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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Great stuff.

    She has lied about money. tried to rip off an insurance company.

    No licence, this also means her insurance is void.

    Now she is going to try and rip you off at the next session at the cop shop.

    A few on this thread mouthing off, just show themselves up.

    No surprise to me all this .

  2. I already found the shop (Thepprasit Road) and talked with the lady in the picture. Very kind woman.

    Farang did not give any deposit, total damage is just 1800 baht.

    However, the farang or his wife DID hit the lady in the picture with a stick.

    That's very unusual to not ask for a deposit.

    Starts to smell a bit, I think.

    Anyone who breaks into a house the owner has every right to hit the person who did it., what would you do make them a cup of tea ?

    that's just my opinion. wai2.gif

    theirs a bit more to this story I think.

  3. Rotary nose clipper.......

    Yes, or just simple tweezers while you're reading Thaivisa or watching TV LOL. I actually enjoy it. It's hard not to comment here, but who would let their nose hairs grow so long that they need to have a barber trim them? Get them when they are short and often, and you won't get that rough, shaved feel you get when you cut them.

    Tweezing them takes out the roots, so they grow back more slowly.

    At least I'm not just having a dig, I'm giving out some decent grooming advice.

    Yes tweezers the best way.

    I do the same,

    Years ago I did try using a Bic lighter, did the job very quick, slight sting ohmy.png

    But could not get rid of the smell all day. never again. crazy.gif

  4. She surreptitiously meanders through the tables in the food halls and now and then sits at a table where food has been left by people and digs in, prior to that she will have already found a half consumed drink to go with her next bit of food

    The last time we ate at the food court on the lower level of Central Festival some farang sat at a table near ours and before we got more then a couple of metres away from the table after finishing, he had taken a seat and was scarfing down the scraps on our plates and the remains of our drinks.

    Did he have and gold glitter funny hat on ?

  5. I just love doing business with the locals here in Jomtien / Thailand .

    so pleasant at times. thumbsup.gif

    Send the boys round, give that naughty farang a kicking. you know he deserves it. ph34r.png

    People give a deposit for things like this , that's supposed to cover stuff like this, but what the <deleted> do I know !!!!!!!!!

    The guy may have been in the right it could have been going on weeks and its just sour grapes by the locals trying it on, lazy Bs shop people, cant be bothered to to do what they said they would do. !!!!!

    always two sides to this stuff.

  6. There really is no reason for a roundabout not improving traffic flow as long as people give them a chance.

    This location seems an ideal place to try one out as it isn't really that busy and the Thai's (and Americans judging by one earlier comment) , who everyone seems to think aren't capable of using them correctly, can get the opportunity to see just how beneficial they are as opposed to the usual unbelievably long waits at Pattaya traffic lights.

    A few large signs clearly indicating that priority must be given to traffic from the right would be helpful.

    The problem is not traffic flow, its traffic speed on second road.

    anyone been in a traffic jam at this junction ever ? no

    traffic lights will slow the speed down over second road. but that's not the way to do it, is it ( city hall Muppets ) turned the lights off, put a roundabout in. just to confuse the already dangerous idiotic drivers more. facepalm.gif

    A large sign indicating priority from the right, tells me what you know of driving in Thailand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Be a lot of accidents soon to come at this latest Jomtien road up-grade joke.

    Good job City Hall. thumbsup.gif

    Maybe there is some more to come with this junction, that we don't know yet ? cant wait for the next up-grade !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. In semi related subject, I was crossing 2nd road today near JB Condo, looked to the right. All the traffic was stopped.... I wondered "What happened? Police check?" then noticed for some odd reason the cross walk light was functioning once more (been off at least 90% of the time since installed). Amazing. People stopped!

    Think drivers and riders were just stunned.

    Have no fear normality will be resumed tomorrow.

    Get out the way im coming through !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gigglem.gif

  8. Here's an interesting way to beat the breathalyzer, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! I don't have any sympathy for drunk drivers.

