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Posts posted by icare999

  1. IMO its doomed anyway as are all diet currencies in not to distant future however in short term if yes vote wins it seems almost sure that GBP will fall a lot and so while we keep very little cash (mostly prefer gold and silver and real assetS) relative small amount (less than 20k gbp) we kept in cash in UK we transferred out a few days ago and converted to USA $. If vote is no well convert back to GBP and havel oat about 1% so its a form of insurance just in case or well just buy more gold in US$

  2. sack your accountant since your totally wrong if your non resident thetis no CGT to pay until this changes as announced inn budget from April 2015 rule is if you return to become resident within 5 years after sale then CGT tax is payable

    Sack your self, it's six years! CGT doesn't kick in until the after the first three years, the last three years are excused.

    where on earth did you get that idea total crap sorry I've been doing property in UK for 46 years and your poster is total nonsense go check IR website unbielievable the nonsense posted here sometimes but up to you and others if they want to believe it

  3. The property and inheritance taxs will hit the poor and middleclass alot more than they let on.. most poor and middleclass rent, rent will be raised, owners of the land that slum shantytowns squat are more likely to throw them off and sell the land in order to avoid the tax.

    and if its no longer worth keeping with new taxes whose going to buy it. You should read a bit about basic supply and demand. Anyway as long as unlike UK inheritance tax is fairly low say 10% over 20 million baht then it wont be a problem IMO. In UK its 40% over a measly 315,000 gbp and only hits middle people since unless they have many millions its very costly to employ various very expensive tax accountants to use all possible ways around it. Unfair taxes is one but onto nil reason i left UK back in 1970's and have kept our assets in UK below inheritance tax threshold since then. I took rest out as soon as they abolished exchange controls (yes under socialists in bankrupt UK you were not allowed to take your money out of the country).

    However if UK had a fair inheritance tax system i would not have minded my heirs paying 10 or 15%.

    Provided Thailand keeps any IH tax only payable at say over 50 million baht and then say maximum 10-15% well still have most of our assets here. If not well just irk i and many have done in UK move it to a fairer place.

    Ive worked all my life to build what consider a reasonable legacy which while it may seem very large to some is fairly modest and I'm not letting some government take it without a huge fight or easily. I do however believe in those like me who bare better off paying a reasonable amount to pay for a welfare system for those who deserve it but noir for as in UK millions of scum scroungers.

    IMO any land or propertied tax should only be paid if its is to be fair on those very wealthy say those with over 50 million baht worth of property and land or better say only on individual bits worth over 10 million baht or in the case of land say over 5 rai.

  4. Lets go back and have another look at the latest report on post #91 regarding the 5 suspects now in custody.

    "Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Somyos Poompanmuang said they were only responsible for battling with troops and firing at the protesters during the red-shirt protests"

    So as well as shooting at the army they also shot at the protesters. This is confirmed later in the report :

    "Pol Gen Somyos said the five suspects confessed during the police interrogation that they were involved in the shooting of army troops and civilians near the Democracy Monument on April 10 at the height of the red-shirt protests against the Abhisit government."

    Later in the report we see:

    "The five suspects said they were taken into the protest rally site in a van and were designated to fire with no fixed targets.

    They also claimed they were not given training in the use of weapon by anybody."

    So they were recruited by somebody as yet unnamed, given weapons which they were not trained to use, taken in a van by an unnamed driver to the protest site and told to shoot at anything that took their fancy.

    So just how many of the 91 deaths that are being blamed on the army were in fact inflicted by these (and others) untrained MIB who were taken to protest sites with the intention to have them shoot and fire grenades at the army and civilians ?

    To put it another way " Who has committed premeditated murder by sending these men to deliberately shoot at the army and the protesters ?"

    I have rarely seen such a nonsensical post lapping up the Junta's PR and making ridiculous assumptions.To be fair to the Junta it may well be some of the unbelievable points raised in the article were just dreamed uop by some retard in the police department, desperate to curry favour.Anyway it's pointless debating with the quisling mentality.The main point which I suspect will have occurred to most is the ludicrous behaviour of the police in dressing up the "suspects" in black and attaching a red armband.I have no idea about the men in black but have little doubt there was a violent element among the redshirts.Still I (and I suspect most members) can recognise a crock of shit (ie this story) when I see it.

    if Thais believe it then I dont care its time to give Taksin a bot of his own medicine and since poor are incapable IMO of seeing through Taksins's and red shirts propaganda and so continue to worship him (or some do still at least) then ill support any form of propaganda which might turn brainwashed away and then if they can fine someone who really cares about and if they wake up and understand they wont get more than crumbs unless they stop just accepting a few baht for their support then ill criticise

    Until then you need to fight fire with fire

    Hitler got away with it as have many evil dictators by pure very clever lies and proporganda and Taksin has to be fair to him been a master at that hence his support

  5. Have been non-resident for tax purposes for many years but had to pay CGT on sale of a UK property last year and another this year. All done via my UK accountant who is normally very much on the ball. Have double checked with him but it was something this gov brought in early on.

