Whatever but I don't think the governments role is to follow trends but to set standards instead. Instead of finding solutions should situations constitute what the norm is? For instance as homelessness becomes a huge problem should policy makers decide it's OK for people to sleep in their cars or pitch tents in parks instead of finding lasting humane solutions. The use of drugs is a general sign of hopelessness and unhappiness, instead of saying OK we're overwhelmed, do what you want, shouldn't the government's job be to find the causes for it and look for solutions?
The general world wide financial weakness, if not future collapse, has lawlessness, corruption, greed and selfishness as companions resulting in unemployment, homelessness, crime and drug taking, signs of a breakdown in society as governments throw up their hands and say, 'we give up'. The problem as I see it is at the same time as we have a world financial recession we have no strong, resourceful, pragmatic forward thinking governments anywhere, populist or ideological leaders are simply worsening the situation, unfortunately we are going to have wars and civil unrest as a result.