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Posts posted by icare999

  1. It will not help your mood to discover (as I did last week) that it is far easier for a European with a Thai wife to visit the UK than it is for a British citizen with a Thai wife to do so.

    They can enter under EU citizen's rights rather than the usual immigration regulations.

    You are quite right. The right to free movement does not apply in your home country.

    to be fair reason is someone married to a UK citizen is far morel likely to try and stay . My this wife automatically gets free a shenken visa since uses married to a EEC citizen and she has a UK visa. Its automatic free and cannot be refused under EC rules. You apply for a EC family visa.

    Having said that we've found german immigration when visiting total bastards and swiss even worse and UK immigration people on arrival in UK really friendly. My this wife often comments how nice it is to visit UK since the immigration people are so nice and friendly unlike when we've visited many other places

  2. they are complete After 30 years together legally married for 27+ of those 2 children its still a hazzle and I've learnt only way to make sure is to provide tons and tons of evidence and loads of money in my wife name. Now she has a 10 year visa but to get it we previously did many tourist visas then 2 year then 5 year. My wife has several properties in her name and accounts in Malaysia and SIngapore with several million baht in funds and investments. We provide it all each time to each country and even then its always a huge hazzle. Often they ask why do you provide all this to which we answer so you have no excuse possible to not grant visa. Other countries have been same and before when thais needed a visa for Japan my wife supplied amongst other papers a bank statement showing over 10,000,000 baht of investments in her SIngapore account. She was told no good had to be in a This bank and that she did not have enough n her thai account. I told them ok well go put 1m ill ion baht in and come back later. They said that would be enough. Luckily I had a pass book of mine with over 1m ill ion baht in it and our marriage papers and they accepted that.

    I haven any many friends who have had their wives refused who are quite rich and failed to take my advise to shower the with ask uhf asset proof as possible preferably in wife or GF name

    I loathe and hate them

  3. Suthep admitted ordering troops to shoot at rioters with real shotguns but at below the knee level

    Oh, that's OK then. What a fine upstanding gentleman.

    and what on earth did you expect a government to do when red thugs were firing and killing soldiers and others thyeh ad plenty of warning that it was a live fire zone. Its amazing more were not killed and government bent over backwards tao try and avoid any killing

    I guess people like you would think its fine for a mob to kill army people who were trying to keep order and fine for them to have grenades guns and burn down parts of bangkok

    Your pathetic

  4. why 0on earth would anyone want to live in Pattaya if not for sex its a cesspit of sex and modern day sodden and gomora which is fines if your into that. Beaches are very polluted and much better facilities (except sex) in many other areas.

    If you have a family do you really want your kids in an area full of low life forang but if your single and dont mind crap forang (not all of them) then I guess its fun for a while

    ok its got a water park and some non sex bits but whole place is really 90% geared as a huge brothel.

  5. and what % of thai ladies re treated as doormats by forang ??

    depends what you mean by doormat Out of respect and because i want to i dont go clubbing (to old probably anyway) i dont stray ever i care for my family and if I'm honest improbably expect to much from my wife and probably dont have not contributed as much as i should have in helping with kids housework etc but then I'm a bit of a MSP man brings bacon woman looks after family and house even though we have 2 maids.

    If my wife really wants needs something I usually agree but I'm sure my for ends think I'm hen pecked but then most of them IMO have crap wives who dont really care for them at all. I also long long ago gave all our assets to my wife and kids in their names

    • Like 1
  6. MONEY.

    sometimes but its more about security IMO even in west I've known ladies in early 20's with a lot or money and earnings marry men in 50's or 60's who have far less although it is more common here and here not considered wrong. Of course theirs a lot of old poor western men who marry bar girls etc and some of the men are vile but quite often if marriage works lady is happy for security. Of course with no social security here and difficult to earn a lot nearly all ladies do not want to be lumbered with a man weather forang or This and irrespective of age who can't give a decent lifestyle.

    Its worked for me for 30+ years and I'm 30 years older than my wife. She always said she simply liked older men since younger ones were mostly no good weather thai or forang.

    ITs not always just money but these days same as west is often.

