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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Correct. For people like me at 88 years of age, insurance which is required to return to Thailand is impossible to get. My days of visiting my family around the world are over. It sounds dramatic but we are trapped here unless we are prepared to leave our wives and loved ones for ever. I'm certainly not.
  2. Is anyone surprised? Out of site. Out of mind. Maintenance? What's that? Nuclear energy? Never here I hope.
  3. Pissing for Thailand or <deleted> off with Thailand?????
  4. I received my booster shot of Moderna yesterday. I've had no adverse after effects other than wanting to urinate more than usual. Eight times during the night, half a dozen times and more today. Has anyone had this problem?Not that it is a problem, with Moderna, or could it be that due to old age my water works are labouring. I never had any effects with Astrazeneca.????
  5. The mind boggles. Like pork prices. If you're not selling enough to make a profit, put the price up.????
  6. Good for her. But very unwise to flash your money around. After seeing banknotes flaunted, unscrupulous rascals are queueing up to relieve her of it maybe.????
  7. Are there online instructions on how to do the 90 days online application without going to Immigrations website? I've been going personally to do it for years, but after yesterday's experience at Jomtien with the place being jam packed, I'm considering the online option. What I don't want to do is to go through Immigrations website, clicking their instructions and upsetting my existing 90 day report. Credit to Jomtien in handling the hordes yesterday. Very efficient. But my usual in and out in under five minutes was forty five this time. Forty five minutes of exposure. Especially from the guy using his mask to keep his chin warm and picking his nose.
  8. Sweeping through Thailand? About twenty seven deaths a province, Another attention grabbing headline to continue the media hype to create panic.. The public's brains are saturated with repetitive covid hyperbole.
  9. Rhinoceros beetles have destroyed my coconut trees and some palms. They are now attacking my mango trees and boring holes. How do I get rid of them? Chonburi area.
  10. Gandtee

    Phuket Show?

    I have seen no reports on the Andre Boccacelli performance. Have there been any? All very low profile. Was it a success I wonder? The local opera buffs must have been breaking the doors down to see it. A magnificent tenor.
  11. I understand. Of course the Thai media reports articles differentiating the races. This is what they do. The Health Minister is a good example of xenophobia here. But your last sentence doesn't alter the fact that those sort of headlines fuel xenophobia..
  12. Britain is an Island, but it's still been almost overwhelmed with infections.
  13. Come on aseannow. Why can't the headline be 'Dozens of people arrested?' Instead of Thais and foreigners? You're encouraging xenophobia and it doesn't need much encouragement.????
  14. All of the above. One mention of this on the foreign media and what is left of foreign tourist expectancy will go right down the tubes.
  15. How would you know? Did you visit all the bars? Come on. A sweeping assumption.????
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