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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. until today I've been using the same apps on my tablet with a data sim which just run out. It's using a wifi hotspot is the problem, maybe a tablet issue, not tried before
  2. Most men in prisons have tattoos
  3. I use AIS and if i tether to my tablet it works briefly then loses the internet connection or internet drops off. Happens on YouTube as well as another couple apps so it's definitely a connection issue. I have an unlimited monthly package, should work
  4. Usually it's circ 25k for your first one, 15 months, subsequent years circ 13k both figures include 1,900
  5. Both getting tested would be a good start
  6. Many people break up with their wives just when they need someone to take care. Being single, eventually it makes sense to get a girlfriend or live in help of some sort
  7. splitting hairs, it's over your head, move on
  8. Nope, you're implying that the poster hasn't found a girl because of him and I'm saying it's easy to find a fake girlfriend or wife i bet you have
  9. It's not difficult at all to find a girl in Thailand, much more challenging to avoid it
  10. Maybe try the app
  11. The 90 day online reporting is easy online, if using an agent they do it for free but it's easier to just do yourself. With Elite he'd still need to do 1,900 baht extension yearly, that's why it's the wrong way to go, just say use an agent to get non imm O and pay them 12-15k a year and they do everything, paying 1m really is a waste of money if over 50. If age 30s or early 40s yes makes some sense
  12. If over 50 where you can get a non imm O extension for 1,900 a year, buying an Elite visa is just a waste of money. An agent would do it for you for 12,500 a year
  13. It's getting better, Friday was much better than 2 weeks ago, about 60+ attractive girls in Fahrenheit
  14. True, when i see facebook photos of girls working in bars i kinda can guess the real stories, all desperate for money to support families back home, but having said that often they enjoy the excitement of Pattaya
  15. The definition of Long Time still holds true, the time between when you shoot your load and they leave
  16. Last time i tried Nana Plaza agogos girls were older, certainly older on average than Walking St plus only bottle beers 180 or something so i thought why bother, stick to Pattaya. You can get hot girls in Pattaya massage shops but it is rare, have to check all the roads to find a diamond in the rough
  17. Hard faced Russians though, hardened pros
  18. It is a nightmare when a fat person is in the seat next to you, you could ask to be moved, but you'd hope the airlines had some kind of system to not put 2 big people together. A big guy next to a small woman may work ok. I agree though the real big guys should save up and go business
  19. it varies, always has, some agogos have the best looking girls so you have to try different ones, Fahrenheit agogo in Walking st seems to be going for the classier late 20s girls, along with younger ones, about 50+ girls in there. Whereas Windmill agogo rare to see a hot girl in there
  20. Apparently YouTube is getting strict on videos of girls on these walkabout type videos, so easy to stop just report them if it's a problem
  21. Are you meant to put sheets over those toppers as usual? i just wonder why they bother with the gaudy colours
  22. Strange that today most Thais are wearing masks, i see some farang without
  23. Every business I've seen for sale quotes a covid rent, of course many businesses have closed even with that
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