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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. The previous Government could not build roads quickly enough to move there War Toys around in the event of an invasion. Water resources have been virtually neglected in the EEC, and I know for fact that some Factories have been having Water Bowsered in by large Trucks for Months now. Waste Management, Electric, Internet , and Water are all essential requirements of Industry What Companies in there right minds are going to Invest in an area with such poor Infrastructure in place,
  2. With the recent Base Rate hike to 2.5%, Inflation will still be out of control But this is probably as high as the BOT can push the rate up due to all the highly volatile personal Loans which a higher rate would push many over the top into NPL
  3. Those 20 M Tourists from China have more than enough slack to take up in their own Country
  4. Animals have always been restricted from Food Stores ( eccept helping Dogs ) And its for a very good reason They are unhygienic, and could potentially carry diseases Yuk ! Who wants to eat food from a store that allows a@@e licking Animals to wander into them
  5. If integrety and honesty were a mantra for the BIB, they would be the ones doing the probing
  6. Lovely Photo of all the Boys in their Gestapo style Uniforms under a Tourist Police sign without a single word of English to differentiate the place from any other Building
  7. Thailand really should have TAT instigate a " Sight and Sounds of Thailand " promotion That of course would be all the Emergency Vehicles flying about
  8. Hes just digging himself in deeper by making statements such as " " I pay my subordinates 1.5 million Baht a Month to ease there financial burdens due to low wages - the money is my own and comes from my Wife " " I pay some Journalists for there expenses Etc because they dont earn much " Not the kind of deflections that should come from somebody of his standing
  9. But with the minimum repayment due to rise from, just 5% to to 8%, NPL and many other forms of Debt will be out of control Already this Year NPL has risen by a whopping 30+% on vehicle Loans
  10. It has to be better than "Oi ! you ! Farang"
  11. I am no expert, but I would say they have very little to non of the qualities required for Law Enforcement
  12. Missing 200,00 Liters of Diesel I wonder who would be responsible for ensuring the correct amounts were issued and correct stock replenished Do they have a Quartermaster in the Thai Army >
  13. If some o the recent reports out of China are correct, then many Thousands are now just trying to find enough Money to live
  14. And mostly spent at the 7/11 Offy or the Ma and Pa stores on Booze
  15. Cant be seen Globally to give Visa Free to any Russians But .,,,,,,,
  16. How is it possible for him to Buy 6 Houses for his subordinates
  17. And neither should they be The Workers have made no Capita; Investments Etc into the Business's and take no Financial risks, or personal risk They just have to turn up and do the job they are employed to do, and can clock off at shift end
  18. The resurrections of the shelved plan to potentially spy on all Citizens bu a Paranoid Authority
  19. As soon as his is amended in any way from its present form, the EU will again bam Thai Seafood products
  20. The main issue is probably whether there is any recouse to Justice in a Thai Court should the need arise
  21. Swimming with dead Fish may be better than swimming with a lot of the other stuff floating around the Coast
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