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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. I cannot understand why anybody, whether they are Police , Health Officials , or indeed any other person, would have given permission for a News Team to enter the actual scene of such violence and devastation, and for them to even ask for permission beggars belief. Such a callous and disrespectful thing to have happened.
  2. And in those many other Countries, his professional treatment, and care, would have been instigated a long, long time ago given the traits he had shown throughout his Career, and his Drug addiction. He almost certainly would have been discharged from the Police Force very quickly after being diagnosed as a Drug user. Its truly sad to think that this Individual was not only able to become a Police Officer, and served for many Years, but was not given any meaningful support or treatment for he issues that he obviously had.
  3. You seem very close to the Police, and very agitated and protective over this issue. Seems to run against the grain in many ways after the tragic events at the daycare Centre End of contact
  4. Allowed to have access to weapons without being supervised for a start.
  5. Not from the US or a supporter of the NSA and their policies.
  6. Well ! They did recruit a known Drug user, and knowingly had him among their ranks for many Years without and help to cure his addiction
  7. Which, if I read correctly Yesterday, amounts to about 100,000 Baht for the lost life of a baby, and a little more if Hospital treatment is required. How dare you Prayut, How dare you !
  8. Urgent measures, which had they ben implemented Years ago would have saved countless lives in Thailand
  9. Some of the " Controls " that could be implemented could be actioned within a matter of Hours with little on no discussion. The Head Honcho just has to issue an order that all Police Officers have to hand in ALL their Weapons with immediate effect. There is certainly no need at all for an Officer to carry Arms whilst not on Duty, and also there is absolutely no requirement for an Officer to own " Private " Weapons, which seems to be the case in so many incidents involving Police Officers in Thailand. The argument used that the Weapons are for self protection really does not carry any weight, when there is obviously so little control or management over these so called Officers
  10. Hello ! Did Drugs since high School, had a History of Violent behavior, was insubordinate. Why, oh why, and how did this Monster ever become a Police Officer, and how did he manage to retain his position for so long. There are some very serious questions that need to be asked of the RTP, their " recruitment procedures " and their ability to control their members. This unforgivable incident is just going to heap more hate and distrust upon their already very tarnished reputation.
  11. Be aware that due to Money laundering Laws in Thailand , there are only a couple or so Banks where you are allowed to transfer more than 50,000 baht in a single transaction. Best service and rates = Wise
  12. As I stated, this was info that was out there early on as the Incident broke. I never returned back later to read the updates, as its all too upsetting to hear of such a dreadful Crime against very young Children
  13. There is no mention of the total amount kept in Foreign Reserves so the figure of $13.2 could either be 90 % of the Total or 1 %. I do not know the official number for the amount kept as Foreign Reserves, but there is certainly a very marked upturn in the amount of Capital outflows from the Country, and with Covid, the Reserve may well be severely depleted from a few Years ago.
  14. Great to see the Farmers have found a use for their Pitch Forks and Shepherds Crooks.
  15. WADR, I am not confusing this horrific and tragic incident with any other. It was reported early on as the incident unfolded, that the Guy was a Lt Coronal , and he was in a Debt dispute with a superior officer. There was no mention of him being a Drug Dealer, and it was also stated that he was a well known local Drug Addict. If that was the case, and he was a suspected Drug Dealer, and addict, why was he allowed to roam free whilst awaiting his Trial, and above all else, allowed to possess Guns. This whole story has changed considerably from the initial reports, and it would seem that some are going to great lengths to dissociate themselves from this animal.
  16. At least 30 people killed. 23 or so were little Babies aged 2 and 3 Years old Why ? What demons were in this Ex Police Officers head that made him go out and perform such a heinous and wicked act on innocent people. And all over a Debt Feud with a more Senior Officer apparently My sympathies and condolences go out to all the people that have lost Loved ones or have been affected by this horrendous Incident. After this the whole accountability of the Thai Police Force has to be investigated and many changes made. They seem to be increasingly an organization that is completely out of control, with Zero questions asked of their actions
  17. If only 20,000 Foreign workers have returned this year, they must all be in Pattaya. They seem to be everywhere, in all kinds of work, from Building to Shops Etc. IMO, the real issue for Thailand,s lack of FDI, is the ever increasing costs of Manufacture, and lowering output per Head, along with slow uptake on high skilled employment and Jobs. Vietnam, has a more Work centric population, with a much higher standard of Education for Investors to tap. Thailand,s main Industry is still Agriculture, and from Farmers there is little hope of producing highly skilled workers unless a very high standard of Education is provided to all, which is not based upon a monetary system for Education. Many Companies have for some time now been relocating or moving Production out of Thailand due to the lack of Educated and Skilled workers. Toyota and Panasonic , are just 2 Companies that I am aware of. Toyota establishing a new assembly Plant in Cambodia and Panasonic moving all Battery production to Vietnam. Thailand just seems to want a Service Sector Society, but are not either capable or prepared in laying out the Groundwork for this.
  18. And the PM told all the residents to tune into Radio Chu-Chu for all the latest updated on their Flood situation.
  19. Its sad really that a Lady of 75 Years has to ride a Motorbike to go buy Sweets that she is then able to sell at a Market in order to feed herself. I hope that She makes a full recovery soon.
  20. Maybe it is his Granddaughters Wedding. But for whatever reason, Biden thinks more of personal commitments than APEC
  21. These are the same as the Morons that buy a Country Cottage next to a Church in the UK, and then whine and bitch because the Church bells ring on a Sunday Morning. Plenty of other places they could ( and should ) have bought a property.
  22. It was my understanding that President Biden would not be attending APEC due to a Funeral of a close Family member that he wished to understandably attend.
  23. She hasn,t got much of a chance with people like Qwerty Qwango trying to ruin the Economy
  24. Really its about all they are capable of doing Staring into Space
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