    If that's not the case, would really like to know.

    I still get an Inland Revenue form for every tax year though it's normally 'nil' to declare.

    As of now I don't own any UK property or have any income there until my State Pension kicks in. Not sure whether to start taking it now or wait till I need it.

    Although I work on 'mobile' offshore rigs I let my Seaman's Ticket expire thinking it wouldn't be of help any more.

    I know the 'night spent in the UK' rule but haven't been there for a few years anyway.

    What do I know, just a simple drilling hand.

    From HMRC website (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/international/tax-incomegains.htm)...

    Capital Gains Tax

    In general you will not be liable to pay tax on capital gains if you are not resident in the UK but there are exceptions. Read more in the section 'Tax on capital gains from assets in the UK' later in this guide.

    Tax on capital gains from assets in the UK

    If you're not resident in the UK, whether you pay Capital Gains Tax on UK assets will depend on a number of factors:

    • if you have previously lived in the UK, and if so, when you left the UK, the period of time you were resident in the UK before your departure and the length of time you live abroad
    • whether you are still ordinarily resident (only for tax years up to and including 2012-13) in the UK - that is, your normal home is the UK
    • whether the assets are held for the purpose of carrying out work through a UK branch or agency

    This website has details about CGT only starting in April 2015 --> http://www.step.org/details-uk-plans-capital-gains-tax-non-residents-property-disposals.

    I looked into all this via a tax advisor and was told I didn't need to pay any if I sold my UK property. Maybe you have different circumstances. Ask your accountant why you aren't exempt. Does he know that you're non-resident for tax purposes? Have HMRC agreed that you are? And to be clear, being out of the UK for a few years with the intention of returning does not give you non-resident tax status. You may not pay UK tax in the years you're away, but you are still resident for tax purposes, meaning you'd still pay CGT on UK assets.. Non-resident tax status is for people that have permanently left the UK and severed all ties and have no intention of returning. That's what I have done. Left 4 years ago and haven't been back at all. I don't intend to ever live there again.

    This government documents seems to clear state that they are changing the rules from April 2015 because non-residents currently don't have to pay CGT. So I think only your accountant can know why you paid it.


    You would be classed as being exempt from CGT if you have been non-resident for 5 full tax years, that's as it stands now !

    i think you'll find its if you become resident in next 5 years after becoming non resident

  6. At the moment people that are non-resident for tax purposes don't have to pay CGT on UK assets. This is due to change in 2015. But apparently only the increase in value from 2015 onwards will be taxable. But no idea how they will work out that value. Not finalized yet, but seems pretty certain to happen.

    Too late I'm afraid, CGT is already in effect. Had to pay it on one property last year and another this year.

    Doesn't apply to your principle residence (unless you're an MP and can juggle this around) but the Ex got that anyway.

    Regarding pensions, tax allowances, etc., they don't care about us expats simply because we can't vote.

    I think many Brits that come to live here keep ties with UK and don't even want to be non-resident for tax purposes. So they are still in the tax regime and so have to pay CGT.

    You said you had to pay CgT. But are you non-resident for tax purposes? Is that what you claim on your self-assessment and have HMRC agreed with you if you have?

    Have been non-resident for tax purposes for many years but had to pay CGT on sale of a UK property last year and another this year. All done via my UK accountant who is normally very much on the ball. Have double checked with him but it was something this gov brought in early on.

    If that's not the case, would really like to know.

    I still get an Inland Revenue form for every tax year though it's normally 'nil' to declare.

    As of now I don't own any UK property or have any income there until my State Pension kicks in. Not sure whether to start taking it now or wait till I need it.

    Although I work on 'mobile' offshore rigs I let my Seaman's Ticket expire thinking it wouldn't be of help any more.

