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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Another staged " Incident " for Digital ;platform, or another Get a life you Plevs
  2. It has already been widely publicized, that during the first 5 Months of the Year some 94,000 vehicles were repossessed There was a dire warning also issued at the time, stating that there was a very real possibility, that by Year End , close to a Million would be seized back. Such is the size of potential NPL that the Banks are facing. Sure, the Banks will try to hide all these NPL by painting over the facts with such things as Debt restructuring Etc But the rub is that NPL is NPL and will somehow have to be shown in the Asset to Loan Ratios of the Banks Accounts
  3. The Banks are having a serious problem now, in trying to get back the Money they Loaned out over the Covid period to " assist " the Economy, with many Loans issued under very lax criteria Much of this Money Loaned was for was for the purchase of Vehicles, Credit Cards and White Goods Etc, all to keep the people spending money All of which are unsecured Loans Of the 18 Trillion owed, only roughly 20 % (3.6 Trillion,) of the Loans have any security against them, and to put those figures into perspective, the State Agencies received 1.95 Trillion in Revenue for the first 9 Months of this Year This is a very serious issue for the Country and very hard decisions need making before the Country is pulled under by all this Debt, - and urgently
  4. This is the best explanation that I have seen in the thread The Concrete being too wet is a real possibility, as I have witnessed Concrete delivered onto sites that has a very wet , and therefore weak consistency and a poor " slump "
  5. How to win friends and influence people Thai style. Must have taken lessons from the Supermarkets - Less Customers = hike the the prices
  6. Thailand should be able to garner a few more Russians easily now that Putin has put up the Conscription age from 27 to 30
  7. OP Life is just not a continual Holiday filled with Parties and pretty Girls Most of the time it is mundane and yes, maybe boring You just have to accept that and lead as full a life as possible
  8. As the pressure for Money increases, so does the peer pressure Just stonewall the wasters
  9. all too common in Thailand My Missus has some rental rooms, and I have witnessed nearly as bad as this after only 3 Months rental on several occasions
  10. This figure of 1.95 Trillion Baht collected by State Revenue Dept,s in the first 9 months of the Fiscal Year puts into perspective the massive amount of Household debt, which, as stated only yesterday, stands at an eye watering 16 Trillion Baht
  11. Why would anybody act as a Guarantor for somebody that cannot meet the Bank criteria for a Loan, is beyond my comprehension If the borrower does not meet the Bank criteria, then sure as eggs are eggs they will not meet the Guarantors Because many Guarantors are Family, or trusted friends, they will not pursue the Loan default and choose to pay to save the embarrassment ( face ) bought upon them Some, not all, deliberately choose to go the Guarantor route as they know they are almost certain they will not be chased by the guarantor on the default
  12. China is on its A12e at the moment They are ( encouraging ) domestic vacations s to keep ,money within thee Country
  13. many are repos but some are sold privately The buyer is expected to carry on the finance payments in many cases
  14. And of that 90.6 % of GDP Loans, only roughly 20 % are secured The rest are potentially very toxic Loans that are unsecured, and are for Cars , Motorcycles , white goods Etc A truly scary situation, as the amount is staggering
  15. Only about 35 Years later than most of the developed World
  16. Get those Loans issued to anybody ASAP
  17. Sounds like a Thai D@@@He#d with a pickup pimped out with a set of BFG s
  18. " Professional " Thai people who know everything, but in reality know very little. Awful drivers / riders Salted Fish being cooked - what a stench Dual pricing at Shops not displaying their prices poor standard of " tradesman " work Ie - Electricians Etc But still a nicer place to live for than my Home Country now
  19. " Bloody Hell ! " he cried " I dont remember eating that "
  20. The actions of just a few Individuals is really hurting the Economy and the people. But that has no meaning to those people as they are well heeled enough not to worry
  21. All change at the all you can eat Buffet
  22. This is the second rating Agency to come out over the last few Days and give Thailand a BBB + rating I did not think they worked in packs Hmm !
  23. The poor creature probably chose this way to go over the Plastic Bag
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