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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. It would be nice to think that when, and if the new Government Coalition comes into existence, all the massive amounts of Money that were, and are to be spent on Boys Toys for the Military is stopped and rediverted back to the people in the form of better Education, better Health Care ,and more assistance for the Elderly and Infirmed But this is Thailand, and it remains to be seen what trade offs are made Etc Too much money has been spent in recent Years on Military Hardware Etc for " National Security ", or just simply to pander to the insecurity of those in power. The only invasion Thailand can expect is some kind of attack from the Laos Navy using their dug outs to full potential.
  2. There are many reasons people rush to buy " failing Business's " They may have a similar operation around the corner, and want to take the trade of this Business. The Business is not failing at all, and is very Profitable. They feel they can turn it around and make profit where the persons before have not Etc, etc etc
  3. Maybe a " Tunnel Rat " left over from the Vietnam War
  4. What a bizarre story. The story is so outlandish , it has to be true. Nobody could make up a story such as this RIP the lady
  5. " Military intervention " will probably occur again within a Year or so.
  6. Special Military Operation of Political Importance
  7. Of course they are outraged ! How dare a Falang perform such a heinous crime
  8. 84,000 x 4 ( Jan 1 - April 30 ) = a total of 336,000 Who is massaging the numbers, or are there almost 508,000 illegals in the Country. Answers please on a Postcard, and send to TAT
  9. There is nothing people enjoy more than to be openly Targeted Not
  10. This kind of behavior can be witnessed every Friday and Saturday night in most, if not all English Towns and Cities Animals
  11. Every Year at this time sees many people having to Pawn their Gold or Goods of some value in order to fund their Childrens Education. I think this Year the problem is going to be really bad, as many of the prices for necessities that the Children need have rocketed by 50 % in most cases The costs do not just stop at the Term beginning, there are the added costs of School Trips, Scouting Camps Etc Etc Etc, and many of these costs are an additional burden to people that have little Money to send their Children to School in the first place.
  12. There have already been some capital outflows, but with the difference becoming wider, the risk of more is growing stronger by the Day. Capital outflows are only one edge to a double edges sword. With Thai low Interest returns now, there is surely going to be a reduction in FDI. Both of these effects will drag on growth for sure as well as competitiveness in the World Market Place for Exports, which are already showing some sharp declines.
  13. Inflation cannot be bought under some kind of control as the BOT lending rate is only 1.75 % where many developed world Countries are at around 5 % And the main reason the Thai rate is only 1.75 % is that the Household Debt is so large, any higher rate would throw Millions into a situation of NPL such is the amount of borrowing they have taken out over just the last few Years. There is also a massive amount of Loans which are potentially Toxic, roughly only 20 % of all Household debt is secured, Loans having been taken out with little or no security upon the Loan Of course running Champagne Lifestyles on Beer Money Wages is a recipe for disaster
  14. Financing options may play a big part in peoples choice of Car over Quality
  15. 447 K number of Tourists is just a tad more than a " slight decline " Its 20 % or so less
  16. I was meaning for the costs in procurement of the Fuels to actually generate the Electric
  17. Great news ! Maybe the EGAT will be able to claw back the Money they said they lost throughout the Pandemic sooner, and then reduce all our Bills to a more realistic figure to reflect the drop in Energy Generating Fuels
  18. We will all have to start putting some Perfume in our Trash for your benefit. Would anybody expect anything other than smelly Trash collection Trucks in 30 Deg Heat ?
  19. Sad news Joe was always on hand to help so many people with various Visa issues My deepest condolences to his Family and closeFriends Joe will be sorely missed
  20. The road has never been completed as the " missing section " is on land belonging to a different Authority. My guess would be the PWA, as it appears to be over some kind of spillway Same issue here where I reside The Local Tasiban put in a new Concrete road to replace the old dirt Track, but it stops 3 Meters short of actually joining up with the main Highway ( Highway agency responsibility ) and the other end stops before crossing a Reservoir Dam Wall ( PWA responsibility ) Pathetic isnt it
  21. In a short period of time, Lotus will cease to be. and Big C will be the one and only, and the retail space occupied by Lotus will all be sold for Development as its value is so high.
  22. Not too deep then for them to pipe out the Exhaust fumes to the surface from them old Sampan Engines that are to be fitted
  23. + 2 Million from just Yesterday
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