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Posts posted by icare999

  1. This has always been the endgame scenario.

    Yingluck's deft hand was the only thing that delayed Sutheps bloodlust from eventuating much, much sooner.

    Now that she's gone Thailand and Thais are going to suffer a great deal.

    How we all will regret the day the silly corrupted and crooked courts were allowed to remove the only stable, level headed voice of reason in the land from the drivers seat.

    Good luck to all those brave (or foolish) enough to hit the streets in the coming days and weeks to defend democracy.

    Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Yingluck the voice of reason - she cant even put her vote in a box!! Hopw many times do you need to be told DEMOCRACY is not about pilaging a country to bring back a wanted dictator!!! Red apologists!!!!!!!!!!!! WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yingluck kept the coup mad criminal elite establishment at bay for nearly 3 years.

    An astonishing accomplishment.

    The pillaging of the country took place between 1932 and 2001.

    Thailands' enormous disparity in wealth distribution proves this to be true.

    TRT, PPP and PTP are righting the wrongs of the past and they will continue to do so as soon as they win the next election.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif dream on and your heroes are the ones new who have kept poor poorer and totally uneducated so much easier to brain wash them

    • Like 1
  2. good lets get rid of all nasty evil corrupt shin clan one down and a few to go.

    Worst lot I've seen in over 30 + years here and before anyone says others are also corrupt no way as greedy or nasty as this lot. Before it as a straight 10% but Taksin and his lot got over greedy. And don't say its not corrupt in west its just more hidden and worse in many ways. Directorships for MP s cushy jobs in UN etc for many jobs for boys and lucrative speaking tours etc make normal corruption here tame by comparison. Before its more like a tip and idd not need to be paid even for contracts. Taksin went way over top and his lot and him have and are bleeding country dry.

  3. Wake up. The money spent to subsidize private schools -- private schools -- is a drop in the bucket compared to rice pledging.


    I can tell you as a fact that subsidization of private schools is very minimal. My school gets NOTHING from the government.

    But I bet you are still on 50k or over.. cheesy.gif ...... ?

    and the point is. Teachers at good international schools 50k baht a month is the minimum doth confuse with lesser bilingual or english program schools were fees are really low. Top teachers at top international schools especially in BKK can get well over 200,000 a month and even in lesser cities top teachers can often get over 100,000 baht a month. MY children's fees are over 400,000 a year each grade 10 and 11 and thats no way near most expensive.

    • Like 1
  4. she was a great PM and really suprised me, i didnt expect she could step up but she did.

    her standout and defining moment, apart from her excellent election campaign, was how she handled the protesters. patiently she waited them out, eventually they lost supporters every week and finally there was hardly any left.

    compare that to Abhisit and Suthep who gave the order for live ammunition .... and killed almost a hundred.

    also the way she dealt with some pretty ugly, fanatical, hate filled opposition groups in the public.... when she responded it was with grace, dignity, unlike the ugliness from her opponents. and im sure some of that will be on display again in the responses to this post.

    anyhow, well done Yingluck....

    one borne every minute a great prime minister cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif​ a pup[pet of a convicted criminal never in parliament, allowed a bill to go through to give amnesty to 2500 criminals including her brother, oversees disastrous rice scheme, 1 tablet scheme, car scheme and lines pockets of her brother and hangers on robbing thailand blind. Yes a really great PM cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Thank god she's gone but wheel just be replaced by another Taksin appointed puppet and if This people are silly enough to let them in again then they deserve what they get which will for poor be more poverty and crap

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  5. its a buyers market from my enquirys and inspections over the last month or so, condos say in the 10 year and older bracket can be bought for up to 30.000 sq metre if we move into the newer ones approx. 50.000 sq metre and the brand new ones 60.000 plus is the call,naturally location plays a major role,in particular noise pollution,,that will dicatate the price,

    you are joking right or just totally out of touch We own condos around Thailand in Bangkock Hui HIn Pattaya and CM and I know condos which owners have tried to sell for years in CM suddenly are sold.

    It is a sellers market but IMO a bubble everywhere and just to much supply so a repeat of 1997 is going to happen only question is when in next year or next 3-5 years

    However long term over last 30 years we've done very well but you need to be able to weather the bumps

  6. idiot when will americans understand they aren mostly hated throughout world and should just mind their own business. Anyway a lot of Ukraine is Russian or its people are.

    This is totally stupid and caused totally by the americans yet again trying to support and foster unrest.

