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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 27 minutes ago, VBF said:

    I know...i don't know it all . but then nether does anyone...it must be the Chang!


    You were doing ok till then.

    But your source of information is not the best !!!!!!.


    I do believe Suvarnabhumi airport now stocks these for all

    Tourists to purchase on the way in now days.


    Money number 1,   its no joke,  its true.  :thumbsup:





  2. 14 hours ago, luudee said:


    So now ALL Russians in Pattaya are bad people, because of ONE idiot ?


    There is a large amount of people from one particular country here, that would

    much more qualify for the "idiots abroad" classification ...





    I'm no big fan of the Russian tourists here or business owners

    and i believe they have contributed massively  to the now,

    bad attitude of the local Thai towards us all,   that is evident nowadays in pattaya.

    but that's a hole different thread.


    Now,   we are talking about two Russian businesses owners fighting,   one stabs the other business owner.

    over business issues.

    So yes,   they are scum bags,   i have no care for any of Russian business  owners in pattaya,   what so ever.

    as most if not all,  will resort to this style of diplomacy.

    over a business,


    But i hope she recovers from the stab wound,   nasty thing to do to anyone.


    But are they good people .   i doubt it.

    So the Tar brush is very very wide. :thumbsup:



  3. 13 hours ago, robertthebruce said:


    best Sandiwches of choice has to be the UK, great choice of bread and fillings, low fat, zero Cal etc etc, Vegetarian etc etc.


    France, Itlay , Spain , stuck in a time warp, with their fillings, so for anyone health conscious no choice....


    But do,like their Cakes in Europe....Scrummy....




    Yeah,    now your talking.

    just with Salt and a splash of tom sauce.              Aroy,   Mak,  Mak.  :thumbsup:

    you can keep the that Foreign muck.  :giggle:







  4. 4 hours ago, Chivas said:


    I admire your desire to see the status quo remain but this isnt about money number 1 this is the military in power. My honest opinion is we'll see a 42 metre haircut to get the businesses back onto a legal footing. Forget Tea money days they are over


    I hope they do,   knock it all down.

    But,  the lot flattened and all turned back to a beach.


    Maybe a deal will be struck.   so a very very small  hair cut


    we will see :jap:



  5. 6 hours ago, VBF said:

    Of course, money is number one...but I think what @rotorbreeze might have meant is that if a GoGo girl has a choice between a wealthy-looking fat old slob, and a wealthy-looking fit young guy, she will endeavour to go with the latter. Make no mistake, some of the better-looking and more "accomplished" girls do (try to) take the upper hand in that respect. I shall stop there as I'm leaning towards forbidden discussion but I'm sure those who have experience in Pattaya GoGos understand. :wink:


    Ha Ha ,  wrong

    She will go for the  ( wealthy-looking fat old slob )

    He will most likely die quicker.

    One more newbie,    who thinks he knows it all

    I love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, to much   :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


  6. 35 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:


    You clearly didn't understood what's happening. It's an public land encroachment problem; the solution doesn't depend of who own it. Did you see what happened in Phuket where even "big old powerful Thai families" were enable to stop Military to destroy their restaurants, ressorts and other businesses on public land? Same thing may now happen in Pattaya.


    What are you on about.

    You clearly know a BIG ZERO about this town.

    it will all still be there tomorrow.

    restaurants , bars,  Go Go's.

    But if you or any Falang has a business down there ,   i would

    sell out  now.    because your be the first to get, booted out.


    BTW do you really think the military or

    city hall is going to turn it all back into a beach !!!!!!!!!  ha ha,   dream on .

    Also money number 1,   so guess who will win,   you got its the ones with the most !!!!!!!!!






  7. 15 minutes ago, ableguy said:

    Methinks two many brown envelopes flow out of walking street for the powers to be to change this golden goose.


    Reckon the only real thing that will change

    is the Falang bars,  Clubs,  restaurants,  will be squeezed out.

    in favour of local bad boys .



  8. 2 hours ago, Seismic said:

    20 years ago there was a similar business conflict involving Russians and restaurants, I believe one owner was shot dead after a business "rival" hired a Croatian hitman. So, i guess they havn't improved much.



    Yes i remember something like that.

    wasn't it a Russian couple executed in a car,  waiting at a set of traffic lights in central pattaya,   by a guy on a motor bike ?

    I was on Sang-Thip n coke in them days,   so the memory is a bit fuzzy for stuff around  that time.


    I hope she recovers ok.

  9. 9 minutes ago, rotorbreeze said:

    Yes the Rude Russian less...I have roots in Ukraine now Russia and first hand dealing with the Two Week millionaires. What has changed is the older group of men I am with are more active in sports and have no problem in finding a companion for evening... seems the girls prefer someone of good health due to proper diet and attitude than a over weight  Mc Death diabetic pig drinking beer. 


    A newbie mistake.

    Money is number one.  always.  :thumbsup:




  10. 56 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    I used to be transfixed by the guy who used to do restaurant reviews on pattaya tv for a few years….had dutch, possibly german accented english.


    It was so awkward bad i actually watched just to see if it could get worse….


    Take up a hobby or go for a walk.

    its got to be better than watching local Tv  in Thailand.  :jap:



  11. 4 hours ago, sandgroper2 said:


    Some of these places serve fake rolled heated meats. (same P and W)  OK for Englishmen but us Ozzies prefer the real thing.


    Ah yes,   real Australians and real Australian meat.

    Just pure class mate.   you got some sexy sheila's  as well  mate. :thumbsup:




  12. 11 minutes ago, smedly said:

    I do mine at the official car/mb test center just beside the highway 7  entrance on Sukumvit, they also do the official noise tests etc so that I can carry the certificate with me if stopped by the cops and they try to say my bike is too loud - which it isn't, passes every year


    Yes,   i use the same place.  very quick as well. :thumbsup:

  13. 34 minutes ago, johng said:

    AA insurance now closed Saturday and Sunday..I spoke to one of the employees she said they don't get that many customers on the Saturday and in any case they where making minimal /no profit so better just to close.


    Week days ,    much better idea.  :jap:

  14. 2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    TBH, they could demolish all the sidewalks/pavements along beach road, most are unusable anyway due to the fact that they lay the bricks on sand which then washes away with the first rains and the whole thing collapses, the amount of times I have nearly sprained an ankle down there is unreal.


    Why oh why can they not set them in concrete for crying out loud.


    Why would they want to do it the correct way.

    When maybe they can do it 10 times and still get paid more each time.

    plus kick backs.

    Remember Money number 1 :thumbsup:


  15. 6 hours ago, wpcoe said:

    If you are a fan of their wares, get a "valued customer loyalty card" card at the cashier.  After five stamps, you get a free beverage.  Ten stamps, a free 6" sandwich.  Fifteen stamps, a free 12" sandwich.


    I always get a 6" sandwich, and get one stamp on the card.  Not sure, but I think a 12" sandwich gets two stamps on the card?


    Got a question for you.

    If you go into Subway with your card all stamped up ( 10 stamps )

    Can you order a free 6" sub and walk out,  with it,   with out having to purchase

    anything ?

    Just asking  :jap:


    Ps ,  good to see Subway  has come  to Jomtien.

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