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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. As the Tourists are provided with no alternatives, I guess they have to like it. T21 Etc all sited well for the Local Community, but no consideration given to Tourists visiting the City from maybe BKK, who will have driven down
  2. Maybe, a modern forward thinking Authority would have a plan for an out of Town Shopping Complex, with all the cinemas Etc sited within it. Or ! Even some kind of " park and ride " scheme to reduce the Traffic, Pollution and Noise, thus making life a whole lot better for residents living within the City, and a much more Commercially viable place for Business.
  3. My Missus said to me that there was a 7 - yes 7 Satang reduction proposed
  4. Thais use 2 gauges of this stuff ( or should ) 3 mm Dia and 4 MM Dia
  5. Exports down 7.1 % YOY - thats a massive drop in GDP, as Exports are the main driver for GDP Just today another report saying that Tourism is falling off, and also " Fitch " giving a prediction of 3 % GDP growth for 2023 Trying to paint a Rosey Picture me thinks
  6. Duh ! higher prices, rising Inflation, and Electricity costs, and a slowing of Tourism
  7. Well ! There is the answer to the question " How is Thailand maintaining a 3 % GDP growth" despite the large fall in Exports and drop in Tourism.
  8. I have no idea how " Fitch " have arrived at their projected 3% growth rate for 2023. Exports have plunged 4.5 % ( which is a huge amount of GDP ) as Exports are the biggest contributor to the Thai Economy. By the Governments own admission during the high season, Tourism was expected to take up the slack, and the falling numbers have failed to achieve that prediction, and numbers are seemingly getting worse. Maybe Thailand is flogging more Rice Globally to make up the shortfalls in both Exports and Tourism. Thats got to be a whole load of Rice.
  9. OP If you need to ask these questions, are you really prepared for the life changing experience of living in Thailand. Sounds like you have done very little research to me
  10. The massive rise in Electricity Bills that are being witnessed by most people at the moment are for 2 reasons. The first, is that April is the hottest Month of the Year in Thailand, and Air Conditioners, Fridges Etc have to work overtime to cope with the elevated Temperatures. The second reason is a little more complicated. Back during the height of the Covid outbreak in Thailand, the EGAT did not raise their Tariffs and actually decrease the rates slightly to aid the Economy. As of about November of last Year they said they wanted the Money returned ( paid back ) that they had " lost " due to their subsidising the Economy. They placed the figure at many Billions of Baht, although the Economy tanked, as did the use for Electric. There was a proposal put forward for 3 different increases rates in order to claw back this Money over different periods of time. One of them had the clawback period at only 1 Year and and " FT " rate well over 1.4 The increases were deferred for Household until now, however Businesses have had to already pay the higher rates for the last few Months. This rise in " FT " was the second proposal, whereby EGAT were to claw back the Money over a 2 Years period So much for aiding the Economy and helping your fellow Countrymen when they needed it most.
  11. Good luck with trying to control how the Air Con Units are used with Thai Guests. My experience from the Apts my wife owns and runs, is that the Thai attitude is " I pay, I can use it how I want ". The same will apply to the amount of Water used, which is wasted more than used IMO
  12. " Joint " Committee To study the smuggling of Pork Seriously !
  13. I personally have not Imported a Dog into Thailand. However, a good Friend of mine did, and he told me a few Years back, it was the worse decision he had ever made for his beloved Dog, was to bring the Dog from UK to Thailand with him, and wishes he had had the Dog put down before moving here.. My Friend told me that his Dog ( Golden Retriever ) had never really ever adapted to life in Thailand, and was never truly happy. The Dog could not adjust to the Heat and Humidity, was forever getting bitten by Lice, and other Insects, and was generally not happy because of a lack of places to run and be free as Dogs like. Open spaces here are not the same as in the UK, and are infested with all kinds of Insect life that loves to torment a Dog His Dog was never able to run in the Grass, fetch a stick or go swimming ( all the things it loved ) due to the torment that would follow. You have to be the Judge of what is best for your Dog, but please consider these kind of things for the benefit of the Dog
  14. What part of " Volunteering " does conscription come under
  15. He has Brain Farts, so therefore is is a fully qualified Governor
  16. Another Rogue Copper When is the Mental Assessment of all Police Officers to actually start - as promised
  17. I have no sympathy for this Loan Shark at all I recently witnessed the wounds from a beating handed out by Loan Sharks on a Man who was just the Boyfriend of a Woman that owed Money. These people are just the scum of the earth
  18. Serious injuries are not directly caused through people not wearing their seat belts The injuries are caused because of the Lunatics that are Racing around ( many Drunk ) on Thai Roads The injuries are a direct consequence of that deplorable behavior
  19. Is that a legal requirement, as it contradicts much of the lending I have seen recently
  20. Wow ! So many " Officials "at a single meeting to her the number of Fatalities on the second Day of Songkran in Phuket. I wonder how many would show up for a meeting to discuss ways of cutting those Deaths
  21. Domestic Tourists making up the bulk of Tourism for Songkran This means there are not so many International Tourists on Thai soil at the moment. High Season well and truly over.
  22. Typical photos of many Thai dwellings
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