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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Yes,I thought pi66ed would have been a better description than confused
  2. 1 Pensions and other payments for past employment as well as annuities derived by a resident of a Contracting State may be taxed in the other Contracting State only if such payments are deducted as expenses in determining the profits of an enterprise of that other State or of a permanent establishment situated therein. 2 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, pensions and other payments for past employment as well as annuities paid by or out of funds created by a Contracting State, a Land, a political subdivision, local authority or local administration thereof shall be exempt from tax in the other Contracting State. From that it would seem that I don't need to pay tax ?
  3. I'm not so sure about these DTA's. I get a German pension, I don't pay tax in Germany on my pension as according to one written remark on a tax form the German tax authorities assume I will be paying tax in Thailand on my pension but in a recent 'letter of income' from the German consulate for the 'io' there is a paragraph stating that I should be exempt from taxation on my pension due to DTA with Thailand.
  4. Everybody can lie, just look at Trumps record, but to lie in a report and give out the dossier for scrutiny is a risk no sane person would risk, even the truth can have consequences which is why I am certain Steele would have taken legal advise before giving up the dossier. Trump doesn't dare sue on the basis of the dossier being false, he is suing (to the best of my knowledge) on privacy issues where he may have a chance of winning. I doubt that he is doing this with a happy heart and may end up backing down.......there are risks for him in court and he, as a political animal, may decide to stick with bluster and lies, it's his preferred style after all.
  5. Why on earth should they? It's about business not ideologies or political camps. Thailand is too small to have any affect on the world stage and choosing a side can spell disaster in the future, political friendships are transitory at best, yesterdays friends are tomorrows enemies. Business is hard nosed without emotions, a much safer option for little bears who only want a little honey. It has worked well for Thailand in the past; Thailand isn't a homogeneous nation and although they have been nestled between warring nations with political upheavals happening around them they have managed to keep the peace between their own borders.
  6. Any excuse for falling numbers will do, just don't mention a worldwide economic recession which is a harbinger of bad news for the future predictions of hoards of tourists banging at the immigration gates.
  7. Steele was a former MI6 agent who ran the 'Russian desk' so the dossier is unlikely to be false. He would also have taken legal advise before releasing it.. Trump appears only to be suing for breach of data protection, everything else he says is due to fear of public opinion and lack of funds rolling in from conservative red necks and the disenfranchised. The bible belt is a hot bed of hypocrisy but they balk at golden showers.
  8. you've got to love realism, it's the way the world works. The West is better at crying crocodile tears while adding up the ledger.
  9. My brain is wired to be a multi millionaire but reality gets in the way, trannies ignore reality but most of us don't. Incidentally no female acts the way a tranny acts, exaggerated, aggressive, and masculine.
  10. At least it didn't happen in a mall and nobody from China was hurt.......just some Russian.
  11. I got hold of Thai tax form for personal income tax in English and there is a box to fill in regarding pensions, it's from 2016 I believe.
  12. I imagine this happens often to bolster the police salaries, the BIB supply chain.
  13. Yes, pragmatism is wiser than explosive words that do nothing to help but may harm in the long run. There is always fighting and unrest in the middle east. Up until now many Arab countries have started to ignore the Palestine problem and have either diplomatic or working relations with Israel, I suspect Hamas is trying to change this humiliating state of affairs.
  14. It's only an immediate arrest when they 'swoop', next day is a quick response arrest.
  15. Kindness is a quality, like the colour red or blue, not an article of exchange.
  16. It is said that nobody is given more suffering than they can endure, you have proved them wrong. Nothing more pathetic than a spiritual wasteland with money.
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