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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. A concern? Why test, what you don't know doesn't hurt you, it's not like Muslims are going to get cloven hooves if they eat a bit of pork. Dogma = stupidity.
  2. Two days ago my stepdaughter 24yrs old (husband and two small children) who I have looked after since she was a small girl suddenly had stomach pains and breathing problems, onset of about 3 hours from healthy and cheerful to groaning. Her husband drove her to hospital and while waiting to see the doctor she collapsed with a heart attack. The doctor did CPR with her lying on the floor and then she was rushed to the ICU. Everybody moved away in horror, covid, covid, covid. She had a severe lung infection and her restricted oxygen intake caused the heart attack, no covid was found. She is now on a breathing machine and is getting antibiotics. It seems now that any breathing problems you have is suspected to be covid. We are looking after her two daughters (one is only 6 months old) but we can't visit her due to fears of bringing covid into the ICU (a sensible precaution I suppose) which is very hard on the two kids and her husband. I think people have become over sensitive to covid in the towns as opposed to the villages.
  3. Maybe it's just a Delta with an Omicron waiting inside to be recognized for what it isn't.
  4. How about 'in possession of a war weapon in a public place. He's going to need a bigger envelope.
  5. Covid is getting boring. In my village in Isan nobody gives a rats aaase, some wear masks, some don't, we are all fully vaccinated. Yes in the next village a couple of people caught covid, in the market town several people have been hospitalized but it's as interesting as cricket.
  6. Isn't it possible to fake symptomatic,"Oh dear, I'm feeling poorly, no energy, headache, sore throat, I need treatment," I'm sure the doctors would go along with it.
  7. Strange, it must be that time of year, I just returned from shopping in the market town 17 km from us and literally everybody was speeding, I was driving at 110 kmh which is of course speeding but I was being overtaken by cars doing around 160 (major road) which is unusual, normally cars are driven at around 80 kmh on this road.
  8. I'm satisfied with one day, that is the normal time from my German bank to Bangkok bank, recently it has got faster, transfer on the same day so no complaints from me.
  9. Yes but nobody cares, if they did so earnestly politics would change (to some extent politics has changed which is why the green parties are now a force to be reckoned with) but there is as yet no real concern or anger. If things did change would the fickle public want to put up with the inconvenience, a weak lot at the best of times, quarantine is causing mental problems and suicides, Oh dear what a shame, never mind.
  10. I got my booster a couple of days ago, we had a choice, pfizer or moderna, I chose moderna just because...... Astra wasn't on the menu.
  11. The accidental vaccination in a different village came about because my wife read about it on her phone as we approached the village, boosters were being given out so we went. The wife reckons it was for the big shots only but whatever I got mine but just as the missus was about to get hers a nurse reading our paperwork put an end to the procedure and even tore up the paperwork relating to that injection and told us to leave, muttering something about it being dangerous. Whatever, no ill effects but the wife didn't get hers. So I have had 1 Sinovac 2 Astra and 1 Moderna.
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