    I know the 'night spent in the UK' rule but haven't been there for a few years anyway.

    What do I know, just a simple drilling hand.

    sack your accountant since your totally wrong if your non resident thetis no CGT to pay until this changes as announced inn budget from April 2015 rule is if you return to become resident within 5 years after sale then CGT tax is payable

  7. No truth in that story at the moment. But if those UKIP nutters got elected very possible

    This story is definitely true and is being discussed, so not sure why you think it's not true, unless you're just a troll. Will affect me, as I'm non-resident for tax purposes and therefore assume I wouldn't be considered as having a close connection with UK. I left many years ago and have no intention of returning. So if this tax is introduced I'll be $2K a year worse off, unless I sell my UK properties, which I'm now considering. Not because of this tax, but because now may be a good time to sell - high prices, CTG probably coming next year, etc.

    Too late I'm afraid, CGT is already in effect. Had to pay it on one property last year and another this year.

    Doesn't apply to your principle residence (unless you're an MP and can juggle this around) but the Ex got that anyway.

    Regarding pensions, tax allowances, etc., they don't care about us expats simply because we can't vote.

    nonsense CGT is not payable at moment for non residents provided you dont return and become resident within 5 years of sale If you paid threw obviously you were stupid or not classified as non resident

  8. I rather had in mind a longer period of analysis than just one month, I was thinking in terms of a profile and comparison covering say, the past two hundred years!

    We weren't around 200 years ago. How about we deal with what's happening right now?

    Taking a snapshot in time doesn't establish a trend or provide for sensible comparison against anything, stating that a series of events happened in a particular month is meaningless.

    nonsense it shows as we all know a number of muslims are murdering bastards who do not belong in human race and while up to recently i have tried very hard to

    speak out for moderate slims now I'm as racist if you like as most in UK. I now know none who does not loathe despise and hate all muslims to some degree weather its

    fair or justified its a fact and it will explode sadly

  9. this is rife throughout thailand If you follow thai news their seems to be a similar case almost every day where a poor young child female is raped and often killed and thais dont seem to care.

    Thais know this and those who care dont let their young daughters out of sight for a minute unless they are at school or at a friends house but definitely not an uncle or other male member of the family or workers of any kind

    Im very old but if i ever had time n a room with one of these animals tied up he (and often a she accomplice) would be begging for death by end of first day. Yet often they get a smallish jail sentance bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  10. The headline could have more accurately read "not yet to indict". The evidence needs organising for a criminal case, and efforts need be made to fill evidential gaps. I don't find it surprising for the AG to opt for the joint AG-NACC committee approach.

    It is my fervent wish that you are right. The cynic side of me says that this is a common way to draw out the process untill nobody cares, or until everyone involved is too old to stand trial.

    Let's hope you're right though, and that justice will come to those who have so callously squandered the country's money which is, after all, our hard-earned tax money.

    and governments in west squander lots more n banker <deleted> and rest Corruption here is mild compared with UK and west its just more hidden in UK and west and legal bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  11. The truth, by definition, can not be racist.

    It's true these were Pakistanis, to say otherwise is simply not the truth

    It's true these were Muslims, to say otherwise is simply not the truth.

    If you speak the truth then no right minded person can call you racist.

    actually i dont care about being called fascist never did but then i never used to be but now i am and after seeing panorama film on this even though a lot of blame can be laid at door of Police Social workers and even parents at the end of the day it was muslims who did this and allowed to do it.

    So now I'm 100% fascist against most muslims and dont care if I'm banned or prosecuted for saying what 90% + of UK are saying privately

    Id even go as far as voting for total exclusion of all muslims form UK and even though i used to loathe BNP would probably vote for them even if it was just to jolt authorities out of their PC crap

    • Like 1
  12. This is no doubt a big problem but it's amazing that some of the posters that make sensible posts on other topics turned out to be racist.

    And how does criticizing a religion and the action of it's followers show someone to be racist? It's this kind of thinking that allowed Rotherham to happen in the first place.

    And 'simple1'. Has it bothered you that none of your posts get a 'like' in this thread?


    To add...

    I have not one iota of sympathy for the criminals who have carried out the crimes in the OP. Government agency staff who have failed in their duty of care should be investigated and if sufficient evidence be prosecuted with the full force of the law, including the criminals.

