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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Rubbish. But then you are being sarcastic.????
  2. Isn't this procedure just what gets people killed or injured? I doubt that they teach road awareness, rules of the road and adhering to them. Tell me I'm wrong. It might enable a person get a license. But a license doesn't mean you are a proficient rider.
  3. Where do you get motorcycle training in Thailand. Serious question.
  4. Today I cannot get Bangkok Post online. I get 404 Time Out. Anyone else having the same problem or is it my computer playing up?
  5. My brain hurts! I'm 89. As Eric Burdon sang. 'I've gotta get out of the place. If it's the last thing I ever do.' Well, it will be. The world is turning upside down.????
  6. Olaf, the boarder, is on his way to the border, maybe.????
  7. Beating the animal to death is far more humane than poisoning it. Don't farmers in developed countries still shoot dogs that ravage their animals? They used to in the UK and rightly so. Unfortunately there are now too many who treat their dogs like human beings. We had visitors this weekend. On their departure the owner said, "Say goodbye to the dog." My immediate thought was to give that person a soldier's farewell. The dog would have enjoyed it and burst it's raincoat it has to wear. Pathetic. I like dogs. All the dogs I've had were treated like dogs and trained not to kill chickens. . Now bring on the dog pampering brigade's comments.
  8. No! You might be accused of sexual assault!????
  9. Who is writing this stuff? What is the proofreader doing?
  10. Limp seaweed is a sign of a dodgy weekend. Dry and hard? Promising. It hasn't made its mind up yet.????
  11. 'Nothing out of the ordinary here. Move along, folks.' The news is about falling down or falling in almost daily.
  12. The weather forecasting is about as much use as a one legged man in a backside kicking contest. Despite forecasts of rain and thunderstorms, my garden is looking as dry as the Gobi desert, with no significant rain in weeks. Thunderstorms are forecast for today and the sun is shining with not a cloud in the sky. My hung seaweed was a better forecasting indicator.
  13. So where are the children's parents or guardians? They must have had someone looking after them here in Thailand. Or were they in the school's dormitories. It seems they are just being thrown from of a place of relative safety and learning, into an unknown place of civil unrest and danger. Will they receive an education? This needs more publicity and exposure. The International media would love this.
  14. His face was significantly disfigured, but the amulet allowed him not to lose face. No seat belt?
  15. I understand humour. But stating being ignorant of the effects of cannabis I was sure someone would rise to the bait. Ja voll.????
  16. The pressure of studying became too much maybe? A sad ending to a young life. R.I.P.
  17. Being ignorant of cannabis and other forms of drugs I was led to believe that cannabis was a calming drug? I'm sure there are many who will enlighten me on this.
  18. Did they contact you to say your pension has resumed?
  19. Interesting. I was married in the British Embassy in Bangkok over thirty years ago. The marriage certificate was translated into Thai and registered at the District Office? I doubt a divorce in the District Office would override the British Embassy marriage. Any thoughts? No. I am not contemplating divorce but have been tempted sometimes.????
  20. As the songs says.'It ain't what you do, but the way that you do it.' Maybe 'It ain't what you got, but the way that you use it,' applies here.????
  21. Gammaglobin. I understand where you are coming from. But not all of us left our wives behind by choice and not all of us dipped our wick in Thailand at every opportunity. Behaving like kids in a sweet shop. My English wife of twenty five years died in 1982. I still occasionally dream of her, even though I've been happily married to my Thai wife, who I met outside of Thailand, for thirty six years. For someone you loved I think they stay in your subconscious forever and no doubt pop up in your dreams. Erotic or otherwise.
  22. For the offended. Hard brown stuff! And for the person who captured the incident. Have you nothing to do other than to try to make money out of an innocent get together?
  23. They inflict a long lingering death. No vermin deserves that. I saw numerous rats glued down when in Brunei. They were alive and screaming. You then have to dispatch them. When I had rats I used cage traps and give the rats a flying chance, by releasing them on the lawn. My dogs at that time dispatched them quickly and humanely. Some did make it into the undergrowth to freedom, so fair dues. Cats are OK, but they just kill everything, including the birds and lizards.
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