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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. Unsure what is worse .. unsavoury Russians causing problems from unpleasant behaviour to kidnap and attempted murder or the terrible traffic jams in Phuket. It may soon be a place not to visit.
  2. An absolute train wreck of PR for Thai.
  3. Must be Woke ... and of course gone Broke.
  4. If he ends up in a Thai prison in general population, the tables will be turned.
  5. You really do have a bee in your bonnet don't you.
  6. Starbucks in London will not even heat a muffin upon request just incase the staff burn their fingers. You go figure it out.
  7. Justice has be served ...
  8. Health & Safety regulations have gone mad in Europe ... its all about control. Here, well its pretty much an after thought.
  9. Little darlings were simply expressing themselves.
  10. Clueless Holidays Ltd. Cultural vacations for people with simply no idea and less culture than a pot of yogurt.
  11. Not going to end well for him. Likely destined for the meat grinder courtesy of their also insane President Z.
  12. This is normal, together with the sharp rusty pole ends on food vendor food cart shades that jut out into the pavement.
  13. The land of Compromise. Wait and see. Full poetic license was taken over the original intention for "medical purposes" only. That needle may swing back to the middle ground as always.
  14. Correct. It became a free for you for other reasons.
  15. As a very wise and senior Thai person once told me, "the Government is not here to particularly help us, infact they will throw many road blocks in the way of our progress. We cannot control that and our job is to find a way through them and make the best of it." Words to that effect. We have no influence over the affairs of inmate Thaksin. As distasteful as it may seem, it is irrelevant. What influence he may wield during and after his release is of no concern ... we will adapt and whatever happens, I suggest we all figure out how to make the best progress we can.
  16. The dumbing down of the Western world is almost complete.
  17. Just a local rag and yes they do.
  18. Quality tourists, plenty of alchohol, extended drinking times .. all the vices rolled up in one for even longer ... what could possibly go wrong.
  19. You can fool some of the people some of time but not all of the people all of time. Except for here perhaps.
  20. old, bald, fat. Not many around fitting that description. should be easy to find.
  21. Phuket is rapidly becoming a magnet for bad foreign characters.
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