    If UK based Imams, or others, are using language that encourages criminal activity, including terrorism, they should be prosecuted. Those going overseas to fight with the likes of IS, I would prefer to see return to their home countries and be sentenced to life in prison, not refused re-entry so they can carry on with their crimes against humanity overseas.

    I do not concur with the blanket condemnation of all Muslims that is so prevalent in this forum. Posts have included called for genocide, nuclear attacks on the populations of Islamic countries, forced deportation of all Muslims etc etc etc These type of posts do get 'likes' on this forum & if my memory is correct, includes you and others in this topic.

    The muslim community by alloying this and pathetic police and social workers are ones who make even most liberal person (as i used to be) want all muslims out however unfair that may be. PC idiots might want to try and suppress the halted their is but everyone I've met now loathes and hates all muslims. In past I've even left parties inn disgust when someone voices their views of what they would do to all muslims but its getting more and more and i no longer even try to defend muslims given most seem to want us dead.

    This will explore for sure and their will be a mass uprising which PC lot would not believe unless very soon the Muslim community and UK throw out all muslims preaching violence or even insisting on their own schools.

    Enough is enough and soon it will get very bloody and people to blame are PC lot and muslims who dont stand out against their vile fanatics and like germans in WW2 their is a real danger of unimaginable horrors

    Personally I do feel in some ways parents knew and could have down more even when police and rest ignored their cries for help. If it was me and one of my daughters least id do is leave the area and probably id end up killing one of these vile scum or i hope i would

    yes I'm not only angry the hatred is now reaching into me and many others

  13. Chancellor Kohl of (Western) Germany said after the merge with DDR: never fight about what you can buy. A lot cheaper.

    Only... you have to be willing to pay the price, in this case: stop all business with Russia ( and Ukraine) till a settlement is agreed and followed up all can live with.

    As a reporter at British TV said: in the 20th century we fought with tanks, in the 21st we fight with banks.

    Some ideas of the economic strength according International Monetary Fund (2013)[13] GDP (Millions of US$)

    EU + USA + Canada + Australia = US$ 37.500 Billion versus Russia US$ 2.118 so 5,6% of the "opposition".

    I know.. in fact you have to compare "purchasing power", but still... when the "WEST" really wants, they can strangle Russia, maybe not in 14 days, but in 14 weeks, with Russia needing 14 decades to recover.

    23px-Flag_of_Europe.svg.pngEuropean Union[n 1]17,371,618[16]123px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.pngUnited States16,799,700223px-Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China9,181,377[n 2]323px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.pngJapan4,901,532423px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.pngGermany3,635,95923px-Flag_of_the_CIS.svg.pngCIS[n 3]2,808,844[16]523px-Flag_of_France.svg.pngFrance2,737,361623px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.pngUnited Kingdom2,535,761722px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.pngBrazil2,242,854823px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.pngRussia2,118,006[n 4]923px-Flag_of_Italy.svg.pngItaly2,071,955ASEAN[n 5]2,012,447[16]1023px-Flag_of_India.svg.pngIndia1,870,6511123px-Flag_of_Canada.svg.pngCanada1,825,0961223px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.pngAustralia1,505,277

    what a load of BS your lumping rest of world all with USA against Russia when most of countries you mention would at best be neutral and in case of many probably actively support Russia at least financially

    Its also almost certain most of europe would not go along since they need Russian Gas and while they would pretend to would not do anything UK would also cave in and not support as they did with Syria and if you try and bully Russia you will be in for a huge hiding. Anyway areas in contention are mostly russian speaking and most probably want like Crimea to be allied to Russia.

    Leave well alone Russia is not some tin pot country you can bully and trying to do so will only result in making it worse you'll see

    • Like 1
  14. EUROOE, full embargo on all impirts/ expirts to Russia.

    Eurooe, restrict/ freeze all financial transactions to Russia.

    Opec, drop prices on oil to europe.

    Russia becomes a 3rd world nation overnight.

    Russia is relegated to the dark ages.. no cash...no power!!

    nonsense Russia is in bed with China and Bric countries and if west tried this they would be ones going down the pan when Russia cuts of gas to europe and dumps USA bonds Iran would get into bed with Russia and Opec would also stay out of it

    Russia will get its way and have a pro russian part of Ukraine and nothing the west will do about it so after a lot of fighting talk from USA UK and rest in end west will have to be happy that Russia only takes parts of Ukraine. Its already a done deal and agreed and west will claim it won because it held back Russia from taking all of ukraine

    get over it a new world order is fast coming and china could destroy USA at a stroke if it dumped its USA bonds. OF course they would loose a lot of money but soon they wont care because they have been buying up all gold they can as fast as they can as have Russians and her probable allies.

