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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. One Day, maybe, just maybe these Arab Men will learn that Concrete and Tarmac are harder than Sand
  2. I am certainly seeing a sharp downward trend in the Manufacturing Sector in the area in which I reside Factories do not seem to be hiring, there seems to be little or no Overtime available for the Workers, ( watch the NPL grow against Loans ), and all in all everything seems " flat " at the moment I am also pretty sure the China issues are starting to weigh upon Industry here.
  3. OP A old trick that may possibly work if the Dog is within fairly close proximity to you EG Just over the Fence Etc However this will entail that you are awake and anticipating the Dogs arrival . moment that it starts howling and barking Have in your possession a fairly large Tin Can filled 1./3 rd full of stones, marbles Etc The idea is that the stones make as much, and sudden loud noise as possible when the can is dropped / thrown against the wall at the very moment the Dog starts up This startles the Dog, and after several successive nights of being startled by the sudden loud noise the very moment it starts Barking and Howling, it will be very reluctant to open up for fear of being scared by the noise. Many will laugh at this, but it does work Give it a try. All you loose is a few Hours of sleep that you can make up on an afternoon snooze
  4. And it also happens that Banks are starting ( at last ) to tighten their lending criteria in a desperate effort to help reign in the Household Debt, as they are starting to see a load of NPL
  5. Billions spent on Infrastructure, and hardly any of it on the essential Water supply requirements How any Business would invest into the EEC, with its atrocious water supply is beyond me. Plus one on a severe and prolonged Drought
  6. Sure, but let the Children go hungry
  7. With innovative Uniform design such as this, one can only wonder what the Uniforms the Thai Astronauts will be wearing for their Space travels.
  8. A vary good friend of mine that spends an awful lot of time in China working, told me only last week over a Beer, that he had personally witnessed 40 Story Skyscrapers being demolished as here was no potential to sell the apartments within them. Also there has been little reported in Thailand about the Large Credit Card Co in China hat has defaulted on Interest payments for Loans taken out An issue that could be potentially larger than the property crisis according to a source I read. Have the Wheels comeoff the Chinese Wagon ? Only time will tell, as it will the exposure Thailand has to these issues
  9. My sentiments exactly They are indeed the lowest form of life imaginable
  10. The guy walked around the property with 2 pieces of Brass Rod ( trying to water Devine ) and eventually said " water here - sure at a certain place he then proceeded to drill, but only obtained a small amount of water ( not considered enough to qualify as a reliable find ) There has to be a certain amount of water for it to be considered as a find ( dont know the exact flow rate ) but thats how it works
  11. No ! I am not the guy that posted his well dried up 10 Years ago You obviously know very little about Well drilling in Thailand The usual practice is that if water is not found, you dont pay, and a water find is considered to be a significant amount of Water My well produces about 2 units per Day, and has done so now for 6 Years - considered an insignificant amount, which seems to enter the bore at about a depth of 160 M I draw from a depth of 120 M As for Santa !!!!
  12. The best GPR that I have seen here in Thailand has been 2 pieces of Brass Brazing rod and a guy walking up and down on the land plot unttil he is satisfied there is water under the rods The usual charge is a fee for a depth determined by th e Drller, and then a fee of X amount ( usually 1k per meter ) there after No water - no fee The gu that drilled for me used the above methods and after 300 M gave up FWIW, speak to some local people close to your site, and if they have drilled water source how much the cost and who Etc
  13. they have many Years of experience gained from all the Fire Crackers that are ignited in the Country Who would have thunk that there was so much hidden talent in the form of Space Engineers and Scientists in the Land
  14. A Spaceport from a Country that cannot supply safe , clean Water to Millions, or correctly handle waste
  15. Certainly Food inflation is still on the up at pace. Eggs have again increased in price Veggies in the Markets are all up in price also Meat seems to be stabilizing though With India stopping Rice Exports, it will not be long before a large rise will be seen in this staple
  16. Prototype for the Thai Space Mission ?
  17. Very sad ibcident, that will always remain in the memory RIP the poor souls that perished because of greed
  18. Kind of puts the Household Debt which stands at a whopping 16 Trillion into perspective
  19. There is ab excellent Car AC Service Center on the main Sukhumvit Road about 100 Meters back from the Na Klua Lights heading toward Sriracha ( North bound )
  20. Many from the Arab Nations are no different They use Pattaya as their playground
  21. And dont forget that the 90.6 % of GDP ratio of Household Debt being bandied around at the moment was for March figures Some 4 Months ago Septembers number anybody ? I guess at about 93 % of GDP Many of the Thais staying in my Wifes Apartments are on no Overtime, some have had to find new Jobs as they were laid off, and there is a distinct feeling of gloom in the air at the moment among the workers Me thinks Exports are plummeting and that will reduce GDP significantly
  22. FWIW Stay away from Polycarbonate Roofing The UV attacks it and it just disintegrates
  23. I really dont know how its possible to regulate all the Street Food Vendors that rely on Grease and Fat to cook / flavout their food
  24. Higher incomes are never the answer to poor Money management The one and only solution to the Household Debt issue , is for the Interest Rates to be increased, in tandem with much mire stringent credit checking and issuing of Loans by the Banks
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