  7. So why was a tourist friend of mine "fined" 600 baht yesterday while riding his motorbike ,if this is a crackdown it aint working.

    come off it its only just begun give it a chance and you say fined do you mean he got a ticket or he gave police money Just ask for ticket and go to police station pay fine so your friend is a large part of the problem few times I've been caught wrong I've just took ticket no problem and gone down to pay fine at police station and got receipt etc

    • Like 1
  8. I guess getting an accurate percentage of Thais who support/don't support the coup would be a difficult task.

    In my case, here in Chiang Mai, I know a cross section of Thais.

    As a cyclist covering some 600km a week, week in week out, I get to meet other cyclists, shop owners and so forth.

    Incredible as it may seem, the only two people whom I have met who has expressed opposition to the coup are both farangs: one Swiss, one UK.

    But I would say I have spoken to (approx):

    12 shopkeepers

    10 Thai cyclists

    1 MD of a Moo Baan and his 'assistant'

    4 kids whom I coach

    8 family members

    Mae Baan

    approx 7 other people (friends of the wife and so on)

    That at a rough guess is 43 people.

    In addition my wife has numerous friends from Chantaburi, Chonburi, Isaan and Bangkok - all are 'working class girls or young men', most are married with young kids, some are ex-work colleagues. She claims a 100% support of the coup and goes further by telling me how angry people are at the past events and at those who continue to protest.

    I'm not claiming this is scientific. Just relating my personal experience.

    All are solid in their support for the current situation

    same with me and my wife family friends etc except we do know via the very expensive international school our 2 children attend several Thai woman married or mia noes of red shirts and Takins government and they are totally against but then they are very poor and only have mostly 8-10 million baht cars and a few simple 6-8 bed houses.

  9. A few years ago, I wanted to apply for a Visa Card at my Bank provider.

    I have always about 800,000 baht in my Savings Account and about 200,000 baht in my Current Account.

    The application was refused by the Bank.

    My ex-wife, who had no job and her only income was what I gave her possessed a Visa Card from every possible provider in Thailand and also many Debet cards.

    She applied for a Visa Card at the same Bank as me and got it approved.

    <deleted> the Thai banks.

    look its simple you can walk away as a forang and banks could do nothing while your wife as a thai can be found and traced easily. Long ago one of my wife's family guaranteed a loan for a mobile fro a fiend. The fiend never paid anything but wed moved and then even after 6 years loan company found her because shed changed her family papers and got money back.

    Thats reason the bak wont give you a credit card however much you might have in bank you can just leave and nothing they can do

  10. Let's just say, this video is very economical with the truth. The first few sentences already contained lies, Thaksin never passed the Amnesty law, he might have tried it, but it was never passed. I will refrain from some of the other <deleted>, except to point out that reform can only be performed if there is a government that has a clear electoral mandate.

    Of course after the reform by the militairy, there is no doubt the same people, or at the very least people from the same background and same methods will return to power, simply because a large part of the Thai electorate votes them into office, just as happens all around the world.

    come of it and Bush blair never killed anyone Taksin controlled ordered and his government passed amnesty bill

    What a prat you are

    If I ordered murder of my wife and arranged it by your logic i never did it pathetic

    • Like 1
  11. would it not be wonderful karma if this was translated to thai and broadcast many times over this TV to all Thais mu8ch more sense than Taksins red shirt radio constant drivel and lies

    Theirs little in it which is not true as no one with any brain can see

    I can dream but most of my dreams seem to be coming true and most evil person Thailand has ever produced seems to be defeated at last

    • Like 1
  12. sorry to hear that mate my this wife is best thing that happened to me At start sex was brilliant she was careful with money was a great housekeeper and is/was a great cook in kitchen, a great housekeeper, fantastic money manager, a whore in bed. Absolute heaven then around 10 years on she said I did not seem to be getting as much as i needed in bedroom department so she arranged a younger cousin to be my mia noi who if anything was hotter than used ever been. The cousin had a child who got on great with out children and had be3en badly let down by a forang and only want a bit of security and enjoyed bedroom. Only taboo was no 3 domes etc but not my scene anyway. Both now run a small business although they dont need to but wanted to help and kids are mostly grown up. The kids never knew what was going on and i hope they dont. So now 30 years on both my wife and mia noi have asked do i need a younger wife since irt would also help them with business and house etc.

    Perfect absolute bliss. I did used to drink a lot but not so id get silly drunk and she never minded apart from at start saying it was not good for me and made bedroom stuff less dramatic but she actually appreciated that side as her interest in it went down a bit.

