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Posts posted by icare999

  1. Hahaha.

    This is becoming a complete and utter circus. How many heads are they going to cut, until there is a backlash?

    Franco governed for 36 years in Spain.

    Ending when he died in 1975

    Meanwhile the opposing team became educated.
    It wont matter what this General does.
    It doesn't matter how long the elite drag it out.
    How many human rights are trampled.
    History shows us, that one day in the future, the ''people '' always win!

    when they become educated they wont votes and support an evil would be dictator and I'm happy if army keeps Taksin out for next 10 years let alone 36 years

    Again well done Suphet and Army

    If Taksin got/gets his way then I'm 100% sure poor this would suffer much moire than under an army regime here in Thailand at least and I my family and many This friends would prefer heats happening than waiting 36 years for poor brainwashed Thias to be educated and realise how Taksin his clan and rest were many times worse than hose elite and rest

    Geto ver it your hero and clown are on ropes thank goodness

    Again well done Supet and Army and as someone said we were very close to A Taksin mugabwie type state

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    No red supporters here to say it was a plant by Suthep

    They can not respond, no freedom of speech anymore, they are living in your world now, enjoy it while it last!

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif that best you can do you'd deny thew holicost or what nazis did or even say pol pot was a victim of politics your pathetic bah.gifbah.gifw00t.gif

  3. lock all thieving Taksin clan up for good and well done Suphet without you they would still be bleeding country dry clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    At last get rid of all of them and fanatic red shirt as well - I hope at last poor can find a decent champion who really cares and then while some of hiso wont like it many Thias wont mind paying extra tax if they knew it was helping country and not going into Taksins pocket

    Their are many here who pay no tax particularly forang owning condos and the only reason tax people dont tax is it would also hurt likes of Takin and other hisos

    We earn a lot from renting out and wanted to pay tax but could not and even told by tax people why no one else does but if you have apartments and unlike us have a modest rental income (in fact legal allowances would mean very little tax in our case). SO we know many forang who get 100,000 or more rental income net after expenses and many who would be happy to pay but they can't believe it or not. Yes if they have apartment blocks or let to corporates they pay some voluntary tax.

    I really hope (even though wed pay some) they just look at all condo blocks and anyone with more than 1 condo check and charge tax.

    That applies to some here who openly ask questions regarding letting condos etc and work permits and hypocritically support Taksin and red 100% bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    theirs a small hope things can get better and fair for all not just people like us who are well off but for poor but if likes of Taksin win forget any change for poor

    Cone on red shirt and Taksin hypocrites answer or hard luck go home if you dont like it Thialand does not need or want you or your crook heroes and cowardly bullies (red shirts)

  4. barbaric but in 30+ years here I've seen it all time form parents and in public places Ive tried to intervene but thats quite dangerous

    While Thailand can be paradise and I've brought up a lovely family my 2 kids were never subjected to sang corporal punishment but they had privilege of going to good international schools

    Thais are mostly total cowards they beat children they beat their woman or many do and see nothing wrong in it

    And sexual abuse of young girls is totally rife here as well and many this see no problem with that

    But sorry to say its mostly amongst but not limited to poor uneducated and much more rife in rural areas and totally normal in Issan (sorry its true)

  5. what alarm theirs just a few silly folk like takins Amsterdam most are not alarmed at all

    In fact well done Army (and Suphet) you seem to be well on way of totally destroying Takin and his evil clan etc as well at last getting rid of reg shirt thugs. Sure some of hard core will try and continue but they will be rounded up and locked up

    well done about time

    And likes of Taksin supporters and red shirt lot well just to bad isn't it live with it or if your an ex pat go back home

  6. Did I miss something? You told her you were going to be at the school for 12 months but not in the apartment for all of that time, you gave a specific timeframe for being in the apartment, she wrote a 12 month contract and you signed it, then you're surprised when she turns out to be dishonest?

