Drug use would definately void insurance. Not sure about alchohol unless it was together with a forbidden activity such as driving ... which it was clearly not. Anyway, all just speculation until the facts are known.
Not surprisingly there are no statistics - foreigners vs Thai, motor-cycles (licensed riders vs unlicensed), helmets worn, cars, vans, taxis etc. If you don't understand the problem, there is no solution. Don't say speeding .... its just one factor.
It was so pleasant during covid; not a minivan, tuk tuk or taxi driver in sight. Drivimg was much safer. There are no words for how aggressively they act and drive. They simply dont care .. and its the majority of them not just a few.
20 mill quality tourists? Not from what I have seen. And the No 1 Malaysian traffic ... me thinks most of it is cross border in Southern provinces. Europeans don't even get a mention as inflation/cost of living and high airfares bite.
Frankly at THB 3,000 per semester, I am surprised they even get this. That's 16 weeks x 5 days = THB 37.5 per day. That needs to cover cost of goods, staff, kitchen facilities, utilities and any margin for the operator. The problem does not seem to be the food ... but rather the expectation of the parents for the amount they pay. Packed lunches would seem an optional solution.
The police do not even show up for this type of theft in the UK and much worse. They solve less than 4% of house break-ins. At least Swiss police do respond and show up. The sad irony is that our values have stooped so low that we view these thefts as "so what"' and accept that nothing will be done. Its the thin edge of the wedge and as long as society continues accept it is now a norm, then the crimes will increase in volume and seriousness in countries where policing is lax.
No sympathy for those do not follow the immigration rules and think they can get away with it. They are the baseline "problem children" that in more ways than not reflects poorly on the overall reputation of foreigners who for the majority do comply consistently and appreciate the privilege of living and working in Thailand and which make this country their home.
Sounds like "Brexit" all over again. Or the Trump/Biden election. Or the Scottish independence vote. Its not a Thai phenomenon. It's an "I cant accept the democratic vote" problem until we get our way.
No problem with a ban on alcohol. By the same token, its a pity the authorities cannot exert some control on the mosques in the south and around Phuket that ignore the legal noise levels to announce prayer time at a deafening pitch in the early hours - to locals and tourists alike. Way above the legal decibels allowed for the time of day at the source of the multiple speakers.