    Ps: I forgot to mention my wife comes form a seriously rich this family (not this chinese) who gave her when we married many hundreds of millions of baht of property, land cars and shares in a few factories even though I said no need and even told me if nay of my family in UK were n need just ask. She also before she met me was a virgin had a first class degree from Cambridge university in UK and a masters from Yale.

    Only thing that annoys me is she ova that revolting fish sauce stuff that stinks like hell but is careful to eat it in one of our guest houses or at a friends when I'm not around. She also likes shoes and handbags but I live with that and pink.

  13. almost all marriages go thorough this after 10 years or so. Most women are simply after someone who loves them they can care for and have some security. Sure it gets a bit boring and yes being single can be fun but for me nothing makes up for 30+ years of bering with love of my life and our 2 children. It happened with my first wife after around 10 years and basically usually sex thing diminishes and man sees especially here os much temptation he's still a man while most woman are simply (not all) so made. Its mostly about sex and my wife is 30 years younger but I'm grateful as i got older and older while still active am not so much in need as when i was much younger and that this coincided with my wife getting more interested in family security and rest. Sure even at my advanced age i sometimes dream of temptations around me but pleasure i get from my family and I could never ever betray my wife like that means i make do with what i get and to be honest am very grateful she can still put up with a balding ugly very old pretty fat man while she's still very slim and attractive and mud more attractive than most 20-30 years younger than her in west.

    During our 30+ years it has been very close and at times I even got het to agree I could have am mia noi if I really needed it so much but i never did saying 3 times a night is fine dear ( a big joke of course I've never managed anything like that).

    I guess if you can provide for her for rest of her life and kids until they grow up in a reasonable style then maybe you should split. If not then your simply a low class low type of person.

    Its veery unlikely you'll find more contentment long term but also best to be totally honest and tell her how you feel and also find out how she feels. Marriage is really really wonderful but is very hard but i do feel sorry for friends who while they have constant fun going form post to post have nothing to really I've for except their own hedonism

  14. I could have spent that £4000 much more wisely, on beer, clothes, dj equipment and other things, what a waste of money!

    peanuts unless your one of these dirt poor forang here who dont have a pot to piss in. Ive given gladly many hundreds of thousand GBP over years to my wife but she's never been silly with money or given any to her family except minor presents when visiting. I have agreed over last 30 years to help with medical costs but always paid hospital direct and while at start her family I think expected more I always made clear apart form real (not made up) dire need they would not get a baht. SO who on earth cares about a mere 4000 gbp.

    You dont have maturity it seems or ready for marriage and seems obviously just jumped into it. I hope you dont have kids because I've seen to many forang here especially poor experts simply walk away from their responsibility.

    If you can afford it just tell truth and soften the blow by giving her as much as you can assuming your fairly young. You've had your pleasure and its certainly probably 90% your fault its not worked out but your wife whip is probably poor does not deserve nothing. At least you should give her 1/2 of what you have if your any sort of decent person

  15. so Taksin and red shirt supporters here your thieving heroes will be found out for piers and thieves they are most is in Taksins bank his clan and his top red shirts etc very little to poor some to not poor farmers. But sadly a lot of IMPO totally brainwashed people will still worship him and if after all this Thailand votes for him again then poor deserve all they get. I and most wont suffer not will rich

    Totally ridiculous anyone can support Taksin and anyone here who dies must be totally stupid or simply dont care about poor or mad

  16. And again the same family....

    For sure they are corrupt like hell, but your point is just as easily explained by selective law enforcement. Lots of Democrats, military, etc., are involved in corruption too but you don't read about it because they're "good people".

    come of it so lots of people kill so its ok i kill pathetic

    and I've been here 30+ years and by far Taksin and shins are far far far worse than any before

    Taksin took corruption theft and rest to a new level even most terrible dictators could normally only dream off

    And he nearly got away with it well he's got money lets see at end of his life if it does his soap any good.

    Most disgusting evil family ever bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif I'm many ways worst than Hitler or Idi Amin at least hey ere just plain bonkers and mad but like them Thailand would have e been a lot better of if he'd never existed or someone had or something rid world of him long ago

    YOur a complete idiot to compare Taksin with petty theft of previous people here and they were content to get their 10% and not hell bent on turning Thailand into their own state. They took their bit retired and left much like bankers and politiitions in west but in west its legal theft

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