    I do have a little sympathy for the drunk driver that gets blamed for an accident

    that was caused by a dangerous driver,

    Dangerous driver gets away with it, drunk driver is punished for the accident and for drink driving, that's not right.

    We should not drink and drive.

    But we have all done it at some point in life and some place on the planet.

    no porky pies anyone. wai2.gif

  9. I think it could well go that way.

    There are always a lot of people around if you look for them but it is much much quieter. Westerners numbers are certainly in great decline. There are many Chinese tourists (often blocking footpaths on Beach Road) and we all know they are not great spenders. On Thai holidays, there are also many Thai tourists. They bring their own food, drinks and beach mats; they check into a cheap hostel type of large room with mattresses on the floor and the whole family shares one room. Thai style. That's ok but doesn't help the local economy a great deal. Businesses big and small are suffering, staff in even the biggest stores are idle as there are so few spending customers. Locals are still rude to visitors and very bad mannered.

    I foresee many more bars, restaurants, small hotels and other businesses closing down due to lack of spending tourists. This could easily deteriorate to the state where even the Chinese stop coming as Pattaya will no longer be attractive to tourists of any nationality. I can also imagine many building sites with part built condos that nobody is buying....Lovely!

    I think your spot on with all that. thumbsup.gif

  10. Having lived and worked legally in Thailand for nearly ten years (ago) and now working in China, for the last nine years, I find it sad that those who do not know China or the Chinese, racialistly put them down. Which is sad as it shows ignorance.

    China is a hugely diverse country, because of a number of reasons, the so called Peasants now have money and they are prepared to travel. The issue is, they are insecure, these so called Peasants because they have been cut off from the rest of the world, prefer to travel in tour groups, groups that are CONTROLLED by the Thai tour lleaders, taking bus loads to certain outlets where they get huge commissions.

    Chinese shout all the time,agreed, but only because there village neighbour is not in close proximity to them , insecurity sets in again.why is it that Isaan girls mainly mix with their own ?

    There are so many on here who cannot and don't even bother to learn Thai, even though it's their adopted country, albeit rather shakily. Chinese won't mix. Ha I was In Hua Hin quite recently, I had a meal and there were loads of Chinese stunners in the restaurant. The usual groups who seemed not to want to be seen. I engaged them in Chinese ( yup language abilities again) and before I knew it calls were being made and a lot more Chinese girls came in and quite a party ensued. WHY ? Because they forgot their instability and relaxed. Mind you, I was not to popular with the Thai tour leader, who ended up taking an almost empty bus back to the groups hotel.

    I would suggest that those who live in glass houses should........ Well you know what.

    If you say so, coffee1.gif

    Yes indeed I did say so, NOW have you got the intelligence, intellect and experience to discuss, or are you another know all, with not one iota of language skills to back your stupidity. I rest my case.

    5 posts joined 2 days ago, insulting people already. great language skills you have.

    I just don't believe your last paragraph, bit of an exaggeration I think.

    At present the Chinese don't have much money in there pockets to spend ,

    in pattaya and judging by the events of the last few weeks that may well be even less next year, china is getting an adjustment that's long over due.

    maybe the jobs for expats will dry up, you may find yourself becoming an English teacher or tour guide in Thailand, your language skills can then be put to good use.

    BTW using caps is like shouting,

    if you shout at people you never get a good response

    great language skills again, good job, thumbsup.gif

    Also many Expats can speak Thai facepalm.gif

    I don't usually judge a book by the cover but for you , we can do that

    Trolling is that what your up to. name Dipstick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Enjoy your tour bus full of stunners . cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  11. Having lived and worked legally in Thailand for nearly ten years (ago) and now working in China, for the last nine years, I find it sad that those who do not know China or the Chinese, racialistly put them down. Which is sad as it shows ignorance.

    China is a hugely diverse country, because of a number of reasons, the so called Peasants now have money and they are prepared to travel. The issue is, they are insecure, these so called Peasants because they have been cut off from the rest of the world, prefer to travel in tour groups, groups that are CONTROLLED by the Thai tour lleaders, taking bus loads to certain outlets where they get huge commissions.

