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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Yes, the good times are coming to an end, we are at the beginning of a bad economic cycle, Europe and China, both major economic blocks, seem especially vulnerable which will no doubt hurt EM's and even America. It's a case of lock your door until the sun shines again, I for one expect unrest even in mature economies, the patience of the working poor has limits.
  2. Not really, look at the amount of rubbish on the net, Youtube or in our newspapers, one can't believe anything in the media anymore, lies, exaggerations and speculations sold as truth, she is just average stupid but intelligent enough to turn the stupidity of others into money.
  3. She's obviously an intellectual, spiritual person who is a delight to talk to and spreads joy whenever she leaves a gathering.
  4. A drunk pyromaniac doesn't like to be told to stop drinking, her mother knows that now.
  5. "Fight against corruption" is a standard saying in Asia, it's like asking someone "How are you", it doesn't mean anything but it is expected, once the platitudes are out of the way you can say what you really want to talk about like, "How much do we have to pay the anti=corruption commission".
  6. What happened to, "We want wealthy high quality tourists", now they are pandering to package tours. Seems a light has gone on.....they aren't coming.
  7. What happens is the police make out a charge sheet but don't yet pass it on to the public prosecutor, giving you time to pay the bribe after which the charge sheet gets torn up, once it's gone to the prosecutor it's too late, there is no way they can stop it. It happened to an acquaintance of mine (drug possession) the police wanted 40k which he paid then they gave him 4 days to leave Thailand.
  8. Politicians don't rule, markets do. Politics can provide a framework in which the markets can operate, if the markets don't like the framework it collapses. This is what we are seeing now a situation made worse by external events such as Ukraine and crop failures due to global warming. Societies run on money, like petrol to a car, take away the petrol and it stops working. When politics start interrupting market forces too vigorously, trade wars eg. due to ideologies then things start to break down. Unfortunately politics is a closed loop, the politics of one country is influenced by the politics of other countries as well as their own civil service (the true operating arm of any country), even a dictator like Xi doesn't have ultimate power, politicians in the West have even less. You can swap politicians as you will, the same problems are on the table, market forces must have room to play their part as the engine, politics must supply the fuel for the car to work, both have to work hand in hand but as I have already said, politicians are often constrained due to external forces, ie. events, global politics and public opinion.
  9. Only at the moment, nothing in politics is long lasting.
  10. The latest Youtube video I saw put 25% of Brits living on or below the poverty level, in Germany food banks are making an appearance, in Italy youth unemployment has reached 50%, China is already a basket case, so it's not just America, the whole world seems to be on a slippery slope downwards which is a harbinger of ultra right wing governments in the future. Surprisingly Thailand seems to be an island of relative safety, pragmatic fence sitting pays dividends apparently.
  11. This government is too unstable to last very long, too many cooks in the kitchen. A couple of years maybe and then MFP takes the reigns with, oh wonder, the support of PT, Mr T guiding the ship into safe harbour.
  12. This is just a normal diplomatic gesture that the local dominant political entity offers to a new leader in the neighbourhood, America does the same thing with European leaders. Srettha will probably want to know if the place is dry yet before he goes.
  13. Even Abbots need a little love. In future she will be careful about bowing down in a temple.
  14. One has to admire the audacity and professional planning of the elite, Thailand is in safe hands. No bungling Boris or embarrassing Trump here, it is as it is, no explanations needed, the cards have been shuffled the way we want it and we'll be dealing them out shortly.
  15. Thanks, I will use them. I did it all myself last time but it was a hassle as I don't have a credit card and my BBK debit card wont do pounds sterling, in the end I had to get a virtual credit card from Kasikorn, then travel twice to Bangkok with two overnight stays so the fee is well worth it.
  16. What about legal guns? The guest could have been riddled accidentally with an assault rifle switched to automatic in the US despite not being in school.
  17. Considering their amount of debt I would guess it's a third world economy as well
  18. The host has invited him to his new years party as compensation but he wants to celebrate under his bed.
  19. Could be my old washing machine, I was told it would be recycled.
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