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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. The owner of the bench press or the one wanting to use it without permission?????
  2. I take your point. But what about a certain convicted drug smuggler retaining his position and even being elevated to higher things in government? Double standards methinks. I doubt many know, or care who the idiot beer throwers employer is.
  3. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this. Stopping him from earning a living and jeopardizing his family is too much for doing something stupid on the spur of the moment which, no doubt , he will regret forever.. ????
  4. Obviously they were hardened criminals, They nearly escaped capture on their walking frames. But the boys in brown managed to nab them. A game of Bridge too far.????
  5. Don't even suggest it. Even in jest. Clutching at straws springs to mind. Maybe if they concentrated on cleaning up their own mafia it might be a start. The 'Family' seem to have a firm hold on Phuket already. Taxis, for example. The police can't even control them. Why I wonder? But then.....
  6. When I left school my first job was mucking out the bottom of Cuckoo clocks, I then went on to cutting corks to fit flies rectums. Both on the advice of my father who got fed up with me asking him what I should do when I grew up. Sadly I never grew up. ????
  7. In the 1980s I got caught on the 90 day exit tax at Dong Muang, near midnight. After a five hour drive from Sattahip. No motorways then. At immigration I paid my bt500 for overstay and was then told to go to the tax office the next day. Fortunately my wife was still outside departures. She contacted her brother, a local top cop who arrived and persuaded them to fine me and let me go, just as my luggage was about to be off loaded. The officers had added up my previous visits??? The mysteries and surprises of the Orient.? Those were the days.????
  8. To tenderise meat under the saddle was a cinch. Sorry to make you bridle. Just doing my bit.????
  9. I am 88 and have lived in Thailand for thirty four years and am not arrogant enough to claim to have seen it all. I leave that to young smart a---e whipper snappers who think they have.
  10. Well said madam. There are many holier than thou armchair experts on this and other sites only too eager to show how clever they are and to make disparaging comments. I doubt they would have the courage to do it face to face. I hope all goes well for the driver.
  11. There you go. You're not as sharp as you think you are. I said inane, not insane. How old are you?????
  12. Perhaps you are basing your assumptions on the state of mind and body that you have now. And are seeing signs of deterioration already. There are many aged who are fitter and mentally sharper than many of those who are years younger. Don't make sweeping inane statements.
  13. How many 88 year old drivers are reported as having accidents? I'm not referring to bladder problems. I'm 88 and still driving. I'm much safer and more stable than my passengers who sit, tight lipped or screaming in the back.????
  14. I stopped going to them when the parks dept started charging several times the Thai price for the privileged of paying and treating my Thai nieces and nephews to a day out. I certainly didn't begrudge paying for them. It was always a pleasure for me to take the kids on trips, but it's the principle of the thing.
  15. Obviously you misunderstood me. British humour and sarcasm is not everyone's cup of tea.????
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