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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Obviously a clash of conflicting shirt colours.????
  2. And given another whack by dad for "doing something you shouldn't have been doing.:????
  3. Another vehicle carrying workers. How often do we have to read this?
  4. If I wrote, authorising my Thai bank to release funds from my account to a nominee. Wife for example, would they do so? i.e. Funds locked away for visa purposes. The obvious answer I suppose is to ask them. I just wonder if others here may have had experience.
  5. That's what happens when you criticise someone's noodles.????
  6. Enforced 'Three wise monkey' syndrome here. Name someone or some place and its 'Bow St. for you me lad!'????
  7. My pal, a pedestrian. Got hit by a truck running a red light in Bangkok this week. Fortunately just scrapes and bruises.
  8. Bearing in mind they drive on the right in China. It looks like she may have pulled out straight into the fast outside lane thinking it was the slow lane. Not realising it was dual carriageway. But whatever. Looking at the video, she didn't stop before pulling out. Maybe just a cursory look?????
  9. Can someone explain why hearing aids are so expensive? High tech electronic sound gadgets seem to be so much cheaper than hearing aids. Could it be that the producers know that sooner or later many people will require one, and so hold them to ransom. I'm sure that if the prices were reduced, more people would buy them instead of suffering in silence (pun intended) I wonder when hearing aid banks will emerge?
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