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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. By the removal of compulsory health insurance to enter the kingdom mean that O visa holders can return on a re entry visa without it? For those of my age insurance is impossible to obtain.
  2. Typical black humour. Us Brits were raised and thrive on it. We tend to joke about ours and others misfortunes. It doesn't mean we don't feel for the unfortunate. i.e. To a mourner arriving at a cremation in winter. "Come on down and sit at the front. It's warmer."????
  3. "If you're riding pillion. Don't fidget." Well done, Sir.????
  4. If the victims were not Thai then it wold have been a 'foreign object.'????
  5. The Persian cat was carpeted. From the headline I thought the Persian was an old Iranian.????
  6. As my dad taught me. Get the first one in!
  7. In a conduit. I'm concerned that it might get damaged when planting trees. Thanks for the advice.
  8. I did it this morning.????
  9. I buried my electricity supply from the meter on the road to the house. This was over thirty years ago. I know roughly where it is. In hindsight I should have made a location map. Does the Thai Electric supply company have an outside cable location service? I'm reluctant to buy a detector for a half hours use. Or is there an easy way to detect cables without digging?
  10. Thanks. I tried it and eventually the controls came up then disappeared in a flash. Ah well. I'll have to learn to lip read.
  11. Well said, Sir. Obviously wired to the nub of the subject.????
  12. There you go. 'Hans Knees and bumps a daisy.' Ask a Brit.????
  13. So victim blaming? Maybe a better rider than many youngsters. I'm not sure if he was wearing a helmet though. It not, that would make him stupid, but nothing to do with age.
  14. Is there a way to get sound and full screen on Cricfree. The control tools are not visible. The one that is says 'Click to un mute.' doesn't work.
  15. Is there a way to get sound and full screen on Cricfree. The control tools are not visible. The one that is says 'Click to unmute.' doesn't work.
  16. I paid Bt3oo for charcoal for a young man's cremation over twenty years ago at a Catholic run HIV centre.
  17. The media will be upset about that report. They were gearing up for another panic producing campaign. Only herpes? S--t????
  18. In thirty five years I've never had aircon. Only fans. But I don't live in the city where all the aircons are raising the temperature of the outside world.
  19. Any driver refusing to take a breath test should be assumed to be guilty and banged up. Is there a law against refusing a breathalyzer?
  20. I thought a Sub Variant was a submarine that didn't look like a submarine. To quieten the protesters who objected to their taxes being spent on them. ???? It looks like the media is stirring panic again.????
  21. Cleaned with alcohol and white spirit. But still become unstuck. Maybe the company issuing them are winding me up.???? Thanks to all for the answers.
  22. A trivial thing I know, but what is the secret of sticking your new tax certificate on the vehicle's windscreen? The transparent backing supplied flops all over the place when trying to apply it and fails to hold the tax certificate in place. A few months later, after being exposed to the sun, it falls off. I've resorted to sticking it on with cello tape. I've just replaced last years certificate and had to use white spirit to get the adhesive off. Yes I know it's all silly stuff, but there must be a secret. ????????
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