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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Australia has 3x the population of Serbia, but only 1/5th as many deaths from Covid. Australians have endured harsh lockdowns to keep the population safer than most other places on the planet. They don't need a visit from an anti-vaxxer, buffoon with little regard for others, who lies on official declarations, and carelessly spreads the virus in full knowledge that he is infected. It doesn't matter how big a celebrity he is, or how good he is at paddling a ball over a net. Serbia, as a nation, should be ashamed of their countryman and his selfish antics, not whinging in full support of his actions. But that wouldn't be Serbia!
  2. It's probably not a bad thing for some of these modern "celebrities'" to spend some time away from their sycophantic fans and connect with their inner selves.
  3. I did my reports in Phuket for ten years, they always counted the days from the expiry of the old date. There 90 days meant 90 days, not 80 something. Now up north, was surprised to find this was not how it was done in my new Province. You should know there are no absolutes with Thai Immigration.
  4. He could move to Phuket or He could pay a dodgy agent a princely sum to fudge it. or wait for the border to open and pop over to begin again to get extended on an "O"
  5. Thai retirement age is 55 when other countries are pushing it up from 65 towards 70!
  6. I read this thread as being about Phuket Immigration going to people who are sick and self isolating, or in compulsory quarantine, to process immigration requirements rather than having them visit the office and possibly spreading the virus. I don't understand why it's been sidetracked by posters who, rightly or wrongly, object to health requirements regarding quarantine and want to heap blame on the wrong department!
  7. It's not something new. About six months ago a near neighbor to us in Loei had his herd of about 100 swine put down and buried by the authorities. He's not allowed to raise any more on the property for 2 years. We had been hearing of quite a few similar cases around the Province prior to this. The farmer received some cash compensation from the government. ( Personally, while sorry for the farmer, I'm happy the pigs are no longer in the vicinity)
  8. I did so in April last year after 10 years on retirement. I refused to throw money at the corrupt insurance systems in Thailand. The procedure outlined above by DrJack54 is correct. It's important you have maintained the money in bank requirement for retirement (and insurance) for the current year as that is the extension you currently hold. I had over 800k in the bank for the whole year leading to the changeover (insurance wasn't required at the Phuket IO where I applied previously).
  9. I was a little surprised this thread was still going and it's likely the OP has now decided on his solution. However, I have a little more to add to the discussion. We have recently started the process of fencing our Isaan property by getting a local builder to construct a sliding gate and a couple of panels either side. Built on site, the 2mtr panels are welded steel tube with railings made from round steel rod. There are 4 wheels along the gate to make it easy to push by hand. It is considerably lighter than the gate at our Phuket place. The rail is a length of heavy angle iron imbedded in cement. ( ^ ) Materials and labour for the three panels was less than 10k.
  10. You really twisted that around the other way! Doesn't make sense, but you got in a childish (conservative) insult.
  11. Hard to feel sorry for this guy. Not content with just being an anti-vaxer, in June 2020, he decided to hold a wild party in a Serbian nightclub for many European tennis players in town for Djokovic's charity tournament. Two world ranked players caught covid and the tournament had to be cancelled before the finals.
  12. Several decades ago, in Australia, an Immigration Minister legislated to restrict decision makers from making rulings based on personal or individual considerations. Legislation and official guidelines had to be strictly used by all officers in decisions made. This Minister even removed a lot of his own powers to change outcomes (not all). It meant consistency across offices, and removed most opportunities for corruption. Appeals were handled in the Federal Court or by Tribunals set up for the purpose. Legislation training for all officers was constant and compulsory. Something similar is greatly needed in Thailand, but will never happen.
  13. For those who are unaware of the changes K-Bank have made with K-Biz statements, this is the new request format. They now supply a more sophisticated style of statement in PDF or CSV format. It gives the impression it should be sufficient for Immigration purposes
  14. As a K bank customer who has recently had my K-Cyber account changed to the new K-Biz version I've been wondering the same thing. I have saved the new format statement in case they can be used. However, the more I think about it the more convinced I am that no IO will be flexible enough to forgo the letter and stamped statement issued on or near the day, I think the day we can bypass the bank visit wont happen anytime soon. This thread is a great example of how posters who can't help with the actual question, feel they have to babble on about irrelevant and off topic matters.
  15. The wife's close relative had been celebrating the new year for several days. I saw him on NYE and he could barely stand up. The party continued at his place for the next couple of days. On the 2nd he had to go to a friends place in a neighboring village for some reason and fell from his bike. No one else involved. He's now in hospital with a broken neck and possibility won't walk again. His policeman SIL fixed the dui
  16. For the time being it's only a cargo train. It wasn't a serious suggestion, just an example of how easy it would be to get back to China from Thailand if he was willing. Alternatively he could take a ferry from Chiang Saen up the Mekong to China. My point is he hasn't been stranded by circumstances, more likely reluctance or lack of cash. I don't consider border closures to be the real reason.
  17. The Laos-China Railway, just over the Friendship Bridge is now complete. Is this guy waiting until it gets to Bangkok?
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