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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. I agree. The rapid increase in infections after the easing of restrictions in the UK is an indication of what could happen here. The difference is that a high percentage of the UK population have been vaccinated, apparently reducing the severity of the illness. Where as Thailand is behind in its vaccination efforts. I feel sorry for those that have suffered severe financial hardship and struggle to survive from day to day. Let's wait and see. It's not over till the fat lady sings.
  2. If they delay till the last minute that bars and entertainment places will open, where will the staff be recruited from? I suspect many of those workers went back home up country.
  3. That's going to go up like a lead balloon. Places of entertainment closed??? So what is the point of this announcement? It's certainly not going to entice any tourists. The next announcement will be all tourists will have to join the monkhood for fourteen days on entry.????
  4. 'Chonburi (limited to Banglamung, Muang Pattaya, Sriracha, Koh Si Chang, and Sattahip (only Na Jomtien and Bang Saray))' Can somebody explain this to me? What does it mean?????
  5. Much the same as the USA and many other ex colonial countries. The way things are going on in Britain it is being colonised itself. But then it was built on incoming ethnic groups since time immemorial????
  6. It would appear that you are happy with the lack of ethics and the corruption in our leadership. But then someone who uses a portrait of our esteemed leader leaves us in no doubt where your loyalties lie.????
  7. Thaksins ex wife for Prime Minister? Just a cotton picking minute! Wasn't it her and her Prime Minister husband Thaksin who were embroiled in buying government land on the cheap.? Just how crooked do you have to be to not be accepted as a government minister? Amazing Thailand.
  8. OK I suppose, but who would want to?
  9. Give her enough rope .........???? It seems she may have mental problems.
  10. Don't forget the plastic buckets of soap powder and dried noodles.????
  11. And will the voters grasp the nettle? They haven't done so in the recent past. But if they do with success, the outcome will not change much. But here's hoping. 'Somethings better change!' The Stranglers.
  12. Vocational students 'no.' 'now,' know how to fix stuff. Give them a break and a chance of work experience. Education is lacking outside the Thai education system it seems.????
  13. My old thirty years old track suit came out a couple of days ago and I wore it in bed.????
  14. Bill in the mail to be ignored, together with the mailed speeding ticket fines.????
  15. Nice to see Fatty, back with the vinyl display. I've missed those.????
  16. Not only the PM. Even in the military. My nephew who is in the Thai navy, regularly, is told he will not be called for duty the next day, then gets late night messages to report for duty the following morning. It would seem decisions are made as and when someone 'thinks' about it when in the shower. It might explain the problem when the country is lead by a military government.????
  17. 'provide relief to artists who have been heavily impacted'? I doubt he meant hit, or struck with something. It's just the reporter using the new fashionable in word. There is no doubt that artists and others in the entertainment world have been affected badly. As have many in other professions and industries. But they haven't been impacted. Grrrrr????
  18. Having said that. I've always been treated fairly and politely in Jomtien despite the red tape.
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