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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:



     One thing that I think is going uphill, is the quality of the girls here.  Some may disagree, but they seem to be getting younger and cuter. Make me happy happy.



    No way mate, 

    you cant have been here long to think that.   :stoner:


    Also what you on about younger girls  ?   they should be 18 to work the  bars..



  2. i wonder if the snake had

    got into a locals house and killed a child.

    Would you lot be shouting so loud  now.

    TIT,  up to them.

    But,   it all  just don't  add up,    why not kill the snake and sell it,    the skin

    must have been worth more than the cost of the  duck dinner.

    Or was it typical blind rage and stupidity ?

    who knows,   bunch of crazies  some times.


    Hope the snake recovered     but doubt if it has.




  3. 6 hours ago, AsianExport said:


    No, the problem is when someone writes things that he believe are the truth when they are mostly BS. 10 years and he thinks he knows everything...




    Don't worry,     when the bars go bust as 95 % do.  ( if not more )

    you may see him down beach road trying to sell Time-share condo's. :thumbsup:


    but i some how don't think we will  see him  selling Som-Tam after his total  immersion experience,   it may leave a nasty bad taste in his mouth.  :thumbsup:


  4. Just now, williamgeorgeallen said:

    was a very slow start for my business. then i got charged for no work permit when i had a work permit but it had the wrong address in it.  took 2 years to sort that mess out. i was not making enough money to deal with things like that. glad i hung in and now make enough to employ a manager so i dont have to deal with the day to day running of my business.


    Ok,   Good job. :thumbsup:

  5. 33 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    If you get on at 2nd Road in Pattaya Glang around Soi 8 and all the way to Walking St, is the fare 20 baht or still 10 baht? I gave the driver the usual 10 baht before but then he said it's 20 baht.


    You been done by pattaya's   finest. :bah:


  6. Just now, Torrens54 said:

    Okay, so even IF there was a different scenario regarding the outbreak of hostilities, there is no excuse for some Obese Thug to hold a kid while some other Obese Thug KICKS the Kid's Head.

    Hope the Aussie Media picks up on the story so these creatures get a good smack on their bottoms from their Mums when they get home.



    So if your not fat its ok to do it ?  Duh


    Enjoyed the video ,  trouble is,  i run out of pop corn,   last time i watched it.

    bummer !!!!!!!!!!



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