I've heard about 'Jesus in India', I find it highly unlikely, he was a Jewish mystic who, despite his wisdom, was a Jew at heart who departed from some core teachings, he was probably not a carpenter (very few trees where he was and wood would have been very expensive) he was most likely a stone mason who found work in some of the Roman garrisons so it's unlikely he had the cash or the motivation for such a journey. Although some Indian artifacts (very rare) have been found among Roman possessions (probably by way of traders) India was off the Roman radar. I've read the teachings of Nisargadatta (complicated and needs repeated readings) and looked at Ramana Maharshi whose message and method is simple and I have used it with some success but it was nothing I didn't know already, Papaji who is the same as Ramana. While meditating in the temple grounds I have had some aha! moments, once coming out of meditation, for a few seconds, I knew that the trees were aware of my presence, I spoke with the Abbot about this....he thought it was quite normal, and once I encountered such bliss and peace for 5 seconds I shouted WTF was that! Usually however I get nothing from meditating even though, very unusual for a lay person, I can clear the mind completely of thought at will without any technique, even while walking, not even background clutter.
  10. No I wasn't baptized. I take a great deal of interest in philosophy, spirituality, and religions, I have read many Hindu and Buddhist works as well as Christianity, if any religion would find favour with me it would be Buddhism (it was the only religion that Einstein, a Jew, respected, he considered that 2,600 years ago Buddha had an inkling of the quantum vacuum). The oldest religion still practiced is Hinduism which is built on the meditation practices of Yogis which culminated in the Vedas, Vedanta ( Veda=knowledge anta = the goal of) and the Bagavad Gihta and has some similarity to Buddhism. Many of the sayings from the Bible could have come from Buddhism, "I am that I am", "before Abraham was, I am" "In my fathers house there are many mansions". I haven't looked at Islamic traditions except for Rumi who was a 13th century Sunni Muslim. If you had a point I no doubt missed it.
  11. Be fair, could you imagine the court scene, "Would you point to your assailants in in the court room please" "Ermmmmm" "The plaintive cannot identify the accused my Lord"
  12. I agree, what they want is a strong leader but they really don't want Trump.
  13. I don't have any religious affiliation, I would take any peaceful country and would be grateful and assimilate as far as language was concerned, as I have done in Thailand, I certainly wouldn't try to change their society or go around stabbing people.
  14. Well I used to deal with a lot of Islamists while working in Germany but they were Turks, so the civilized kind, they would drink beer and eat pork saying Allah doesn't look in Germany, nice guys and hard workers but they didn't assimilate and even 3rd generation Turks spoke German with a Turkish accent even though they all attended German schools, there were exceptions of course. They would all tell me that Turkey was the best country in the world but went silent when I asked them why they didn't live there then, even when they retired with a good German pension which made them well off in Turkey they didn't go back. The teenage Turks were a cheeky unruly lot with a chip on their shoulders, they didn't feel they belonged in Germany but as 'foreigner Turks' they were despised in Turkey, a powder keg waiting to go off. They are Islamists and anti-western propaganda was preached in the mosques (which they all attended) until the polizei started raiding and closing the worst ones. I generally had friendly relations with the older ones but not with the younger ones, contact wasn't wanted. German companies didn't care about nationality just as long as you could do the job you were accepted but it did cause some amusement, once a large group of Turks who worked on the BMW production line wanted to stop work three times during the day during working hours to pray, they all had their little mats with them. The head foreman spoke with them and said OK but don't come back tomorrow, they all backed down.
  15. So ask other Muslim countries for help.......why don't they?
  16. That's certainly a reason for stabbing children in Germany or using a car to kill innocent shoppers......a better idea might be to attack those soldiers responsible...Oh wait, they did and won so why come over to those devils in the West, don't like the Islamic way of life perhaps?
  17. Yes certainly. Not all Muslims cause terror but where there is terror there is a Muslim, why take the chance.
  18. Anything in that Geneva convention that says its OK to stab and drive over the very people that gave you aid and comfort? Fact is it's got out of hand, it would appear there are more economic seekers than asylum seekers and many more Islamists with a chip on their shoulder than we can handle, they won't be content until they have dragged us down to their level.
  19. Perhaps it would be easier to check the bank accounts of the officers who conducted the 'investigation'
  20. The local village clinic treats me for free for such things, last time I used them I had burnt my stomach and arm from burning cooking oil (kitchen accident) the dressings were changed every day for a week, nobody mentioned payment, they knew that I lived in the village.
  21. That's actually cheap
  22. Special relationship? Like the special relationship that I have with my dog. I realize King Charles must demean himself to this man who has no dignity due to political concerns, a man who as the president of the USA still sells $Donald Trump crypto coins like a market vendor at a fish market.
  23. A very good post, most people have a relaxed personal view towards political opinions and don't express radical views, it's always a vocal minority that tries to radicalize public opinion and with some success. The cancel culture was initiated by such minorities, receiving support from spineless big names fearing a backlash. The gender discussions were initiated by the same shrill voices attempting to squash public opinion, forcing people to hypocritically acknowledge that there were more genders than the alphabet could accommodate which shows a general lack of civil courage. This subservient attitude sickens me, it allows the UK government to harass people with police visits for a tweet expressing a personal opinion when there should be an uprising of anger.
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