    Trying to make a stand and stop her from doing this sort of thing, either for your benefit or the benefit of future tenants won't work, her behaviour won't change. The second you're out her sight she'll just do whatever she thinks she can get away with, which is exactly what she's doing now. You'll have a heart attack long before you change the behaviour of people like that here man, you've got more important things to focus on, take care of your lady and the best of luck with the kid.

    sorry i missed that op signed a 12m onto contract so if thats true whats fuss we've let condos for over 20 years and all on 1 year minimum contract if tenant breaks it he/she is liable for rent for whole period and of course they are lucky if they only loose their 3 month deposit. We've had some clever dicks trying to not pay last months rent and they soon learn when water and elec are turned off. Any attempt at taking anything or anything iike that and police are called immediately. As I said we've let in Bangkok Pattaya and other laces for over 20 years and vast majority of our tenants are really happy but then we dont do down market places less than 20,000 a month.

    Ops a complete idiot he signed a 12 month contract and isl icky she's not demanding rest of 12 months rect

  7. Lol I'm not dead, yet....just working.

    Firstly I better put those minds at ease who are upset about the lack of paragraphs, the browser on my phone deleted the paragraphs when I posted to this site and it may have done it again this time around. But yeah, the area is in decline for sure, but this has more to do with cuts and reforms rather than a young broke guy wanting to retaliate for being callously ripped off.

    Thanks all, there really doesn't seem like much I can do and she knows that. Thailand is pretty lawless in comparison to the UK.

    I'm not sure why a couple of you say "learn from it", there's nothing to "learn" from and no way of avoiding someone steal your money. Also, not sure what you mean by saying I've been a year so I should learn about Thailand. You have no idea of what I know and do not know about the place. I can only assume from your lack of knowing me that you are referring to me wanting to strike back/get even/resolve this. That's not Thai but that's me, whether in Thailand or not. Sorry dude, that's not something that I can change, or something that I necessarily want too change.

    If you think all lawyers are always law abiding out of hours, you're very very wrong. They are humans too.

    Thanks again for the contributions, I'm going to keep the keys for 4 weeks and then give them back. I may as well limited her ability to rent it out if I'm paying for the month.

    well your right on one thing all lawyers are crooks only thing is they can do it legally they are scum of earth as far as most are concerned and bled their clients dry

    your an idiot thinking of keeping keys etc I bet as someone said your wife said you'd probably stay 1 year

    anyway your a complete idiot for not just walking away

    but up to you if you want more trouble you will get it for sure

  8. Yes they just opened yesterday. Talking with Dave last night and he said it was going good a little more work to do on the bread and it would be perfect. With Dave doing it you can be assured of quality and cleanliness.

    You do realize it is Dave from Dukes.

    As we know from the Dukes and the River Market Dave and Quality go hand in hand though I am surprised he opened up another restaurant at Promenada, certainly will give it a try in the near future.

    a recent visit to CM we went to River market and all 6 of us agreed one of worst meals wed ever had and stupidly expensive. Ive eaten in most places during visits to CM including most expensive and some of cheapest and River city was total crap. Maybe they had a off day or something but i and my friends wont be giving them another chance.

    We left most of food and went and ate elsewhere it was so bad and we've never done that before

  9. i'm not surprised quite a number of "hardcore" TVF members support this fascist coup, a coup btw widely condemned by academics/intellectuals and real Thailand specialists (not some chronic drunks from pats). the atmosphere on this forum is often right-wing and of course utterly simple-minded.

    edit: typo corrected

    who cares what you think and get over it I'm happy that at last Taksin and his vile lot might be out for good

    Who cares what academics think they are a bunch of tossers anyway. Ive spent my working life working with so called experts and rest and was considered an expert myself in my field but I was full of shit as are all of them. I just collected the money and laughed.

    I worked for UN world bank and many others and all without exception including me were a load of freeloading tosspots only difference is some of us knew it and just liked the system.

    • Like 1
  10. i'm not surprised quite a number of "hardcore" TVF members support this fascist coup, a coup btw widely condemned by academics/intellectuals and real Thailand specialists (not some chronic drunks from pats). the atmosphere on this forum is often right-wing and of course utterly simple-minded.

    edit: typo corrected

    who cares what you think and get over it I'm happy that at last Taksin and his vile lot might be out for good

    Who cares what academics think they are a bunch of tossers anyway. Ive spent my working life working with so called experts and rest and was considered an expert myself in my field but I was full of shit as are all of them. I just collected the money and laughed.