    AS always USa interferes and creates a huge mess and caused all this in first place by trying to put a pro western government in Ukraine via a coup in all but name So greater record USA in causing deaths mayhem and huge suffering around the world





    numerous small states run by vile dictators put into power by USA

    And never learn now lets <deleted> up Ukraine

  15. He could take Kiev but when Moscow is vaporised, he can say "I told you". Sounds more like Kim Jung Ill (aka short fat guy) is writing his speeches.

    dont be an idiot no way will USA attack Russia over Ukraine and its not a member of Nato. I doubt Russia would do it but its true they could probably take kiev and hold it in 2 weeks but i doubt they want that.

    End result will be a pro russian part of Ukriane and west will do nothing but wring its hands and its all USA fault for supporting a vile ukraine right wing fascist government

    Time USA was put in its place most of world hates USA and americans and with good reason since all they touch turns to ashes

  16. dont know per day but married wife 2 kids and we always buy quality dont eat out much at all probably 40,000 ++ i know its a lot but as i said we dont skimp on good food and wherever you are in world quality good food costs especially if you like beef and some forang foods

  17. <snip>

    Britain has joined with the EU and no longer controls is sovereign borders nor does it make immigration policy. The wackos can waltz in, get benefits, fail to assimilate, and it's actually perfectly legal for them to do it.


    The EU does not control the UK's immigration policy; but as a member of the EEA the UK is signed up to the EEA freedom of movement directives.

    These directives only apply to immigration from within the EEA; from outside the EEA the UK's own immigration rules apply.

    This includes being prohibited from claiming any public funds and having to pass two English test of increasing difficulty as well as a Life in the UK test.

    Most immigrants do attempt to integrate; although ghettoes do arise; mainly due to the indigenous population moving out when immigrants move in. That has always been the way, unfortunately, and certainly does nothing to help integration.

    When among themselves most immigrants probably talk in their native language; just as my wife and her Thai friends do.

    How many posters here who live in Thailand have made any attempt to learn Thai, let alone integrate into Thai life?

    but unlike muslims the other immigrants dont go around saying death to non muslims same as we dont go around here causing any problems or most of us and we dont definitely say death to non cristians. All other or most immigrants do integrate they dont demand their own schools their own form of justice and the rest as most muslims do

    Time to kick them all out I say or at least any that are not prepared to accept UK is white non muslim mostly and leave majority alone

    their will be blood since everyone i know is totally fed up and now anti muslim as i am. I was very Pc before but enough is enough and now i loathe them all like nearly all do in UK

    • Like 1
  18. Only themselves to blame. They could have voted in a government that would improve drainage instead of building shopping malls.

    yes, you are right. The former government got already plans ready to improve drainage problems. Now it's all on hold....Building new police stations are more important...

    nonsense plans plans plans but nothing done they had years to do something so your talking crap

  19. see what happens when Army take over this would never happen under Taksins government because they cared for common people and if Suphet had not stopped them governing they would have prepared ready for this years rains.

    Thats what I'm sorry to say poor believe

    and i even heard at a red shirt rally the speaker blaming last Dem government for rise in price of gold and when Taksin came back gold would be a much lower price and so all could afford it.

    Apart from anything else Taksins government gave 1 millin (i think it was raised to 2 million after last election) to all villager heads for community projects and of course bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif it was not a bribe and moneys were wisely spent on pick ups, mobiles and rest for village administrators

    I think Army should stagy in control for at least 10-20 years since sorry poor are just to uneducated and gullible to deserve a vote

  20. YES!!! Over the past several years in England the militants etc. have hidden behind the protection of the governments "politically correct" agenda. "Do not say anything to offend them", we are multicultural, why is it though that in their country there is no such thing as multicultural? well, it is too late, they have taken over I am sad to say. sad.png

    p.s. It is a well known fact that by the year 2021 their will be enough muslims in the uk to vote in an islamic government....facepalm.gif

    Actually it's well known fiction. Another claim that there will be a majority by 2050 has been peddled around but, of course, is also fiction. Currently Muslims make up 4.8% of the population which is almost double the amount 10 years ago. The question is why? Are there more Muslims or are more Muslims identifying themselves as such following the recent wars? The answer is a bit of both and looking at recent trends in immigration and assuming things stay the same, by 2030 Muslims will make up 8.3% of the population.

