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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Why didn't you ask him, 'what's afoot? Maybe he considered you to be a nice boy.????
  2. In the UK in the 1980s I was arguing with one of my fellow workers. He was British of West Indian parents. Without thinking I used one of the sayings of those days, 'Come on Jim, 'play the white man.' His reply was. "Oh come on Ron, I expected better from you." It was an innocent remark, like 'play the game' and made without thinking. But being on the receiving end, it was seen as something different. He was a friend and I've regretted it ever since. Needless to say he gave me a black look. That's racist joke I suppose.
  3. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.????
  4. Who sits and makes this stuff up? My brain hurts! It reads like a military campaign. But then why wouldn't it?????
  5. Drinking a few beers can make amart people like the good doctor sound intelligent. <deleted> off and leave me alone.☹️
  6. Let the farce be with you. The benefits of the Red Bull energy drink are amazing. Besides reducing tiredness it can slow the wheels of justice to almost a standstill. These people are treating the Thai population as mugs. But nothing new there.????
  7. Now, now mother. Settle down. Life's not that bad. Take your medicine and go back to bed there's a good girl.????
  8. The men already wear frocks in court. OK, gowns. Much the same.
  9. Me too. The Swede was mugged. It's very upsetting for me emotionally to read that the gentleman who allegedly mugged him is being hunted. Surely a posting in the national press asking for him, at his convenience, to report to his local police station would suffice? This has put me right off my mug of tea. Sorry. Cup of tea.
  10. When a black cat crosses your path it brings bad luck. But not quite so bad for some people.????
  11. His biggest problem is bad acting. Fatty liver and hypertension. That shouldn't stop him serving his jail sentence. Nor should cataract surgery. He is a chancer. If he is released due to ill health, then so should all the other peasants serving time, with real ill health problems be released.????
  12. Surely they have got his name wrong it should be Jock MacPattarapitthayangurn . . .
  13. Mel Brooks couldn't write comedy like the Tourist Ministry. Every line and utterance they make is a laugh.????
  14. Big Chief speak with fork tongue! One minute he says stay at home to stop the spread of the dreaded lurgy. Now he says travel to stimulate the economy? The fastest way to stimulate the economy is to open up the entertainment industry. This will enable people to get back to work and earn money to spend on feeding themselves and one day to go on a holiday.????
  15. Will this be another hand slap to the forehead and exclamation of 'We knew what the verdict would be!'????
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