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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Ermm ! Doesnt the Guy have a Day in Court before handing down a sentence ?
  2. Nobody ever become rich in a Thai franchised Business. Get a good site, and pay a premium no doubt for the Franchise, and next month another is opened just 50 Meter from your premium site Mugs game IMO
  3. But will he quit pulling strings ?
  4. There is an Optician in Na Klua He is directly opposite the car park for the Market closest to the Ocean He is right on the Corner and speaks very good English. OP Do your due diligence on any potential source of Glasses Etc There are many in Pattaya who profess to know about your Eyes, but very very few who actually do
  5. I wonder if all this FDI will offset the amount of outflows
  6. The Government have spent God knows how many Billions of Baht on Concrete Beltways that zig-zag across the Country to move their Military Hardware around faster in case of Invasion. Meanwhile, Millions of people have no access to clean Water or have Sanitation in their Homes, and kids go hungry It is a Military Government after all,and nothing else is to be expected
  7. Its not these Guys the Plod should be after Its the buyers / bss of th Timber they cut
  8. This kind of practice is more prevalent than you would believe I will never forget an episode some Years back, when I sat in a bar having a Beer with a Mate when a Woman approached me and my Mate, and offered us her Daughter ( a virgin she said ) for 40,000 baht Needless to say we declined, but for sure somebody would have taken the Gir, as she really was a stunner.
  9. If Pita is not elected as the next PM, who will be.? There is now a feeling that anybody put forward will never attain the position, as the Old School will never accept change that will affect their Gravy Train
  10. The fact that the Airport is called a Military Airport may have something to do with that
  11. Oh ! They understand " Executor " well enough But this Guy is vying to become the next PM, which adds a whole new level of not understanding
  12. The deciding factor was the free spares pack, which consisted of a large pack of Rubber Bands and an LED Light Bulb
  13. I would guess that they will not mention all the Trash Burning , Air Pollution and filthy Water in the campaign, All things for your wellness - NOT
  14. Only a little bit of inters being shown - thats all No doubt due diligence will be performed by these Corporations , and will attain the same results as Airbus
  15. Thee is no real need to upgrade parking. Most of the projected Passenger arrivals will be whisked away to their palatial Hotels in Buses
  16. There are a myriad different screws available to prevent them from becoming loose during operation. If this is the case, then the whole terrible incident smacks of gross incompetency and a total lack of professional skill. A correctly skilled Inspection Team would have spotted such a blatant misuse of incorrect / non used screws
  17. A move such as this would surely accelerate the rate of which Foreign money is leaving the Country, The BOT should be raising interest rates to slow down the amount of borrowing and to address the Inflationary pressures If the people were lent money they have to pay it back, and if the Banks are so lax at lending to suitable borrowers then really they should not be in the Banking Business at all Was it not in 1997 that the Banks here were lending money at poor asset borroweres ? Look what happened then
  18. I was not asleep - honest I was just inspecting my eyelids for pin holes
  19. All that money spent ion infrastructure and maybe only 2 % of it on Water Management I dont know how 95 M projected Tourists aew going to shower
  20. This must be one of the well heeled Tourists the Country has been trying to attract
  21. A personal Financial Advisor will sort this for you I took at age 52 a certain amount as lump sum in cash and then a reduced pension till death
  22. This is a very clear and definitive photograph of the End pieces that are installed on all Walkways. A disturbing photo yesterday of the poor Lady actually trapped , clearly showed that the top plate ( where the hand is placed, had clearly been removed and replaced with a piec of thin metal, which is not fit for purpose. I guess if a repair had been made, the team had run out of sticky tape and wire
  23. IMO. it is essential to attract this number of Tourists , to try and make up the Countries GDP, mainly due to he large declines in Exports
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