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Posts posted by icare999

  1. It looks to me like part of the gift made 5 years ago is still subject to UK inheritance tax.

    But firstly there is the 3,000 GBP a year gift allowance.

    Secondly there is a nil tax threshold of 325,000 GBP.

    And thirdly there is taper relief which reduces the tax by 60 or 80 percent in years 5 and 6 after the gift was made.

    So probably some UK tax to pay at 40 pc on the gift.

    So maybe the tax man will claw this back either from the UK estate, or maybe try and get it from the Thai giftee.

    One for the lawyers!.

    first sounds like he was non resident so only his UK assets are subject to UK IH tax. Second even if it was due how on earth do you think UK tax authorities would ever know and no way could they go after any assets he did not have in UK

    A lot of people here talk such utter BS and should check UK sites before opening their mouths.

    As far as any UK assets are concerned their is as mentioned a 325,000 fee part and for spouses not resident in UK if left in a will an additional 60,000 only. Unlike if spouse is uk resident then its all free of UK IH tax

  2. the USA in particular should keep their interfering nose out of it totally as should rest of world USA in particular have caused more deaths and problems by putting their big nose where it does not belong. They adel bathed and hated by most of world and only yeti involved to save their own interests. I and many others hate them for deaths and misery they have caused.

    And yet they continue in Ukraine where quite rightly the people of Crimea don't want anything to do with fascist regime in Kiev that USA put in power. ThE USA are hypercritical bastards having invoked a lot of military coup's when it suited their interests

    Anyway USA europe and rest wont do anything since they are has been powers and sooner they realise that the better

  3. If you have foreign cash in Thailand, only change as little as possible because the baht will really fall when the merde hits the patlom, and it it has to and soon smile.png

    i reckon you'll see baht strengthen now hopefully nonsense is stopped for t least a while. Im changing another 50k gbp soon and buying property here since hopefully their will be some bargains form those wanting to get out

    well see

  4. Suthep is a self parody who cares nothing for Thailand (and before the Suthep supporters club members gag on their morning Chang, responding and inserting "man from Dubai" here is long past its sell-by date) and everything for himself and his puppet masters. Time to put the mad dog down (figuratively of course).

    most off us aren't gagging as you put it just totally fed up with Taksin

    What will be will be but at least he's put a brake on Plan to give amnesty to person whose caused more problems here than anyone and if he gets his way will turn Thailand into a Zimbabwie if lucky or North Korea if not

  5. good maybe soon well see end or at least beginning of end of Taksin his evil clan and rest of red shirt thugs

    well done Suphet for being only one able and willing to at least try and stop Taksin

    Dont forget all this started because government tried to get an amnesty bill through for one man only and thank goodness many This people said enough is enough

  6. his plan is great and working. Its clearly stated and he's kept to it from start. SImply to do all he can to get rid of Taksin his clan and rest and not to rest until its achieved.

    Seems to me hes down pretty well so far in getting to achieve that 100%.

    I my this wife ( not hiss but from slums) most of her family (not all) and many thai friends mostly poor issan folk are totally 100% behind him. It might be because because even though they come form downtrodden issan poor they or most of them dragged themselves out worked hard and made something of their lives.

    Wait and see and learn thank goodness it seems certain Thailand will get rid of worse would be megalomaniac dictator at last.

    But if I'm wrong and Taksin wins you can say hello Zimbabwe North Korea for Thailand.

    Ive been here over 30 years and Taksin his clan and cronies represent the biggest risk ever to any form of democracy here and if they get their way the poor will become just like most of NOrth Koreans. Maybe it will serve them right but I really try not to think like that although its hard to do so.

    As far as my immediate family are concerned we've been hoping for best since writing was on wall 10 + years ago when Taksin started this grand plan we have and are prepared for worst.

    If Taksin does get his way and turns Thailand into his own one party state all those naive and brainwashed forang here will crawl under rocks they belong just like other naive well meaning what did Stalin say useful idiots

  7. Best buffet in town is at the Empress Hotel. There are dozens of delicious entrees; Western, Thai, and Chinese, many more sides, (even some of eyecatcher's finger foods if you're a snob,) roasts being carved to order by a chef and steaks being cooked to order. Plenty of things requiring a knife and fork, many more requiring chop sticks, even fresh sashimi and sushi. The dessert table has more varieties of tasties (cakes, tarts, fresh fruits, etc,) than I was able to quick count. About 300 baht per person, unless you have a Member's Card. It's a good idea to make a reservation as the Empress is now catering to large tour groups. If no res, best to get there around 11:30-11:45 and you will probably get a table in the outer seating area, which many prefer as it's less hectic.

    We try to eat there at least once a month. It really is worth the money, in taste, quality, and variety!

    we don't live in CM but we've tried Empress twice (when visiting) food is very poor quality badly cooked and total rubbish but its cheap and IMO for cheap char lies Id rather have a bowl of up market 50 baht noodles than subject myself to that food.

