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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. You forget Dr Anund, who brought a breath of fresh air and common sense that unfortunately petered out when he went.☹️
  2. But then you haven't mentioned insurance which has nothing to do with extensions, but is unobtainable for those over 75 and means they will be unable to return to Thailand should they venture out to visit relatives, maybe. In effect, kept captive.
  3. The Prime minister orders the growing of coriander? Forget the destruction of the forests. How many chopping days till Christmas? We must get our priorities right mustn't we. This man is making himself more of a fool everyday. If that is possible.
  4. Yes. My wife complained that a couple of days before it began there was a shortage of vegetables on the shelves. She said the stores were holding them back to get a higher price nearer the day. Maybe the growers have had problems catching up?
  5. I don't suppose the shortage could have been caused by the Thais joining the Chinese vegetarian period?
  6. 'Coriander was used only for dish decoration. not for real consumption.'? What ?? Another minister who hasn't a clue what he is talking about.????
  7. The same thing happened to a Provincial Governor friend of mine around thirty years ago. He was warned by people in high places in Bangkok that if he continued his crack down on logging he would be transferred. TIT☹️
  8. "Let me make myself clear on our approach to climate change. We will adopt the usual position. The usual spiel. Plenty of photo ops. And do <deleted> all." Keep the home fires burning!????
  9. It looks like the Whip whipped the Footsal pitch funds. He should be flogged.
  10. Say nothing? What.? Miss the opportunity to have your name on the media, even if you turn out to be shown as a buffoon?
  11. Prayut said 'it's not just for the rich as he implored his country folk to be good hosts.' ? Perhaps he has not been listening to his tourism and immigration ministers whose aim seems to be to attract wealthy foreigners, and to discourage back packers. Back packers who are the future high end tourists, that help the low priced accommodation venues and food vendors. It seems this government is like like a tug of war team. Pulling in opposite directions. ☹️
  12. 65 education officials were dismissed from the service? Were they prosecuted for embezzlement of government funds? ie,Tax payers money. And were their assets confiscated? I can't recall reading of it. Or are they still enjoying the fruits of their ill gotten gains?
  13. 2065??? Where did he dig this one up from? He and most of us will be dead and buried, or what ever, by then. And he accuses others of bringing the name of Thailand into disrepute? Bring on the clowns.????
  14. I haven't heard that in years. Very appropriate.
  15. "You're going to solve Thailand's environmental problems? That's a hair raising statement!"
  16. At his age how can he get insurance when I can't. He must be past his 'best before date.' Or as a VIP he is exempt? Will he be allowed back in? We can only live in hope.????
  17. Reading of the problems regarding accessing this site leads me to believe that you have to be a computer expert to get on it. For us old buggers who have problems changing TV channels we have no chance. But then, because we are above the age of getting insurance it doesn't matter. We can't get back into Thailand if we leave, anyway.????
  18. The requirement for insurance for those entering the country means that those of us above the age where insurance cannot be obtained, cannot depart the country as we will not be able to meet the requirement for re entry. This means in effect that we are being kept here against our will. How can we leave, knowing we will not be allowed to return to our families and property in Thailand? How many foreigners will now want to retire in Thailand? Another cash cow being led to the slaughter. Or have I got this all wrong?
  19. Human rights in Thailand is an oxymoron which the senate have confirmed. Surely a member from one of the ethnic communities has more knowledge of the abuse of human rights than those brainwashed, nationalistic military men in the senate and government.
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