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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. It's about logic, a truck is a truck not a sports car, getting a new paint job and stripes with fancy wheels won't make me call it a Porsche even if some indulgent souls will bend the English language to accommodate the fantasy.
  2. Somehow I feel I should give a $hit.....but I don't.
  3. A little bit dystopian but there is no defense against stupidity
  4. Nature is pragmatic, it doesn't raise one species over another, one could say it's a very effective adjustment mechanism, one species fails another rises to take its place. What we call evolution is in fact just an adjustment to the prevailing environment at the time, there is nothing special about Homo Sapiens.
  5. What does a 'suspicious Frenchman' look like?
  6. Storm in a tea cup, this only affects breathers.
  7. Does it really matter to you or me or the Thai on the street? Leaders in politics don't make a difference, it's the leaders in the civil service who do that, quiet unsung heroes who make sure the political idiots don't sink the boat. Political leaders in democracies don't last long anyway, the civil service is the marathon runner. Even in ancient Rome it was the advisors, often educated intelligent slaves, who advised the executive branch, in Egypt it was the priesthood, in ancient Sumeria they actually had a functioning civil service as did the ancient Chinese dynasties. Catastrophes can only happen when rulers ignore the civil service, ride roughshod over bureaucracy and make their own decisions, they usually come to a bad end.
  8. so much detail, it sounds autobiographical.
  9. I don't even use the second hand one that my step daughter gave me.
  10. A very 'dignified' fat Brit who looks more like 75 than 55, he probably deserved all he got and some. A month on the tread mill with bread and water would do him some good.
  11. Well done Rowling, get Harry Potter's army in, one wave of a magic wand and they all disappear up their back entrances.
  12. What free speech? You already get a visit from the 'understaffed' police if they don't like your tweet. The Muslims already have a state within a state. Europeans in general don't like having Muslims in their community, that's the way it is, making extra hate speech laws wont make them more likable, just the opposite.
  13. An adult did the maths for him when maga states started screaming.
  14. I personally think its a question age whether testing is a good idea or not, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer at 78, he didn't bother with treatment and died of a heart attack at 83. I'll be 77 this year, that's already a reasonable age where death wouldn't be unusual, getting tested and getting treatment if cancer is diagnosed at that age I find to be exaggerated clinging with ones fingers on the edge of a precipice. Death comes to us all through a myriad of means, desperate clinging on isn't very dignified or helpful.
  15. I believe the NHS doesn't do them anymore, too many false and negative positives, there is a new highly accurate test out now, Episwitch PSE 94% accurate.
  16. No, I used an agent recently
  17. Not really, when I'm cremated at my village temple I will be a permanent resident by default.
  18. You mean apart from cars, machinery and fashion. If your wine and cheese is so good why would consumers opt for European products? It's simple, capitalist societies allow the consumers to decide what they want, that sparks competition, efficiency and quality.....of course if you can't compete you can use tariffs.
  19. Rowling and Cleese are simply islands of common sense in a world going slowly madder by the minute
  20. It's only broken for the mentally compromised......so few in number as to be ignored.
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