    Its not about quantity We eat cheap sometimes very up market but not crap. Value for money can be found at both ends but not at Empress

    Best value can be very upmarket places when they do a buffet deal especially if theirs a free flow wine option. FOr example Le Crystal where normally you'd need 10k baht fror 2 with wine minimum used to do a eat as much buffet for 1000.

    IMO avoid all cheap 199 baht places you get tons of MSG lots of cheap chemical produced foods and a lot of reheating.

    Best to cook yourself

    • Like 2
  8. One very simple thing would save the Thai people a lot of money and that would be to take the student's

    individual names off the uniforms. Why can't they hand down uniforms to their siblings and also not have to

    deal with the extra cost of personalized shirts?

    Who is making the most money off of the uniform business and why?

    It's so unnecessary in my opinion.

    the last Dem government gave money to poor for school uniforms and Taksins lot scrapped it. Our maid at time complained it was not enough but even though Taksins lot look it away still worships ground he stands on - pathetic and IMO they all deserve what they get and got. Im not saying Dems are fab but they did have a try and sheep just went for promises promises

    NO sympathy anymore whatever and I've even given up paying them over odds since sadly they just think your stupid to pay more than rest. Well not true we still pay double what others pay but only if they work and strictly no red shirt radio at our house (were in a red village and area).

    Over years a few but very few have got message and worked well and when we have no work or they leave for personal reasons we give them a bonus but most just want to take take take and no give.

    ACtually Burmese work much much better but we do know some very decent poor Thais who are honest, work hard and understand that Taksin and his regime could not give a toss for them

  9. its been like that for many years not only up in CM but in other areas. Its just like Hitlers propaganda and is sickening to know poor brainwashed or many of them believe every word. Ive even heard red shirt rallies blame Dems for lower price of gold and claim the elite in BKK have orgies eating Issan bandies. I am not kidding.

    IF Red shirt fanatics ever get their way the onyl hope is the army or within a few years Thailand will be as bad as most of other places run and rules by evil dictators.

    I do however see signs in our red village and area that at last some of those who worshipped Taksin before are beginning to wake up to truth and their are far fewer Taksin and red shirt posters around than before although every house still has to on pain of severe implications fly red flags.

    • Like 1
  10. Those that don't like elections or democracy, or can't accept the results should migrate to a country more politically aligned to their thinking eg Burma or Zimbabwe. yellow shirts, that means you.

    and people with your naive view don't understand that Taksin and his lot would love to move Thailand to Zimbabwe or North Korea democratic elections. The quickest way to turn Thailand into a Zimbabwie or Burma is to simply lie down and accept rigged elections and brainwashing that have resulted in those countries having wonderful democratic elections.

    Wake up and smell the coffee

    And please if you don't like it here and fact that thank goodness Thailand have up to now an army and others willing and able to stop megalomaniac dictators using their version of democracy to make this country their own one party state. Please you go to a country that suites your view best and leave us to one which we feel is far better than your IMO naive view of democracy in west.

    So please feel free yourself to leave and go to a country better suited to your views. People like you who think you know best as far as here is concerned make me think your just like colonialists of old believing they were far batter qualified than natives

  11. Well, now the visa system is so complex that no one understands it. Not even the Thais.

    What happens if you are a genuine tourist flying around using VOAs (Visa exemptions on arrival) and you pop over to Indo to surf a bit and then come back to Thailand and then pop over again.

    It is all degenerating into the ridiculous...

    well sorry no its not Ive been married to a Thia for 20 years we have 2 children with dual uk Thai citizen ship yet when we want to travel to UK and europe we have to make sure my wife has all right visas not just for UK (she has a 10 year visa) but also for parts of europe and then if as we do we want to visit places without a shanked visa she needs a visa for other countries. Worse she has to go to Bangcock and it takes weeks to organise it all although UK and shanked visa are easy. This after she's travelled many times to many countries for 20+ years.

    So stop moaning about the actually easy thing to just get a proper Thai visa.

    Im always happy when some countries she does not need a visa but I do since it shows her its not all one sided against Thais even those with plenty of funds and money.

    And thats for a quite well off Thai with 2 UK children and married for 20 years to a UK citizen yet each year it seems to get a bit harder for countries that not os long ago she could get visas at consulates.

    We know friends who married for many years and plenty of funds who have consistently been refused visas for their wives or long term girlfriends to just visit UK. Of course if you show enough funds they don't refuse but loops Thais have to go through often are ridiculous.

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  12. good news I for one am fed up with cheap sex tourists who contribute little to developing this wonderful country and other countries adopt same. HIgh time they stopped this nonsense of people using 30 day transit visas to stay here. IT is not difficult to get a proper 3 month or longer tourist visa at home for genuine tourists and for expats if they have funds no problem. I would also say they should like other neighbouring countries make a visa charge for tourists on arrival of say 20 us$ or say 50us$ and include free entry to national parks. They could also allow 1 reentry on border crossing but say charge 100 us$ or genuine tourists can fly.

    I really hope this time they mean it and while it might hurt doe heap charlie types its all for good.

    Just my humble opinion. Its time Thailand stopped being seen as brothel of world and if I had my way id totally bulldoze pattaya.

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