    "in their country there is no such thing as multicultural", is a ridiculous generalisation. In Indonesia, the worlds biggest Muslim country, there are all five of the major religions and although there have been religiously motivated problems there is multiculturalism like nowhere on earth; 300 distinct ethnic groups and 706 languages spoken.

    so it doubled in 10 years to around 5% Its possible it could double every ten years so by 2024 possibly 10% and 2034 20% and so on Its not going to get better thats for sure./

    they simply dont belong in UK IMO few of them share our values our culture our way some (to many) are fanatic extremists and they will never ever integrate properly so before its to late:-

    throw out any extremists or those perching any form of rasism towards non muslims. If they only have Uk citizenship but them in prison period.

    throw out ants who try and bring their own form of justice schooling etc into our schools councils and public bodies

    ban any sectarian schools except christion ones (we are a christian nation)

    Allow those who remain to practice their religion privately but not publicly but do allow those muslims who accept this to live peacefully

    Totally ban any further slims from entering to live here even relatives. Other cultures which do not cause mayhem these muslims cause can still come since most of them integrate peacefully and dont try and push their reed onto others.

    time for action but i fear its to late and by the time most realise its gone to far their will be mass violence against all muslims innocent and fanatics

    Everyone I know hates them with a vengeance and most now stopped differentiating between good muslims and fanatics.

    UK has welcomed manes people here and almost all except muslims have integrated well or at least not tried to impose their culture way of life ideas onto the UK natives.

    MYself i happy with almost any immigrants of whatever culture but not muslims since they have shown themselves to be not worthy to be allowed to stay.

    No one here would dream of trying to impose western Christianity onto thew Thais (except missionaries who id also throw out of Thailand)

    Can you imagine a group of forang insisting Thailand adopt christian schools christian values (well some del but they are strupid) and even had members openly advocating death to non christians.

    My This wife just can't understand why Uk allows these people and even gives them money etc

    Did you not make it past the second sentence? Again, If you look at recent trends in immigration, rather than just how many people tick the Muslim box in a census, then you can see that the number has not actually doubled. I though I made that clear but I don't think you even bothered to read past the word doubled.

    facts are facts and problem is muslims not rest of peaceful immigrants and personally i dont mind if 30%++ of UK are immigrants as long as they are not muslims. Is that clear enough. If Muslims are such a small % why do they cause 90% of problems IMO. All more reason why Muslims are big problem. I took my this children to London a few years ago to see museums and rest for 1 month and everywhere you had groups of 30 or so school kids all muslim (except maybe 1 or 2) and other groups all white or non muslim. You dont get large groups of asians or others like that do you ?? My grandchildren in UK go to multicultural schools and no problem with Asians and rest and no muslims as far as I know.

    Yes i know their are good muslims but sorry most of U'k has had enough of them all.

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  21. Does Britain have a jihadi problem? I guess the best way to answer that is to invite the reader to visit the city of Leicester, particularly on a Friday afternoon and evening. One would find it extremely difficult to hear English spoken or see a white face. Walk into a shop and ask for something in English and be refused service. This is some of the evidence of the failings of multiculturalism and the absurdity of former British governments issuing British passports to former colonial non-British citizens. The rise of fascism and the far right is a certainty. Now does Britain have a jihadi problem - oh! yes, and it can only get worse.

    So why do you think multiculturalism appears to have been unsuccessful in the UK ?

    in Australia, it seems to be working very well.

    Example - last night on Australian television network, there was a story of a Vietnamese boat person who arrived as a 22-year-old refugee after fall of Saigon who has just become the Governor of South Australia.

    its not multiculturalism thats problem its muslims they are problem and however much people want to hide behind PC etc the fact is everyone I know hates all muslims now They and I are happy with asians (chinese, indoians thais koreans) and rest africans mostly are no problem and even rastifarians in my book and most know are ok but we all loathe all muslims.

    So instead of caulking us all fascist and rest why not ask why. The answer is simple almost every problem and terrorist act that affects us is done by muslims. As someone pointed pout moderates dont stop fanatics so as far as I'm concerned they are all fanatics and their will be a huge explosion of hate coming.

