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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. His lack of logical thought processing is astounding.
  2. I've never had an emotional feeling for a car, if it drives and doesn't give me problems it's a good car as far as I'm concerned. When I came to Thailand 20 years ago I bought a 2nd hand Honda Jazz for 450k, 200,000 km later I still have it, it has given me very few problems, a very reliable car.
  3. I also lived in Germany, my bank in Germany and my pension provider in Germany are both aware of my Thai address. I have a UK passport. When I moved to Thailand I opened a Wise account using my Thai address and up until now have never had a problem so I suspect this is an American admin problem.
  4. The amount of water that has now accumulated would be beyond pumping now
  5. They flood naturally as they are below the water table. When the pits are in use they have to use water pumps to keep them dry, obviously when they are closed down the pumping no longer occurres
  6. Until you can no longer pay the interest and the principle becomes due.
  7. He's got a haircut like a toilet brush.
  8. When the population seeks easy solutions there is a revolution....it's in the air already and could happen suddenly, sooner than we think. When people have nothing to lose they throw in the towel, it's happening in China with the 'let it rot' movement. We've had a small taste of it with the riots against immigrant's hotels, it's why the authorities are clamping down on tweets, stopping trouble at the roots before it spreads, don't let anything get organized, they can get brutal if they feel the status quo is threatened. It's going to depend on how desperat people feel, the answer obviously isn't at the ballot box.
  9. 36 trillion in debt and they are rich? If that was a company they would bankrupt.
  10. Novice monk......no Amulet, it had to go wrong.
  11. I can never understand why some men, ostensibly intelligent and in good corporate positions, do this sort of thing, do they really think this turns a woman on?
  12. Yes, sometimes an act of god is needed when auto sales are down.
  13. It sounds as if he was coming in to land anyway
  14. Pathetic, sheep bleating about who the best shepherd is while being driven to the slaughterhouse.
  15. Obviously not. The conditions in any era are relative to its own time only. People living in the middle ages would have found their conditions quite livable but would have horrified us. The time before covid was pleasant for most people, therefore the coming financial recession (some say collapse) is going to be a very unpleasant shock which may last for years but nothing lasts forever. Leaders come and go, governments rise and fall but nothing really changes.
  16. I'm too old to worry, nothing lasts forever. The world is on the cusp of a financial crisis but imagine what it must have been like in Europe during WW2, it makes our problems seem small and yet even this passed.
  17. It was because the first poster mentioned maga, insinuating that we needed someone like Trump in the UK....... nobody needs Trump but here we are looking down the barrel of global trade wars and all it entails.
  18. No off course not but the notion of importing Trump's 'philosophy' to the UK would only increase the incompetence of the lot we have now. Trumps ratings in the USA at the moment are -7 and he's only been in office 9 days.
  19. We all know about the German fascist terror regime so why hope for a repeat performance in the UK, it's America's problem we don't need to import it.
  20. That will disappoint the whores, no more navy warships docking for 'friendship visits'
  21. Theft was uncommon in Germany under the Hitler regime as well.
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