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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. If you can do it yourself , then do that.

    You will be satisfied with the result. if your not confident to do it fare enough, get someone.

    Or you let people into your home, always a 50/50 good or bad.

    You know the drill.

    Two guys show up, with a hammer , a bent screwdriver, a drill with no plug on it (wires just stuffed in the socket with the bent screwdriver.

    they show no respect for your furniture and little for job they do.

    or what they brake doing the job.

    Had to much of this clown show over the years.

    DIY for me, if I can do it. (most of the time yes)

    Good luck wai2.gif

    You forgot that not only will bring a bent screwdriver, but probably also a ladder.

    attachicon.gif20131028_121102 (Medium).jpg

    That's the guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did they have very large shoes and a spinning bowties


  2. If you can do it yourself , then do that.

    You will be satisfied with the result. if your not confident to do it fare enough, get someone.

    Or you let people into your home, always a 50/50 good or bad.

    You know the drill.

    Two guys show up, with a hammer , a bent screwdriver, a drill with no plug on it (wires just stuffed in the socket with the bent screwdriver.

    they show no respect for your furniture and little for job they do.

    or what they brake doing the job.

    Had to much of this clown show over the years.

    DIY for me, if I can do it. (most of the time yes)

    Good luck wai2.gif

  3. So why did they do it in Bangkok then

    if pattaya is a prime target ?

    Open another can

    Thanks , but its red wine tonight. ( cheers )

    Please go back under the covers, it scaremonger time on TV

    Only three things to be worried about in this town.

    1) A bg or bb running off with all your money ( usually given in the first place )

    2) Catching a nasty venereal disease.

    3) Running out of money .

    I feel very safe in this town. wai2.gif

  4. I stand by everything I say, in my 49yrs travelling the world that is my experience.

    Very funny, did you get past the garden gate. on your travels.

    If you had said that most Americans had big gob, I would have agreed.

    but you did not. you just salagged them off.

    Your wrong.

  5. Americans, always! Rude and arrogant and really do believe they are "exceptional" and every other nation envies them.

    Total Bs.

    Americans are good people.

    I have worked with the Americans for many years in the past and

    been in there homes and met there families.

    Great people, I have loads of respect for them.

    Your wrong.

  6. did not see the truck ????????? can you see how big that truck is ???????????

    I would't take the news article too seriously in that respect. The driver and occupants were all killed and asking them is impossible. The writer of the article seems to have added the "didn't see" statement without any supporting testimony.

    Drivers that speed and pass without a clear field of view at distance, are likely to meet oncoming vehicles or stationary objects without time to react. Investigating such accidents and coming to a conclusion, consists of more than reading an article, that seems to be written by a "journalist", who wasn't there when it happened.

    All that is written or spoken is not necessary factual or first hand.

    Have a look at the photo of the Op

    what you think ?

  7. Makro are disgustingly cheap.

    In this day and age they still do not supply carry bags.

    Never heard of advertising.

    Then again I do believe they originated in Holland, so what else would you expect from the Dutch. (sorry, I have a Dutch friend and I have never met anyone soooo cheap) he even bought a refrigerator with a glass door. Wanted to make sure the light wet off.

    Good night.

    Very funny, yes they can be.

    but they are very friendly bunch.. but a bit tight

  8. You might want to be careful if she knows where you live. You call these people "idiots". Trust me, they could be (her extended family) the most dangerous people you will ever meet specifically because they are not all that intelligent. I've had dramas with "idiots" before so I know from personal experience. It really doesn't matter to them who is right or wrong, but they probably think they are right anyway.

    Remember you're only a "guest" in their country.

    This is one of the reasons I don't drive here.

    No way

    Im a paying customer, guest !!!!!!!!! what a joke now days

    No point to argue semantics. By guest I mean "alien", "non-resident", "outsider". "non-Thai", "non-Asian", "Farang" etc.

    I was just being polite. Which one would you prefer to use? Whatever you choose, you are not Thai and will not be treated as an equal. In most situations you will be treated as inferior.

    It doesn't matter if you've been here for decades, you will always stand out in a crowd, and not in a good way. Do you think they know or care about how much you spend?

    If you wish to see yourself as a guest that's fine by me.

    I don't, and wont ever.

    Alien would have been fine but guest, No

  9. The worst tourists I encounter, without doubt, are the brain dead groups of single British males who arrive around Xmas time. Mostly they have shaven heads, are heavily tattooed, always loud, usually drunk and show no respect to anyone. Their behaviour in bars is abhorrent and anyone who objects to their behaviour is threatened with violence. They are an absolute disgrace to their country!

    Bald head + tattoo's + Alcohol + British = Bad Guy coffee1.gif

  10. You might want to be careful if she knows where you live. You call these people "idiots". Trust me, they could be (her extended family) the most dangerous people you will ever meet specifically because they are not all that intelligent. I've had dramas with "idiots" before so I know from personal experience. It really doesn't matter to them who is right or wrong, but they probably think they are right anyway.

    Remember you're only a "guest" in their country.

    This is one of the reasons I don't drive here.

    No way

    Im a paying customer, guest !!!!!!!!! what a joke now days

    Dude, you're a guest here, you have no right of abode or residency and no amount of your braying about how much you're paying, will change that.

    Dude you can see yourself that way. fine by me

    Dude I don't, ok Dude.

  11. Ok, so it took 3 hours at the station today.

    She claimed she cant go to work for 2 months and demanded 54,000 baht from the insurance or me.

    The insurance of course asked her for payment slips (she works as a cook) and she couldn't produce any.

    Turns out she doesn't have a tax sticker nor a drivers license either.

    Now the whole thing has been rescheduled as she will have to produce all paperwork for her claims, the insurance will have to come again to the police station and since they think they hit a money tree and not a car, they might get their 3,000 baht hospital covered and another 4,000 baht to fix the motorbike and thats it.

    Haven't paid a dime and won't. I am actually looking to counter sue her as she is buried in debt, just bought a house and is trying to milk me. Will talk to a lawyer about her false claims and hopefully put an end to the case this month.

    I was polite, opened the door for her when she walked in 'on crotches' to look even more dramatic but not a single smile or anything. They just want money and even the police realised it and wanted to close the case today but they wouldn't budge on their 54,000 baht.

    Have another appointment at the end of this month and will keep you guys in the loop.

    PS: She also kept screaming things like 'it's always the thai's fault' and stuff like that. I told her lets go to court and she got all quiet. I am sure it will be settled on the next appointment and they will walk alway with nothing.

    Would have gladly paid 5 or 10,000 baht just to put an end to it today but they wouldn't budge. Idiots.

    You might want to be careful if she knows where you live. You call these people "idiots". Trust me, they could be (her extended family) the most dangerous people you will ever meet specifically because they are not all that intelligent. I've had dramas with "idiots" before so I know from personal experience. It really doesn't matter to them who is right or wrong, but they probably think they are right anyway.

    Remember you're only a "guest" in their country.

    This is one of the reasons I don't drive here.

    No way

    Im a paying customer, guest !!!!!!!!! what a joke now days

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