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Posts posted by icare999

  1. "The court has accepted Wanthongchai's petition..."

    Can anyone recall where that was not the case, when a PAD-Dem guy comes running?

    What does this mean?

    Worse than Yoda

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    What I mean Thait Spot, is the easy access to "user-friendly" courts for PAD-Dem's.....They can come up with any challenge to the PTP elected Govt., and their courts will accept them.....Even when it is clearly Opposition folderol one would expect from any Opposition-type circumstance in a Parliamentary Democracy.

    The Judiciary in effect enables what ought to be challenges in Parliament, via the courts.

    It gives the Opposition relief outside parliament....Exactly what the unelectables want.

    It would be more proper that they be turned back by this judiciary, and told to take it to Parliament.....And then when they bleat "Parliamentary Dictatorship", they be told to adapt themselves to a diverse Thai electorate and win an election. That way they can establish their own "parliamentary Dictatorship".

    I have no problem with an electoral majority enacting an agenda and policy platform on the basis of which they have been elected. ....If some want to call that "Parliamentary Dictatorship" so be it......Works fine in the Parliamentary systems of Australia, Canada, England, etc.......And sure beats the USA system of congressional gridlock.

    <deleted> when will people here understand this is not UK Canada or any western country ?? do any of you rose tinted head in sand types think for one minute a fugitive on run would be allowed to run Thailand from abroad or rather run government.

    So please stop comparing oranges with apples

    • Like 1
  2. Its gone awfully quiet in here. Has the world ended already?

    the wet dreams of some goldbugs have ended. but hardcore bugs are still dreaming although they refrain to publish their dreams to avoid being ridiculed by hard facts.

    but as always... exceptions prove the rule.

    its not over as they say until fat lady sings I'm happy to have 50% of my assets in PM and started converting in 2008 with gold and around 2011 with silver. not bothered to much about short 2-5 year price and can live fine on other 50% invested in property and stocks. I treat it as insurance and until debt problems in world go prefer it to any fiat currency. I consider it just another currency but one which can't go to zero. If we need some oat we simply sell and if we have surplus fiat buy without worrying to much. Have down that for last 5-6 years.

    if it crashes (i mean seriously) then it means our other investments go up and income is safe if as is possible financial system collapses well be happy we have a large cushion.

    I leave speculation to those cleverer thane and prefer in my old age to be protected and no id not touch bonds or anything tied to governments or bankers

    physical only of course

  3. The Thai procurement process. There is a major source of corruption.

    All government projects are fraught with corruption. That goes from the top to the bottom.
    The problem is that these projects are not controlled and there is absolutely no transparency.
    And if someone asks, he will be bribed too.
    This works like this:
    The village chief and his assistants has submitted an application, for example a new road.
    He then gets the money for a concrete road 18 cm thick with steel reinforcement.
    His brother / friend who happens to have a construction business then building a road 10 cm thick and saves on steel.
    After 2 months you can then admire the village chief in his new Mercedes Benz.
    That runs so by all projects: rice, water, buildings, roads, hospitals, schools, trays, luggage scanners, fire department cars, etc.
    I hope they reform this crap. by making these processes transparent with a compulsory documentation. There must be-possible, in our modern media world, that anyone can see how much money the mayor gets in the hand for which projects.
    The problem is that the country's leaders do not want any reforms, as otherwise how they would then come to money.
    With honest work?

    viilage chief years ago he was probably the best skimmer in the business. He even doing now while skinning the fund's raised in the name of his protest movem

    Looks like you have copied a page out of Suthep's Diary from around 1970.. As we know he was a Village Chief years ago and that is likely when he learned how to manipulate and skim the people..

    The problem with many of today's commentators is that they are so motivated by their daydreams of their zero cost income that they think everyone is just like them.

    Any of you that have placed or managed high value contracts in China knows that Chinese contracts often go bad either when they discover that their low bid, that was only made so their lawyer could negotiate a cost plus price later, was anticipated in the buyers contract document.

