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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. "Don't interfere in politics".? Does inquiring and reporting the truth come under that category?
  2. There is no reason to suggest that he wasn't riding according to his reflexes. I've not seen the video but if someone drives straight across in front of you and you are on a motorcycle or in a car, you are extremely lucky to be able to avoid a collision, whatever age. I and my family have and still ride motorbikes in different parts of the world. I stopped 35 years ago when I came to Thailand for obvious reasons. At 88 I drove to immigration today and after 35 years I'm well aware of other road users and abusers. Age comes differently to different people. RIP Keith. The bastards got you in the end.????
  3. This man never ceases to amaze me. Could? If pigs had wings they could fly! Is he trying to stir up another panic? I wonder why he has not ordered the eradication of the poor old monkeys and get another panic going?
  4. Do the police realise that doing these virtually useless publicity photo op stunts, they are opening themselves up to even more public ridicule? What they need to do is get out on the streets and enforce laws that are already in place to stop people being run down on pedestrian crossings. Tackle the law breakers. Not the victims. Respect is earned. Not a given right.
  5. Would it matter, when convicted drug dealers are allowed to be in the government?????
  6. If an elected civilian government gets into power will it have in its power, an overhaul of Immigration's outdated rules and regulations?
  7. So how much is the new election, due it seems to negligence, going to cost? And who foots the bill?
  8. Of course they do. But this is Thai news. Why would they report what goes on in another country?
  9. Not true. When they are <deleted> or drugged up some become mentally unstable. Loss of face is high on the agenda.
  10. Thankyou to all those that replied to my post. much appreciated.
  11. Has anyone had diagnosis and treatment for suspected skin cancer from a private doctor's practice or government hospital in the Sattahip area? Pushing 89 is there a successful treatment should it be skin cancer I wonder.
  12. Seat belt fastened? That's the question. I always fasten my seat belt when flying. Sometimes there is no warning before you hit turbulence. Much the same as in a car. You never know when you might be in a collision.
  13. The problem arises if you leave the country and want to return. Over 80 and no chance of getting insurance that is required for re entering the country. Or have I got it wrong?
  14. I did exactly the same except I didn't queue. Well I am well past my Best Before date. I went to the exit door. Was called in. Temperature checked. Got my Retirement extension ticket, then in and out in seven minutes. Excellent service. Well done Jomtien Immigration.????
  15. Or maybe the instructor was not up to the mark? Rounds on the floor? Are we coming back to the 'safety issues' again in Thailand ?
  16. How many times have we heard this? Hot air!
  17. Is this available in Thailand, or equivalent?
  18. What is the best treatment to cure groin inflammation? I've been using Sudocrem but without much success.
  19. Me neither until today. I've just used it as cumin, using my existing recipe but it lacks the cumin taste. Not bad, but not quite right to my taste. Thanks for the reply.
  20. In my curry, if I use curcuma spice, which seems to be a combination of cumin and turmeric, do I omit these two? My wife bought curcuma which I've never heard of before. Any curry experts lurking out there?????
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