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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. 12 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Why is it a joke?


    I have to see one doctor in September about one problem, and a different doctor in a different hospital about a different problem. If you don't listen to your doctor, your life can get difficult very quickly.


    I, like you have no idea why he went for an eye exam but at his age (74) having an eye problem can complicate your life very much.


    I didn't start wearing glasses until I was 50, my first wife in the UK started wearing them at 11 years old.


    I admire his daughter for travelling to Dubai even if all she does for Thaksin is simply be there.






    There are two main types of eye doctors: ophthalmologists and optometrists.


    Confused about which is which and who does what? Here's a look at how they're different.


    Keep in mind that these professionals can work together and that a team approach can be the best option for eye care. 




    There are none so blind as those that will not see. It was a ruse. She was there to get orders regarding the manipulation of Thai politicians and the democratic system. That's if there is, was, or ever will be one in Thailand. Politicians? A nest of vipers.

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  2. 15 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    No it doesn’t.


    Please provide some info or links about the charges laid against Thaksin for thousands of extra judicial killings.


    If they charged him for things such as tax avoidance and abuse of power, then surely they wouldn’t have overlooked mass murder would they?

    For the junta mass murder is less important than tax avoidance.

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  3. 16 hours ago, JayClay said:

    You seem very adamant about this apparent rule. Where exactly is it stipulated that fast food should only be consumed when you are "on the road already"? Is it a legal thing? Or a religious issue perhaps?

    It's a religious thing. As the lord said "Pick up thy food and walk." or was it bed.?????

  4. 4 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    Hats off? I disagree. The police officers standing around while their fellow officer is being attacked is disgraceful and shameful. He should have been taken down and arrested for attacking a police officer regardless of the reasons for his behaviour. It undermines the authority of the police. I suppose they would have stood around if he had been attacking a fellow traveller. They have made themselves a laughing stock. What was the reason for this idiot going on the rampage?

    "Mum! They are trying to take my skateboard away from me.! Tell them they can't or I'll  tell Dad."????

    • Confused 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Denim said:

    Does sound like he was not wearing a helmet.


    An almost identical accident happened here in Petchabun a couple of years ago. Didn't make the news anywhere. Swedish guy only here a week wandered into oncoming lane and died in head on collision.

    No helmet.


    9 out of 10 foreigners I see riding around here don't  wear a helmet. Presumably they think on a short journey with little traffic a helmet is over the top. A very foolish assumption. 



    Perhaps if a helmet had been worn 'over the top' he would still be alive.????R.I.P.

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