    Chinese shout all the time,agreed, but only because there village neighbour is not in close proximity to them , insecurity sets in again.why is it that Isaan girls mainly mix with their own ?

    There are so many on here who cannot and don't even bother to learn Thai, even though it's their adopted country, albeit rather shakily. Chinese won't mix. Ha I was In Hua Hin quite recently, I had a meal and there were loads of Chinese stunners in the restaurant. The usual groups who seemed not to want to be seen. I engaged them in Chinese ( yup language abilities again) and before I knew it calls were being made and a lot more Chinese girls came in and quite a party ensued. WHY ? Because they forgot their instability and relaxed. Mind you, I was not to popular with the Thai tour leader, who ended up taking an almost empty bus back to the groups hotel.

    I would suggest that those who live in glass houses should........ Well you know what.

    If you say so, coffee1.gif

  12. So your saying Thailand will change its Laws for

    the sake of tourism in pattaya and totally forget about the Thai people

    and the massive problems gambling will bring for the poor people of this land. Don't think so.

    The law about gambling was put there for a reason and Thailand still needs that law.


    Exactly, if people could get good odds gambling legally they wouldn't play the lottery and line the governments pockets.

    Very good cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  13. I've no doubt that many Chinese will start travelling here independently in due course (some do already) and Pattaya will have to cater to them and introduce gambling: casinos and maybe horse racing. In the UK there are thousands of young, rich Chinese studying at universities, so a short flight to Pattaya is hardly going to be daunting for them. High end malls, restaurants and hotels are already springing up to meet demand and more will follow. There will still be room for the beer bars and other sundry, less esoteric & more erotic diversions; they too will have appeal to the Chinese.

    So your saying Thailand will change its Laws for

    the sake of tourism in pattaya and totally forget about the Thai people

    and the massive problems gambling will bring for the poor people of this land. Don't think so.

    The law about gambling was put there for a reason and Thailand still needs that law.


  14. Pattaya will keep growing but more as a weekend gettaway destination and eventually a suburb of Bangkok. Theres nothing particularly unique to attract foreign tourists these days, except its closeness to China so they will keep coming, especially if they do the casino thing

    People are still talking about a Casino in pattaya / Jomtien

    This is total Bs we have listened to this for 20 years if not longer.;

    It requires a change of the Law in Thailand.

    won't happen in our life time. coffee1.gif

  15. Try the Kasikorn branch in Jomtien, they are welcoming foreigners all the time. Also Kasikorn has the best online solution, easy to transfer money and pay bills.

    Already have an account with K-Bank at lotus.

    wanted one in Jomtien branch, beach road.

    They insisted I buy insurance.

    No thanks. already have Bupa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Went to Yellow bank Jomtien opened account in 15 minutes.

    they now get my retirement money in there bank

    Amazing K-Bank, losers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this was last September.

    I know they try to sell insurances but if you show them your passbook from the other account and point to the Kasikorn website that clearly says you can open an account with min. 500 baht theres no problem. They try to open a deposit account but you should ask for a savings account, also you can phone Kasikorn english customer service and they will talk to the staff on your behalf. I know it shouldnt be like that but the staff try to get commision out of you.

    Yes , im sure your right

    But there loss,

    I not jumping through hoops for them.

    ( we already do enough of that here )

    The branch managers should manage there staff in a correct manner.

    trying to rip me, having to take out Insurance or large sums of cash to open the account is not the correct way to do any banking with me.


    Yellow bank, zero problems. and zero problems for a credit card, but the usual full amount of card held by the bank.

    Yellow bank wins, my K-bank original account now just holds a small amount of money for day to day ATM withdraws.

    All could have been K-Bank. but they choose to be like this .

    Up to them. coffee1.gif

    I do vote with my feet but maybe things are a bit different from last year ?

    I must admit I do have a very deep rooted personal dislike for all sales people in the world, nothing to do with K-Bank thumbsup.gif

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