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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. I was led to believe the Vaccines were already in the Country, and that they were destined to start administering them as of 9 th August ( after several Days of delay for some reason )
  2. Is there no end to the Tosh this man is capable of talking.
  3. Should only make donations of material things such as Test Kits Etc.
  4. They should indeed do the Honourable thing and resign. But only after they have stopped the insanity of this Sandbox Scheme. Covid is now rampant on the Island, with more Business,s being closed daily, Fresh food Markets closed, opening of even more Covid Field Hospitals and travel restrictions. Tragically, a Rape and Murder of a female Tourist, and today a report of a shooting of a Local Man. The Daily Covid Infections are well in excess of the figure ( 70 per week ) that was published openly for the shut down of the Sandbox, as this was deemed to be the safety number for the Tourists. I fear there will be some kind of Incident centered around the Covid Outbreak that is going to impact the future of Thai tourism for many Years to come And for what exactly ? a few Dollars to the rich and nothing for the poor.
  5. 10,000 Baht each ! Where did you get that number from The actual cost has been reported at 70 Baht each
  6. The one thing you may be certain of , is the big Pharma such as AZ, employ some of the sharpest minds on the Planet to protect their interests, and SB will just be along for the ride.
  7. I am sure you are right in stating this. Sadly lowly Thais are really being screwed down at the moment, with little hope in the foreseeable future.
  8. Yes it was the stated number of Infections to be allowed in order to keep the Tourists safe. But everything has changed due to the smell of some Tourist Money, and safety, as always will go down the gurgler in order to keep that smell wafting over the Island. However, now the cases seem to be rising very quickly on the Island, as is the way with the Delta Variant, and soon the safety of the Tourists will have to be considered seriously, or some kind of incident may take place that will ruin Thai tourism for Years to come. it would be better to pull the Plug now and the Authorities to declare the Sandbox closed. This way they will save face and gain respect. Having some kind of an outbreak incident just aint gonna cut it, and all the apologies in the World wont work. Sometimes, sanity is the better part of Valor
  9. With the MOPH numbers of infected being some 23,782, combined with the ATK tests that are 3,673 that makes a total of some 27,455 cases. This means the Virus is actually gaining momentum from about 1 week ago when on the path I predicted then from its previous 2 week path 30,000 cases would be reached by 16th August. It looks very much at this stage the number of 30,000 is going to breach sooner than the 16 th which means an Infection increase.
  10. And right there is the reason Thailand needs to reopen sooner rather than later. Covid or not . The BOT know that if they lend to the small Business sector, then a large amount of the Loans will go sour, and with the Household Debt at record highs, the potential for NPL and Special Mention Loans is going to increase dramatically over the next 12 Months or so. The BOT are trying to prevent this scenario by putting their weight behind the opening of the Country in October to Tourists. Only Covid is really making policy, not BOT
  11. So this is the number published by MOPH for a 5 Day period only. Equal to 3,117 per Day There must be Thousands more that have self tested, and that the MOPH dont know anything about that are positive. These people will just test themselves and decide they dont want to spend 2 weeks in a Covid Isolation Prison if Positive. Self testing is good if the people that are tested come forward when tested Positive. However, with little or no assistance from Central Government, these people still need to run their Business, or go to work in order to feed their Families, and in doing so are just spreading the Virus. There has to be a regime of disclosure on the self testing, and a good place to start would be all Pharmacies to record who buys the Kits. OK ! It wont tell who is positive but will give indicators for Clusters Etc.
  12. I hope the Tourists from HK feel like Royalty with all the shine put on their arrival. They are just Tourists. The whole dirtbox thing is Obscene IMO
  13. Even f there are 90 % of the Shops shuttered, it does not mean that the people are Jobless. Many Thais run more than One Business. The wife may be semi-jobless if the Shop is closed, but the Husband will still be working in his Business as an Aircon Engineer ( eg ) That is not to say there are many unemployed, there are, but sometimes appearances can be deceiving.
  14. As I predicted a week ago, the number of Hospital Positives has dropped. This in the main will be due to the number of ATK tests that will be performed at Home by people who suspect they may be Infected with Covid. Many of these will never be reported when positive, as the people will just take a Paracetamol or two, and refrain from going outside the Home a little ( or not ) All this will do is to transmit the Virus around Communities, as Home Isolation will not work, and the Authorities will not have any input into whether those tested are positive or not. Pharmacies should have to declare who they sell the tests too Ok, not all will be positive tests when taken, but the Authorities will know who is potentially positive. Or maybe they dont want to know,
  15. " Who will want to come here " The same question was asked about the Phuket Sandbox, and they still came. Ok ! not so many, but they still came. Thailands main issue as I see it , is that their main target Market of the Chinese now have their own issues with a Delta Outbreak that the Authorities are finding hard to control. All travel from China will cease for sure. I think we can all predict the outcome of any Major opening plans for Tourists in October.
  16. I wonder just how many of these " Applications " are just potential enquiries about Investment. Thailand has lost its luster and Vietnam will see most of that potential Investment.
  17. This entire Sandbox scheme is completely obscene. So many Old and Sick people that need Vaxxing, and all the Vaccines are being used on this Scheme when every Day there are more closures of Business and attractions that would benefit the Tourists. Every Day there are more Covid cases on the Island, and the erection of more Field Hospitals. As I say , Its obscene.
  18. Living within the EEC as I do, I see the effects of this Projects Half A@@@d Infrastructure. The whole EEC thing was instigated with absolutely zero consideration to any Infrastructure except for concreted Motorways and Roads . The whole project seems to be a a huge White Elephant IMO. The lack of Water resources within the entire EEC is a serious issue. With very little Rainfall over the last few Months, the level of Water in the Reservoirs is again very low. My SIL cannot even do her Washing because she has no water.
  19. And so many people that are hungry right now because of Covid would have loved to eat that Fruit at source or close by
  20. Maybe some of the $5 M was used to transport all 2 Tons of Mangosteen to Chiang Mai from the South, and a return with 2 Tons of Longanback to Songkla Oh ! This was how an Air Force Plane was deployed the other Day. A photo showed personnel loading single Boxes of Fruit. It wasnt even Palletized. Why give $5 M to wasters. The US has no idea, only Money to throw around in the hope of winning friends in SE Asia.
  21. With this number of Daily cases, the Economy really has little option other than to survive, Whether that means the Government have to dig into funds that have been allotted for other uses, or they need to borrow more Money, who knows. The Country is due to open in October, but there will be very few Tourists to fill the Government Coffers with Money. Many Countries around the Globe are still experiencing major outbreaks, and Thailands biggest Market for Tourists ( China ) has a new and ferocious wave of Delta they are struggling to control. Pattaya has already shelved its plans to reopen in September.
  22. At last ! Some sanity prevails. Without those Vaccines and a whole lot more, the resulting mayhem would have been the complete demise of Pattaya
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