    On other occasions when a Chinese business bid low the second second delivery comes from a factory no one ever heard of. In this case the subcontractor is unable to meet the specification.

    When you break open the second consignment from China you feel like crying because the possibility of litigating is minimal because they plead insolvency.

    If you want to understand industrial corruption go to China and get the facts not tear down your own government.

    The bottom line is don't place high value contracts with companies in China unless they are prepared issue their bond of guarantee.

    give it a rest <deleted> this is not about Suphet its about rotten to core shins and all u Taksin brainwashed lot can say is other side did it

    I killed my neighbour for money but its ok because his uncle killed his neighbour for money


  4. Police are really making inroads now arn't they, much to the disgust of the PDRC fan base

    They just picking them up when they stray from the flock!!! Best tactic and it has avoided clashing by going in with a hit team.

    This is who they'll get them all. and they'll all be much more wary now smile.png

    Be interesting to see if the Courts just let them go, as you do for insurection, trhying to overthrow democracy and blocking streets in a Capital City.

    Good they whisked him out the capital as well. The mob won't be marching around there in a red shirt area. Not now they down to their last 100 or 200!!

    well if red shirts arrested are anything to compare he will be out on bail in a day

    none so blind as those can't see. ok for Taksin to send in thugs to burn down bkk shoot and kill yet others holding mostly peaceful protest arrested

    this your Taksin regime but don't worry for any they arrest another 10 will take over

    say good bye to your beloved sick government soon

    1 arrest after what 3-4 months really good cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  5. "Yingluck reportedly often works at this office"...

    Doing her nails is work?

    Do you have a link to the source of this claim?

    If not, then please don't post worthless nonsense.

    If I want such nonsense, I can ask my 5 year old. I expect a little bit more from discussion forum.

    its not true she has a team of beauticians do it for her while at office spending her time reading travel mags and shopping mags. does anyone really believe she could do anything herself cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  6. I just recently tried to have my house in buri ram transferred into my daughter name as my wife died.

    Went to the land office with my attorney and they flatly stated that she had to be 20 years old. As usual Thai's are very quick to take advantage of situations and my farther in law transferred it into his name.

    I don't know where all these people are coming from stating that property can be in a thai name at any age.

    A new twist to this tale. So which one is it, can it be done or not?

    Have anybody actually successfully done it?

    our 2 children have had property in their name since they were a few months old so its total bs but maybe in case of death it would depend on will

    i also recently transferred 2 condos into our minor kids name which i owned and my wife transferred some land to them also both are still minors

    we have a lot of land and property far more than we will ever need or want and its theirs for university whatever when they reach 20

    land and houses and condos here are very cheap or ones we have are and even now with higher prices a reasonable house can be built for 10-14k gbp and small condos in thai blocks go for 200-700k baht

  7. I can't read Thai. Since you can, please point out to me his signature. Is this a document he would have signed? When Thai 's buy land in Thailand, since farangs can't, do they also have to sign documents like in other countries?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    You have a lot to learn. My signature is on both land deeds and house deeds... maybe a law you never knew existed.. as most don't, when they get raped.

    They are also on 'beige paper.'....not white, and they are stamped....... what you see is a load of codswallop.

    Did you see a signature on the paper in the OP? Nope, thought not....

    Think again..... not digging at you.... asking you to look carefully....

    I can confirm you are 100% correct. I own land in my wife's name and I co-own our house and am on the mortgage and the title., and had to sign papers on a few occasions for buying 3 parcels of land.

    The letter in the OP is deffo a fake. It is missing so much to make it authentic..... Just another smear campaign from this transparently childish government.

    Thank you for the confirmation. What is more, that many don't know, is that the insurance states that if anything happens to me, like death, my wife gets nothing.

    If anything happens to my wife, in death, I get the lot, in my name. I assume that is what you have also???

