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Everything posted by BritTim

  1. You should be able to submit a TM30 (in person) using the chanote that identifies you as the condo owner. If the house registration book has not yet been updated, just explain to immigration that this is in progress.
  2. Those rules were accurate a few years ago, but now need some augmentation. The nationals of some countries can no longer get income letters from their embassies. For them, the alternative of regular monthly transfers from abroad, is necessary, and easy to mess up.
  3. I did not misread his post. My fingers simply had a mind of their own during the typing of my post (which I have now corrected). One of the symptoms I suffer from as I get older is a tendency to be absent minded when writing or typing.
  4. Sigh! I am going to regret this post. I am glad that you have never had a problem. You have benefited from Thai pragmatism. In Thailand, as in many other countries, there is a general rule (not limited to foreigners or any specific procedure) that witnesses you use as references cannot be family members or employees working under you. Please do not ask me to track down the specific Thai laws that outline this restriction. I have better use for my time.
  5. You just need to have successfully submitted a TM30 notification first.
  6. If they seem to be reluctant to have any contact with Thai officialdom (because they are offering short term accommodation in violation of hotel licensing regulations) explain to them that this is purely for immigration purposes, and involves no risk to them. (It probably doesn't.)
  7. That does not make sense. You stated that the passport, with whatever 90-day stamp/sticker you are referring to (I think the permission to stay from the original Non Ed visa), is at the embassy. If you sensibly took a photo of the stamp before parting with the passport, you can post a copy of the stamp here. If you have no copies of what was in your passport, then it is possible that the school does, but I doubt your school contact is allowed just to willy-nilly access private records and copy them except as a strict part of her job.
  8. You still have absolutely no idea what was happening. My first guess happened to be correct. You applied for a visa or extension of permission to stay at an immigration office that falls under the supervision of Division 5. That visa or extension was taken "under consideration" with a report back date. As sometimes happens, especially where small offices are concerned, the process of sending the application to Division 5 headquarters (at Mae Rim in Chiang Mai), having the application approved, and having the paperwork returned to your local immigration office experienced delays. Nothing was sent to Bangkok, and none of this has anything to do with Covid or any other virus.
  9. There have been no recent changes to the rules, and the kinds of 'changes' you are hinting at (returning to income letters for those nationalities whose embassies stopped issuing them) seem highly unlikely, whatever your personal rumour mill might be saying.
  10. The most accurate way of describing it is that your previous permission to stay is restored. The re-entry permit protects your existing permission to stay when you leave and re-enter Thailand. The distinction is important in some cases where an unbroken period in Thailand is necessary (such as when applying for Permanent Residence).
  11. This thread seems very unlikely to attract helpful replies and is now CLOSED
  12. You are correct that this sequence of events seems unusual in the extreme. He does seem like the kind of guy who would manage to damage or lose his new passport, so he is not necessarily a troll.
  13. You have a problem. If the passport will not be available to you before the end of the 90-day permission to stay from the visa, you will need to leave the country, re-enter, and start the process of applying for the Non Ed visa again. (The tuition fee will not need to be paid again, but there will be extra expenses. Talk to the university contact to find out the costs and timescales involved.) Obviously, you cannot leave the country without a valid passport. You will probably need to liaise with your embassy to get an emergency travel document. What a mess. Good luck!
  14. I think what was meant is the witnesses should not be related to you. As far as I know, there is no problem with them being related to each other.
  15. How long have you been in Korat? There is no rule, such as you cited, of your wife needing to be working or registered in Korat province. However, I think the officials were unconvinced by the explanation by you and your wife as to why you want to apply in Korat. They may suspect that you had a problem with the immigration office in your wife's "home" province, and are trying to circumvent whatever those imagined problems might be.
  16. As I recall, while your spouse can simply piggyback off your long term permission to stay, the rules are different for your foreign children.
  17. There is no age restriction on your spouse piggy backing off your long term permission to stay (well, a Muslim marriage to someone under the age of 18 might not be allowed).
  18. Contact the local Labour office for advice. They are the experts for this kind of situation, and will usually be helpful.
  19. Please clarify what on earth you are talking about? Are you asking if anyone can comment on delays in processing applications for visas and extensions of stay forwarded to Immigration Division 5 headquarters at Mae Rim? If so, I doubt it. Personally, I have no idea how that office operates.
  20. That is totally impossible. If banned, it was for another offence, not simply a failure to do the 90-day report. My guess is that they had a multiple entry Non O visa, and did not understand that the visa expiry date had nothing to do with the expiry date of their permission to stay.
  21. In this situation, an emergency travel document is unlikely to help him. He wants to stay in Thailand, not fly back to his home country. We still do not know the expiry date of his permission to stay. That is the critical factor. The 90-day report (whether he can do it online or fails to report) does not risk any kind of disaster.
  22. As I wrote in my first reply, all the published requirements must be complied with. If your stay is to be 60 days, you need confirmed hotel booking(s) covering the whole 60 days. Unrealistic for many tourists, yes, but there are solutions. The simplest solution is a hotel booking that allows free cancellation.
  23. I think that ended (long ago) when they were unable to handle the volume with same day service. Frankly, I think there is a danger that they will institute a system like Penang where they limit the number of applications per day, and imply close the gate when that daily limit is reached. In my view, they have tried very hard to avoid inconveniencing applicants, but the situation there Mondays and Thursdays does not seem sustainable.
  24. Are you sure the Dutch embassy in Bangkok will not agree to handle this by mail if you courier it to them with a self addressed envelope and payment to cover return to you by courier? Have you asked them? There might be an additional issue, though. Does the embassy's stamp need to be verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok? If so, it is not just a matter of the embassy agreeing to be helpful. I might we willing to help you out, but only if there is no other viable solution.
  25. Plenty of people apply at HCMC, some successfully, some unsuccessfully. If you meet all the requirements, and can hide your contempt of the officials, your chances would be good. If you think there is anyone who can tell you with 100% certainty that your application will be successful, you are delusional.
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