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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. I had a neighbor a Falang, with Thai wife, and her only child, a son in his 20's. Smart, educated, great girlfriend, a rosy future. Loved big bikes. One night while flying down the highway divider in traffic he took out a lady pedestrian who was too slow to cross. She died, he was in a coma for weeks and has never fully recovered brain function. His mother has to care for him for the rest of her life.
  2. Most of the populous of SE Asia have to rely on motorbikes for basic transport. They're easy to buy and put on the roads - even kids do it. However, I have no sympathy for those who abuse the freedoms here to ride at high speeds on large machines as a form of thrill ride. When I see these dolts on the roads, or YouTube, I just hope they don't take others with them when they wipe out.
  3. For a foreigner, obtaining any sort of refund from a Thai organization or individual is an uphill battle. Consumer protection laws here are scant and basically unenforceable. This lack of government oversight here can be both a blessing and a curse.
  4. A few days after I had this call I received another from an unknown number.. I started to tell the confused girl on the phone where to stick her scam until I realized it was a private hospital calling to organize an appointment for the Moderna vac I had bought many months before! Oops!
  5. My wife had a call from this number and was quite concerned about the threats. It's certainly a scam, she went to the local police and made a report, they confirmed it was crooked. A couple of days later I had a call from the same number, as soon as they realized I was a westerner they hung up. https://www.thairath.co.th › lifestyle › tech › 2204246
  6. Does Rooster consider all "Forestry Officials" should be dispatched based on the actions of one, or does that condemnation only apply to dogs?
  7. I did exactly the same thing thinking it had hit a peak and then watched it continue to rise!
  8. I also had the same problem, but turned off my VPN and was again able to access the cricket and footy. (and infuriating ads!) It seems they have blocked VPN usage.
  9. I presume The World Gallop Poll only surveys citizens of a country to get data for the happiness rankings. I would think temporary visitors wouldn't be part of deciding these outcomes. Interesting then that so many on this forum consider Thailand should be ranked much lower than their already low position, and despite having opportunity to live elsewhere, choose to remain in a state of misery.
  10. Very basic, literal thinking. I didn't say it was a 90 day report, I said it was a report, and therefore meets the criteria for reporting your current address to the Department (apart from the number on the form). It can and does meet the requirement of a 90 day report. Phuket Immigration treats it this way,
  11. It is common sense when you actually think about it. Presenting in person for your annual extension with your TM7 giving your current address is a report. For many years Phuket office has reset your 90 day report when doing your extension, and, they give the full 90 days each time, making it possible to only report 3 times during the year., They do the 4th time automatically with the extension! You find a new report slip in your PP when the extension is granted. Other offices give the 90 days from your application date, not the expiry date, after sending you an email inviting an early report. Using the new on-line system my next report date is only 76 days from my old one! What's nonsensical, is the way nearly every other office does it, increasing their, and your, workload. Having moved elsewhere, I do miss the much more sensible way Phuket IO handles some things for long termers, including their grandfathering of the O-A insurance.
  12. My next 90(?) day report is due 76 days after the last due date. No big deal IF the current on-line system continues to work. But, why cant they calculate the date from the last expiry and not from when you put in the report? I brought this up once before when the old system was in operation and several people thought I was asking for the moon. Someone suggested they would have to change their date stamp!
  13. After the 2 free Pfizer's, I had a Pfizer booster recently after 4 months.. Moderna wasn't available for me locally, but, out of the blue, the hospital where I paid many months ago rang to offer a Moderna at the same time. I had a choice of Pfizer 1 km away or travel over 100km for the other. Side affects - a very sore arm and lethargy for a couple of days. I've read there is little difference in performance between the two, with Moderna slightly better.. (Just read Pfizer and BioNTtech in the USA recommend a 4th shot for over 65s,)
  14. I would never attempt it. I hate standing in queues.
  15. I knew what he was at the time, just wanted to check that particular claim to confirm. This guy had many stories of his imagined exploits. He was well known in Phuket and had even been known to collect roadside fines from tourists when working aa a Police volunteer. He inserted himself into our Sunday brunch as he knew one of our party. He provided the entertainment. He didn't realize we were laughing at him not with him. He had the sleeves on his short sleeve shirt rolled up, presumably to display his biceps, and carried handcuffs on his belt. I asked why the cuffs, and he said you never know when they will be needed. He had no response when I told him I carried handcuffs for many years and never felt the need to take them to Sunday brunch. As we were packing up and I said I'm paying the bill, he nearly pulled a hammy in his haste to get to the bar to order another glass of red, despite having a half glass in front of him. Just one of the many pathetic flotsam who wash up in Thailand.
  16. Keep an eye on the Taiwan Strait. They are about to follow Russia's lead.
  17. Make sure to lock the car: Greek travellers in Phuket claim 200,000 baht in cash was stolen from their car | Thaiger (thethaiger.com)
  18. Should have kept it there. Few cars stolen here compared to the west. An extreme example of the idiocy of many government and private institutions in this country. We've all been through something similar when getting a statement or changing phone or electricity accounts. here. I guess it keeps many people in employment.
  19. Name is Bear Grylls, I misspelt in the previous post.
  20. From the link: he was a foreign man with a good face, a model-like body, and presumably the same assailant earlier. he has since come forward to the police to pursue further legal proceedings....
  21. I was a regular blood donor for many years as a young man until Aids came along and the Red Cross decided all men (regardless of sexual orientation) were likely carriers and for a time were banned from donating. Stung by the insult, I fell out of the habit and didn't donate again for many years . When I discovered I had a genetic blood condition that can only be treated by regular donation, my body had already been damaged to the extent that I am now in a wheelchair. I would have, unwittingly, continued treatment for my condition if not for the Aids epidemic and would have had a much different retirement.
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