    I dont want it it wont be good but their will be as Enock Powell said rivers of blood only like most things much later than he predicted. IO think he was wrong because at time he was referring mostly I believe to indians and parkistanis and vast majority of indians in fact id say nearly all are very law abiding citizens but Parkistnais are


    When will people like you understand its not other cultures its 100% or almost muslims and as i said whatever PC brigade think most people in UK are quite happy with al lest except muslims.

    Ill say it load and clear time to stop them and get rid of them and i mean muslims not rest

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  22. actually the law seems to state the owner must notify if an alien is staying in their property so my wife has been reporting me for years and years and theirs a special separate office for it and the owner is meant to report every time i come back from abroad even though its same address. She even does it for our tenants. Sometimes they seem surprised since I have not met anyone else doing it. Fine for owner not the alien is 10,000 baht if caught not doing it but none bothers except us

  23. "You made me look at my Passport. I came in from Vietnam about 2 weeks ago and the stamp gave me 90 days. So it looks like that was wrong too. I am leaving again next Friday so it shouldn't be an issue. Sorry for the wrong info."

    90 days was wrong for the situation you posted about, but it might be right for you. It depends on what visa or extension you have.

    just to clarify

    if you enter Thailand on a re-entry permit and have a retirement extension then surely the stamp of 90 days indicates when you need to do the 90 day report - you retirement extension is still live and dated as it should be - 12 months from when it started

    For as long as i can remember when i come back they date entry stamp with date by 1 year visa expires. At least 10 years I've checked each time i come back since I'm worried they might not put right date on it. Once at airport i checked and they had given 30days 9or stamped it 30 days later) so lucky i checked before i left immigration i went back and showed my multi entry (which i get every year) plus my 1 year and officer smiled said sorry and amended it with his signature. So it does IMO matter a lot and nothing to do with 90 day reporting at all.

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  24. YES!!! Over the past several years in England the militants etc. have hidden behind the protection of the governments "politically correct" agenda. "Do not say anything to offend them", we are multicultural, why is it though that in their country there is no such thing as multicultural? well, it is too late, they have taken over I am sad to say. sad.png

    p.s. It is a well known fact that by the year 2021 their will be enough muslims in the uk to vote in an islamic government....facepalm.gif

    Actually it's well known fiction. Another claim that there will be a majority by 2050 has been peddled around but, of course, is also fiction. Currently Muslims make up 4.8% of the population which is almost double the amount 10 years ago. The question is why? Are there more Muslims or are more Muslims identifying themselves as such following the recent wars? The answer is a bit of both and looking at recent trends in immigration and assuming things stay the same, by 2030 Muslims will make up 8.3% of the population.

    "in their country there is no such thing as multicultural", is a ridiculous generalisation. In Indonesia, the worlds biggest Muslim country, there are all five of the major religions and although there have been religiously motivated problems there is multiculturalism like nowhere on earth; 300 distinct ethnic groups and 706 languages spoken.

    so it doubled in 10 years to around 5% Its possible it could double every ten years so by 2024 possibly 10% and 2034 20% and so on Its not going to get better thats for sure./

    they simply dont belong in UK IMO few of them share our values our culture our way some (to many) are fanatic extremists and they will never ever integrate properly so before its to late:-

    throw out any extremists or those perching any form of rasism towards non muslims. If they only have Uk citizenship but them in prison period.

    throw out ants who try and bring their own form of justice schooling etc into our schools councils and public bodies

    ban any sectarian schools except christion ones (we are a christian nation)

    Allow those who remain to practice their religion privately but not publicly but do allow those muslims who accept this to live peacefully

    Totally ban any further slims from entering to live here even relatives. Other cultures which do not cause mayhem these muslims cause can still come since most of them integrate peacefully and dont try and push their reed onto others.

    time for action but i fear its to late and by the time most realise its gone to far their will be mass violence against all muslims innocent and fanatics

    Everyone I know hates them with a vengeance and most now stopped differentiating between good muslims and fanatics.

    UK has welcomed manes people here and almost all except muslims have integrated well or at least not tried to impose their culture way of life ideas onto the UK natives.

    MYself i happy with almost any immigrants of whatever culture but not muslims since they have shown themselves to be not worthy to be allowed to stay.

    No one here would dream of trying to impose western Christianity onto thew Thais (except missionaries who id also throw out of Thailand)

    Can you imagine a group of forang insisting Thailand adopt christian schools christian values (well some del but they are strupid) and even had members openly advocating death to non christians.

    My This wife just can't understand why Uk allows these people and even gives them money etc

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