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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Whatever but I don't think the governments role is to follow trends but to set standards instead. Instead of finding solutions should situations constitute what the norm is? For instance as homelessness becomes a huge problem should policy makers decide it's OK for people to sleep in their cars or pitch tents in parks instead of finding lasting humane solutions. The use of drugs is a general sign of hopelessness and unhappiness, instead of saying OK we're overwhelmed, do what you want, shouldn't the government's job be to find the causes for it and look for solutions? The general world wide financial weakness, if not future collapse, has lawlessness, corruption, greed and selfishness as companions resulting in unemployment, homelessness, crime and drug taking, signs of a breakdown in society as governments throw up their hands and say, 'we give up'. The problem as I see it is at the same time as we have a world financial recession we have no strong, resourceful, pragmatic forward thinking governments anywhere, populist or ideological leaders are simply worsening the situation, unfortunately we are going to have wars and civil unrest as a result.
  2. The foreigners diagnosis at the clinic probably.
  3. The police used to be the bastion of British decency but like everything else these days, corruption rules.
  4. I agree with the farmers but since Musk is now so entwined with Trump he should be more concerned with the devastation wrought to the mid-west by China canceling the 164 billion dollar contract to buy Soy from American farmers and has turned to Brazil and Argentina instead, all part of Xi's belt and road plan, looks like America's bullying with tariffs is back firing bigly.
  5. The only statement he made when arrested was "Life under Kier Starmer doesn't sound so bad now"
  6. Trump had the book, 'How to win friends and influence people' read to him but his intellect couldn't grasp the principles.
  7. Yes, he's a cheap, tacky sort of person who thinks dignity is a record label but that's the Maga persona.
  8. Water off a ducks back for a Russian, he doesn't know where he is anyway.
  9. Since when were British people not Europeans or are you just making a political demarcation?
  10. Well he'll have a lot of time now to grow up......wasn't worth it was it, too late now for regrets.
  11. He's got a lot of army issued guns to say he's a good chap.
  12. Just following the sycophant standard from his master, if you don't agree with everything I say you a bad bigly, grovel bitch, everybody else does.
  13. and with the beer intake another 10 kg fatter
  14. Trump wants a few more states, I read this morning that he wont rule out using economic force to take Canada and military force to take the Panama canal and Greenland, there's a scenario, a military conflict between 'allies' the US against Europe, the megalomaniac has lost it completely.
  15. Not 24 hours then? Oh wait, different war, different president.
  16. Well, that's ermmmm,........ that's something to look forward to.
  17. wonder how they got away with that.....no not really.
  18. Katoi would be the Thai term used and yes they are trannys, many of them are weird little trannys at that.
  19. IN WW1 6,000 men were imprisoned under harsh conditions in the UK for conscientious objection, in WW2 it was 3,000.
  20. My answer to your last sentence, "Not anymore".
  21. Where they have succeeded, among the Inuits and some tribes in remote places in Indonesia and South America, it resulted in loss of identification, alcoholism, prostitution and death due to illnesses unknown to them, these zealots ought to be prosecuted.
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