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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Sharpe. Streaming a British TV serial. excellent.
  2. My one piece Table top Acer Z605 PC only has a USB socket. Can a monitor be connected to it?
  3. And those using loud speakers. I think I might be driven to punching someone using a loud speaker all day next to my house.????
  4. When I read the headline I thought it was referring to the police force. ????
  5. Some do it to keep the mosquitoes at bay. I had a buffalo and in the evenings my helper used to light coconut shells and the buffalo would stand over it.
  6. More good advice.????
  7. Don't use soap. I frequently and thoroughly washed and dried the area with water only. Then applied Canazol-Be cream to it. I stopped wearing under- pants and wore a sarong around the house to get some air around the area. It cleared up after a couple of weeks. But the washing and drying seems to be the answer to keeping it at bay.
  8. Good advice. Yes. It is an all in one.
  9. You're a bundle of laughs.
  10. Thankyou.
  11. Thankyou.
  12. I have an Acer Z Aspire, Win 75 basic desktop computer that my son treated to when it first came out wayback. OK. I'm waiting for the comments of ;It's old get rid of it and buy a new one.' I'm 89 and think this one will see me out if I can get this problem fixed. My computer screen has started to fade to grey and word definition getting fainter. Is there a way to fix this by system adjustment or is it a computer repair job? Any suggestions in layman's language would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  13. An electronic tracking device. it should go well with high heels. A new fashion accessory?
  14. Vows to quit drinking? He will be forced to if he is given what he deserves, a prison sentence for manslaughter.
  15. No. But there are Zebra crossings. Not many wild zebras in Thailand though.????
  16. No. Never. That's unthinkable. What, here in Thailand?????
  17. She got a clear vision of his penis. She said " That's Somchai who sells noodles around here. I'm his regular customer"????
  18. There must be some logic here, but I can't put my finger on it.????
  19. "Where do I find myself?" Try to understand the world situation today and you will be beside yourself. There you go. I wish you well in your quest.????
  20. And double standards." Do what I say. Not what I do."
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