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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. She put up a good fight. Bang him up for assault.
  2. I attended a house blessing ceremony where the daughter of the host was wearing a Sex Pistols 'Never mind the <deleted>.' shirt. The monks nor anyone else seemed to mind or understand it. Much the same as the woman wearing the Nazi shirt.
  3. I did comment on Tim's website TNT if some of his shirts were made with offcuts from a curtain maker.๐Ÿ™‚
  4. There are exceptions of course. Females don't sweat. They glow. I wouldn't know about the inbetweeners and don't intend to find out.๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. Light shirts if eating out somewhere a bit special or t-shirts as a rule. Wife-beater singlets? Never in forty years that I've lived here. Who wants to be next to someone with sweaty armpits?
  6. I'll drink to that. Hic!๐Ÿ˜‰
  7. Talk. With the advent of the internet.๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. When I was a boy growing up in London while my father was away fighting WW2, I got into mischief like many kids. My mother warned me that if I didn't behave, I would end up in Borstal 'young offenders prison' and get the birch. It was the threat of the birch that may have curbed me. Perhaps this medievil punishment should be reintroduced for some crimes as the threat of prison, certainly in the UK, doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent.
  9. As the late Night Owl, Bernard Trink used to say, "T.I.T." This is Thailand. Go with the flow.
  10. I nearly did the same thing while driving my Mini down Kings Rd, Chelsea in 1961 while ogling the girls in their minis. Ah, those were the days.
  11. Anyone's experience at Jomtien would be enlightening unless I've missed it. At pushing ninety-two, I do tend to do this occasionally.
  12. What about those that do not possess a mobile phone? Will the old written method be in operation?
  13. I do ask myself why I still bother to read this nonsense.๐Ÿซข
  14. Yes. Uncontrolled dogs are dangerous. My pal is still recovering after a dog ran into his bike's front wheel and threw him off. He is still in a wheelchair after nearly two weeks. Looking at the video both the boy on the bike and the motorist were in the wrong by speeding across an intersection. Yes. The dogs didn't help.
  15. Bull<deleted> Bob. The moral of the story is that you did not observe following at stopping distance. Remember, Bob. Back home you would be deemed the cause of the collision. ๐Ÿ˜†
  16. One wonders where the UK, France, Netherlands etc. would have been in 1942 if Trump had been President? would he have made a deal with Hitler because he was winning? We all know Trump only likes winners. It's very scary at the moment. 'Loose lips sink ships.' And countries.๐Ÿ˜ฆ
  17. Yeah, right. But other than that?๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. Wow! That's a new one. The boot is on the other foot. Normally it's the farang who is taken for a ride. "They don't like it up em, Mr Mainwaring."
  19. Sorry, I don't think she has it handy.๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. Never send food back. You don't know what they will do to it. Piss on your chips? 'There you go. Chips warmed up.' ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. One wonders if this madness will spread to the UK. In traditional Christmas Pantomimes, men dress up as women to act as the Dames, and women play the Principal Boy. Many children and their parents would raise the roof if it were banned. Back in Shakespeare's time, people played the opposite sex in the theatre. This is certainly different from Gay parades, where those exhibiting themselves are not acting but just flaunting their sexual desires publicly. If they do it in theatres and clubs where those that enjoy that sort of thing and are willing to pay for it, so be it. Not my cup of tea though.
  22. Back in the 1940s when I was a kid in England we used to drink Camp coffee with chicory. Is there an equivalent in Thailand? I see imported Camp coffee online.
  23. And was not wearing a helmet maybe?
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