    I worked for UN world bank and many others and all without exception including me were a load of freeloading tosspots only difference is some of us knew it and just liked the system.

    • Like 2
  11. PDRC, TV anti-Thaksinistas, Suthepistas and Yellows wanted reforms, out with YS, block elections and abolish the government, senators, the house et al.

    You clamored, ranted and wished it:. There you have it and then some.

    Are you guys happy now?

    yes very very happy most of you red shirt lot simply have not been around to see what Taksin was doing to this country Ive been here over 30 years and saw writing on wall re Taksin over 10 years ago. Now theirs a Chance the Taksin cancer can be cut out completely and I my this wife and many this friends could not care less what the deluded brainwashed masses want or think.

    Rice scam, 1 tablet scam, car (for rich) scam and others. Enoguh was enough

    Very happy

    • Like 1
  12. Hmmm. Not many on here defending the coup now are there?

    i said and stand by it almost anything is better than having a one party Taksin state. This time I thick they have learnt and will finally get rid of shins or marganise them.

    Id rather live under the general than Takions vile regime anyway. Maybe Thailand needs a dictator for a while.

    I believe its simply a caee of learning from last time and this time once and for all getting rid of red shirt thugs and hopefully putting some reforms in place

    Well wait and see. I doubt any forang on proper visas or retirement will be greatly affected.

    Well done Suphet well done and tough titty to all those red supporters here who thought he could not do it. Looks like he has probably game set and match. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  13. Clever but obvious move to pay the farmers first. The coup ousted government were blocked at every turn when trying to pay them.

    The military have no such restriction.

    Suthep,sadly, has won hands down as the military are now implementing everything no sane person wanted to see. Unelected government and officials. Where is Suthep by the way?

    I think these guys are in it for a long ride, don't think you will see the illiterate great unwashed having an opportunity to express their democratic rights for some time to come.

    Thailand is in a very sorry state.

    its in afar better state than a few days ago when Taksins regime were still meant to be government

    Rice scheme scam, 1 tablet scam, car scam (for rich) and rest and then try to get amnesty for person whose caused more problems for Thialnd than any

    Well done Army well done Suphet

    Im very optimistic that this time unlike 2006 army have learnt a lot and this time shins will hopefully be defeated for ever

    So aloo you Taksin and red lovers to bad your master will loose in end and this time no mistakes. Compared with 2006 when I was here and previous coups when i was also here this one seems dry well planned organised and wonderfully done. Brilliant to get red readers arrested.

    So if Red shirt thugs want to risk their lives for a few thousand baht so be it but I think they will mostly just run like cowards they are.

    Taksin will try again to pay for violence but this time its not going to be allowed to get like 2010.

    So go cry in your beer you Taksin and red shirt lovers and like Binjarin go enjoy your privileged life surrounded by your bar girls. Most of you are just totally hypocritical and totally naive

    IT seems pouch and go for a while and it looked possible Taksin had maybe bought army. If he had then say goodbye to any form of democracy and hello to Taksin one party mugabwie look alike state at best

    Well do men Army and Suphet clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  14. The extra inheritance tax liability fallls upon the estate first not the recipient of the gift. It will be up to the executor of the will to sort out.

    However it sounds like the deceased was not ordinarily resident in the UK for tax purposes and probate may not be applied for in the UK so the liability may not arise.

    I do not think residency is the issue here. It depends on your domicile status. It is far more difficult to establish non-domiciled status than it is to become non-resident. If you still maintain contacts with your country of birth i.e. UK you can still be considered domiciled in the UK and subject to UK inheritance tax.

    correct and my last post saying non resident should have read non domiciled. Your also right that item ore difficult to prove non domiciled but I took advice on this many years ago and was told in my case with This wife 2 children living here then already 20 years and no place to live in UK It would be impossible for UK Ir to argue i was not non domiciled. In any case i ensured any assets i still had in UK were either transferred to my This wife over 10 years ago or what was left was below 325,000 threshold. I am however concerned that I still own investment property in UK which since let always UK IR can't argue i have a place to live but with silly UK property prices I might now be a little over 325,000 in UK. I gave all my non UK assets to my This wife and children here many years ago to avoid any chance of IH tax. Its ridiculous that IH tax should be paid by my wife if I die just because she is not UK resident.

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