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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. At his age how can he get insurance when I can't. He must be past his 'best before date.' Or as a VIP he is exempt? Will he be allowed back in? We can only live in hope.????
  2. Reading of the problems regarding accessing this site leads me to believe that you have to be a computer expert to get on it. For us old buggers who have problems changing TV channels we have no chance. But then, because we are above the age of getting insurance it doesn't matter. We can't get back into Thailand if we leave, anyway.????
  3. The requirement for insurance for those entering the country means that those of us above the age where insurance cannot be obtained, cannot depart the country as we will not be able to meet the requirement for re entry. This means in effect that we are being kept here against our will. How can we leave, knowing we will not be allowed to return to our families and property in Thailand? How many foreigners will now want to retire in Thailand? Another cash cow being led to the slaughter. Or have I got this all wrong?
  4. Human rights in Thailand is an oxymoron which the senate have confirmed. Surely a member from one of the ethnic communities has more knowledge of the abuse of human rights than those brainwashed, nationalistic military men in the senate and government.
  5. Pantomime season again! 'We didn't say that!' 'Oh, yes you did.' 'Look behind you!' ????
  6. Concatenations? Haven't heard that one before. I might be able to link things together.????
  7. Like you, I don't plan on going any further. With insurance unavailable for those of a similar age as me it seems that our travels abroad are on the back burner. At 88, maybe for ever.☹️
  8. I was born in 1933 and used to watch his films. He suffered in the McCarthy witch hunt. Very sad. And he wasn't the only one..
  9. I've resided here for 34 years. I'm referring to going out and returning to the Thai kingdom.
  10. Paul Robeson? Like him and old man river. Just keep rolling along,????
  11. Why the delays? This from the BBC ten years ago. History repeating itself? -- 'Ministers have suggested the surge in demand for passports has been caused by an upturn in the economy - but Passport Office boss Paul Pugh says he does not know why it has happened. In fact, Mr Pugh did predict that there would be an increase of 350,000 applications this year - very close to the 346,289 extra applications currently in the system. He warned about the extra workload in the foreword to the agency's 2013 annual report, saying it would be caused by the closure of seven passport offices at British embassies and the transfer of the work to the UK. Critics say he failed to put adequate measures in place to deal with the extra work. Mr Pugh says preparations were made and although the actual increase will be closer to 400,000, over a 12 month period, he does not think it is the cause of the backlog. He has commissioned an independent investigation to discover the cause and why the agency failed to predict it.
  12. It would seem Thailand is using boats. And you haven't offered a reason why it should take so long. Eleven weeks seems outrageous. Is this delay due to the handling company? If so it needs shaking up. Or are us Brits happy now with the service we are offered?
  13. Three years ago while in New Zealand I renewed my British passport by post. I was emailed by the passport office to say it had been received and the renewal application form was in order. I received the new passport in under two weeks. No agent was used and my old passport was sent directly to the UK passport office. Why eleven weeks from Thailand when it is half the distance?
  14. That is why I am concerned about travelling outside the country.
  15. You mean the new normal. But then most announcements by the government end up in confusion. 'You misunderstood. We didn't mean that.'????
  16. Which means the over eighties are trapped. Health insurance is impossible to get after that age.
  17. Open mouth before engaging brain Thai style. 'Look at me everyone. Aren't I the clever one.' Why not go for Tom Jones to sing 'It's not unusual'?
  18. Me too. And I read every night in bed before I sleep. ????
  19. So how does an 88 year old get insurance to return from the UK? Is it Health insurance or just a Covid insurance?
  20. Maybe Thammanat will give his boss a contract he can't refuse. Capiche! ????.
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