Perhaps if the councils rounded up stray dogs and euthanized them there would be less people being bitten and less road accidents caused by them. The cost to the Thai Health service must be very high. In addition to working hours lost due to bites, road accidents and hospital visits, caused by them. Yes. I know about the buddhists attitude to euthanizing dogs. But perhaps they could extend their compassion to the humans who suffer from them. I like dogs and have owned them most of my life. But liking them does not mean turning my back on a problem .
I was given a potted Taling Pling, or Bilimbi sapling. A tree that bears sour fruit. For months I just watered it in the pot. I then transplanted it into the ground about a month ago and the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. I can't find any info on google regarding soil and growing conditions. Plenty of info on the fruit. Anyone with any ideas on the ideal ph and best planting conditions? It would be a shame for it to die as I believe it's not a common plant in Thailand. Thanks.
As a kid in the 1940s, back in the UK, there was always the threat of a dose of the birch. Whether it was ever administered or not I don't know. But, the threat was always there. Perhaps these participants would benefit from a dose?????