    Or they know the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. financially is about to hit big time and so what best way to distract than a war

    In end americans have had it they are yesterdays power and thank goodness since many are simply fed up with them

  7. I think most Thai women want to marry someone with whom they can be happy. Unfortunately, many Thai women cannot attract the quality of Thai men they can be happy together, often because of her poorly planned decisions earlier in life, such as not studying hard or forgetting to use a condom. As a consequence, they look for a foreigner as he is more accepting of her lack of education, Thai male spawn, etc.

    I see it more as a choice of last resorts for many Thai females. There are some well educated, childless young Thai women who look for foreign husbands as they believe, rightly or wrongly that western men make better fathers, are less likely to cheat and so on. I don't know if money has so much to do with it as money will never make you happy long term.

    so whats different in west even for most call calls or here bar girls Most girls woman just want some security someone who cares and a man who they can love While when young many can be as horny as any man most consider that side secondary and only pretend otherwise to catch their mate

    Sorry guys its not size of your great prick or skills (although some like thaT) that at tracks its nature way of survival

    Well thats what I tell myself when looking at those type of movies on which subject all woman I've ever known (or 99%) feel same way about their as my children used to put it boobies and assume all men want that

    But what do I know after 75+ years

  8. Is this the money that Suthep collected to give the Farmers?

    Is this the 30M Baht he said he collected?

    Or the 25 M Baht he gave to his friends the lawyers?

    Suthep is not interested in helping the Farmers, he just wants to create as many problems for Yinluck and the PTP as possible.

    Congratulations Dr. B on being the first one in this thread to attempt to defend these morons...although it was really quite a miserable attempt...!!

    1. How does this have anything to do with Suthep, apart from the fact that he raised money to help the farmers through their difficult period?

    2. Do you seriously believe that Yinluck (sic) and the PTP need any help in creating problems for themselves...?

    You, dear Dr, will need to try a great deal harder than this...!!

    The farmers will not get paid fully until after the election. When PTP return to power they will find a way to pay the farmers. It is Suthep and the EC who are using the farmers as pawns in their attempt to overthrow democracy.

    Suthep marched for 3 days to collect money to GIVE to the farmers, he then gave it to his friends the lawyers, they have struggled to find any farmers who want to be mired up in a long legal case because the farmers know that they will lose any chance of an earlier payment. As was said in an earlier post nobody ever gets paid halfway through the legal process.

    You say that Suthep collected money to help the farmers during a difficult period, do you think that the sheeple who gave that money wanted it paid to lawyers or farmers?

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif good try at defending the indefensible

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  9. congratulations Suphet at least whatever you've stopped for time being return with amnesty of IMO the most dangerous man for Thai democracy and for country returning.

    really well done putting a brake for time being on this vile totally corrupt regime and whatever happens even if they win again maybe they will be a bit more thoughtful before just blatantly doing whatever and robbing way in open blind the countries wealth

    clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif to Suphet

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  10. No, Khun Sutherp, it's not the final, many more to come.

    But at the end your cause will prevail.thumbsup.gif

    I suppose you suport a total dictatorship also? That is all suthep wants and when you suthep lovers get it through your heads it may be to late for Thailand.

    No, I was born and grew up in the country where Democracy was born.

    Yes, it will be too late for Thailand if we let this clan govern us.

    another naive forang who simply does not understand this is east not west and thinks their methods are best for all places. I wish forages would stop bringing their silly ideas of now things should be done to a country where things simply do not work same aqs west but in many ways work a lot better.

  11. I am 100% for anyone who stops Taksin turning Thailand into his own one party state but sort of agree Suphet should stop saying final. However I've noticed Thais have very short memories and believe anything told to them especially if it fits their views at all.

    TO give him his due he's stopped Taksin getting his amnesty stopped Taksins vile corrupt (worst in my 30 years here) government and has achieved incredible success particularly in keeping it going for so many months. Don't forget why this started as government trying to get a amnesty for their master Taksin and I doubt they will succeed in that now.

    Whatever happens he has probably put some brakes at least on this governments and with some luck destroyed it completely in the end

    Well done Suphet I my wife and many friends will support him until Takin is totally defeated and so will many many thais.

  12. st stay away and tell your clan to all step down and then their will be peace until then or until he is removed totally peace will never be achieved except by force.

    Taksin is cause of all troubles with his megalomaniac desire to make thailand his own Zimbabwe or north korea bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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  13. So, a revered monk, who you would expect to have renounced all material and worldly goods, can offer bt500,000 to the Royal Thai Police force, (to serve and protect), who need an "incentive/bribe/reward) to carry out their duty.

    maybe he has but had a fortune but then monks here do not renounce what they have nor are they expected to. This is not west monks and its not up to us to criticise the rules that govern monks here. After all church of england vicars which adel irk prestos can marry and have billions.

    If I was super rich id happily give much more to see one or more of those who cause so much mayhem here put in prison

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