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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. The last time I renewed my British passport was in NZ. My daughter contacted the British Embassy in Auckland who said they could not do it but pointed the way to do it online. She did and I received my new passport back in a couple of weeks. Excellent service. Why can't we do this in Thailand?
  2. Perhaps bringing in the birch to punish those guilty of some crimes might be the answer. Incarceration doesn't seem to be a deterrent.The same for my home country, England. My mother used to say to me " If you don't behave yourself you will end up in borstal and get the birch." I never did either. But the threat was there.
  3. One wonders why any sane man who has respect for his wife would encourage/insist, that she exhibits herself almost naked for the world to see. But then I think I've answered my question. What a parasite!.
  4. In 1996, we had a 3.25m King Cobra under the house. My wife called some building workers nearby and sadly they killed it and took it back to their camp. Later I asked my wife if I could get some better photos of it. She came back and said, "Too late. They've eaten it." Better luck with a 4m python. We called the Rescue Team and they took it away to be released?? Our biggest problem was Pit Vipers. Due to the increased human population and housing development, the snake population has dwindled here. So sad.
  5. I would suggest most politicians. Are there any poor ones?
  6. I've been saying that for years. Mai bel ie. R.I.P.
  7. That's it! I'm not hanging around then.😀
  8. Bathrooms? When breaking your neck for a jimmy riddle you want a lavatory, not a bathroom.
  9. I'll go for it. Grease up the Zimmer frame if I have one.🤪
  10. Who wants to?😦
  11. A hypothetical question. I am ninety-one. My passport expires in 2028. If I don't bother to renew it what are the ramifications if I'm still around?
  12. Oh, come on. Not all politicians are bad.😉
  13. So if I asked an American policeman, "Where can I buy some fags for my mate"? It would be a problem?😉
  14. Only if I was really hungry.😉
  15. The title was, Rabbits for the table. To eat.
  16. Promises, promises. Just bugger off and give us a rest.😉
  17. Yeah right. It takes a thief to catch a thief.
  18. Has anyone seen rabbits in the supermarkets in Pattaya and where?
  19. What with them kicking Thai doctors? It seems like they are on a roll. Are they going cuckoo?😉
  20. No lights on the broken-down bike? The cop's helmet not fastened? Seventy year old pickup driver's eyesight not as good as it was? Pure speculation.
  21. Really? Do you mean the man who has sacked those who investigated him?
  22. At ninety-one I agree. The way the world is now, becoming more unbelievable it must be a joke. The punch line will not be funny.
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