    I have gone off-track, but this is a reality, even if the mods decide to remove this for not being on topic.... but it is something many need to know! offtopic2.gif.pagespeed.ce.kcjFR6YG46.gi

    <deleted> you love your wife so much bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif my wife has all anyway and have ad for last 20 years

  8. For the recent election PT rolled out the same tired posters from the last election and lined them along the highway through the village here.

    No 300bht minimum wage here.

    Wifeys graduate friend is on 9000bht pm.

    None of the rice farmers have been paid for the last crop.

    And not a single tablet has been delivered to the local school for the Prathom 1 students there.

    but they still vote for their hero taksin don't they

  9. No surprise at all.

    Politics is a dirty business.

    Perhaps there may be a few exceptions, but politicians are self serving greedy <deleted>.

    come on its peanuts and bs i know a minor politician here who has just given his mistress 10 million baht bmw and bought 8 new town houses for her her kids go to same school as our. totally for tasking of course and she says she cares for poor bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  10. The Suthep apologist's here defending the actions of the gunmen should hang their heads in shame. Take a good long look at yourselves.

    I'm proud that suphet has balls to stand up against your red thugs and their master take a good look yourself at who you are supporting and his vile doings how about condemning gunmen on both sides instead of talking total crap

    • Like 2
  11. Corruption was at its very worst long before Thaksin. Massive massive corruption.

    The reason the whole country in effect voted in TRT and Thaksin was to reduce corruption. They thought he was already massively rich and he would therefore distribute money to all the people, not just keep filling the pockets of the Bangkok elite.

    He did that, people all over the country benefited. The health care scheme, money being spent on new roads and airports all over the country. Bangkok finally after about 40 years of corruption got its new airport built.

    Corruption fell under TRT and things actually started to get done, Thailand boomed............

    But this made him a very popular man in Thailand. TOO POPULAR.

    And what happens to popular people who threaten "old money" is they get taken out, they get disgraced with fake charges, they have massive propaganda against them and get killed or exiled. Its happened in many countries all over the world throughout time.

    If you had been in Thailand in the 1970's and 1980's you would know the real meaning of corruption on a massive scale.

    ....finally someone who does have a clue.

    bs I've been here 30+ years and its never been as bad as under taksin regime

    • Like 2
  12. Absolute disgrace for the leader of the wrongly called Dems!

    ...wrongly called Dems was how the Economist magazine this week referred to The Democrat Party. Well worth a read is this weeks edition. Concise and to the point unlike many of the utterances on this thread.

    yes lets have taksin one party regime no thanks ill go with sup hep and pray taksin looses or all you red bs people if you lives here will see soon enough pathetic brainwashed sheep

  13. Do your own research, youll come up with the same basic facts, unless your blind.

    Suthep and co are FINISHED pretending they are a peaceful movement, im sure some are but this lot certainly arnt .. credibility quite literally shot to pieces.

    you and others have been saying suphet is finished for months accept then truth this has just begun and IMO taksin is one finished

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  14. Why didn't the soldiers come earlier in the day to remove the protesters and stop this from happening in the first place. This idea to wait until shots are fired isn't a good policy to stop violence.

    How about because that's the job of the police.

    The cretin is shooting for an hour and plod no where to be seen. Either scared shit less or ordered to keep away. Where is hardman Chalerm and his much vaunted riot snatch squads. To busy listening to Skype?

    So you think the threat of violence by armed terrorists should make the authorities remove peaceful demonstrators.

    Strange the only prove so far I have seen in pictures and videos is your "peaceful" demonstrators firing with guns at their opponents? Some openly in front of journalists - same trying to hide their guns under plastic bags when they fire.

    And since when is the destruction of voting material, storming and occupation of government offices, holding people against their will, theft, illegal possession of firearms and explosives (all documented after arrests) violent obstruction of voters, illegal closure of main roads, coercion, intimidation - peaceful?

    sorry taksin showed the way and that truth might hurt red supporters buts its still truth

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