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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. What i do not understand is that most of those kids all would have tiny worms in their pants. This is just a story about kids being mean to one boy. And the boy strikes back. What gets me is how easily it seems to be to gather some boys together to attack another person. Seems the schools and parents are not teaching their children anything about violence and retaliation or responsibility.
  2. He recorded it and shared it with someone...
  3. They do that because they see your turds. Not for the size of your pecker.
  4. Sounds liek a Prayut PR stunt to me. People already know she is not the one doing things as PM. It is her father. Maybe he should be on the show instead. Next month, she will begin singing songs she had made for advancing her in politics. Then comes the new classes in school to teach her values and morals. It is too bad you can not call while she is live on TV and ask questions. But we all know if they did that she would be unable to reply or she would bring shame to herself and family. Good thing i do not watch Thai TV and my Thai family would not be interested in this also.
  5. they give it a fancy name for propaganda but really they are doing what they should be doing every day. It makes it seem as though unless they have a name for their operation then they really do not do anything.
  6. I would really like to see how it pans out when a tourist has his bike towed for parking and he leaves the country. They also shouold cease all the rental bikes taking up parking for the people who live there as well as designating and enforcing motor-taxis limiting the places they park.
  7. Sounds like spying to me. Perhaps his wife hired them misleading them to do spying while she was gone.
  8. Sure am happy that Trump and the new GOV as well as the voters do not follow or care anymore what these entertainers say or think. Wouldn't it be a kicker if it was found out that she was paid to post this nonsense? Like so many others paid to advertise for Harris.
  9. Sounds like he got a warning they were coming for him and he fled. Must have paid a good price for information to the right person. hmm..
  10. How can this man make any claims? He is not in the government anymore and is not suppposed to meddle in government affairs. He should be sent back to jail for this and other things he lays claim to that he will accomplish in the name of the Thai government.
  11. Quite a statement there. Your tax man Thai or otherwise is not responsible if there is something wrong. You will lose everything if you think this way. You are ultimately liable for what is filed on your taxes. Your tax accountant is only being paid to fill in what you have told him and try to get you the best tax return. He is not responsible for mistakes. He can easily claim you never told him something important or gave the wrong information. So good luck with your theory that you can blame him.
  12. i did not say he got it from a bank. But that does not change my meaning at all.
  13. ohh i am not so sure. When i used to travel back and forth to China, i would always ask for 50 dollar notes from the bank. They are easier to exchange. 40,000 baht does not seem a lot for taking with you on holiday. Now if the man has more in his rental unit in Thailand. Then perhaps he was a counterfeiter. And maybe he really is. But there is room for doubt.
  14. They would initially charge him with the crime whether he knew it or not. Then decide later after their investigation if they intend to prosecute. So there is a chance he did not know they were fake. Depends on where he got them from.
  15. Shows the incompetence of the police for failing to secure exit points to apprehend those fleeing. Where was immigration? This raid was conducted with employment officers and tourist police.
  16. You can make some of the people happy some of the time but you can never make all of the people happy all of the time. There will always be someone who complains especially of other peoples fun. Chinese New Years fireworks is no different than New Years Eve or Songkran or any other holiday Thais celebrate that involves many people. They all have a potential hazard. Should Thailand act on this complaint then they should also do so for every holiday where there is potential for someone to complain.
  17. So he lied to the police about this. He should be defrocked and arrested for giving false information to the police to escape justice. As well as hit and run charges and compensation to the injured party.
  18. As i am sure it all will be restored once they have checked them and found ways to cut their budget.
  19. Really? Are you serious? It took almost 3 weeks to get water to the state. https://www.cato.org/blog/hurricane-katrina-remembering-federal-failures You should read your history... Before blaming everything on MAGA
  20. They do it again because some politician made a great deal of money on this scam without any retort from the public. Those tablets previously were crap. The schools barely used them and the kids were the same. My own kids had one and they lasted about 2 months. I am certain the same will happen again. What a waste.
  21. I am confused. These camps do not get US money every week or every day. How is it affecting them so quickly? I think they are dramatizing and playing the poor us card. Also, they are in Myanmar. Why isn't that country helping? It seems though that being on the border to Thailand that at least the Thais are contributing for this.
  22. He was not a foreigner... He is half Thai... Jeez.. I can not believe you actually got likes for your bashing. He was racing to pass someone and struck a motorcycle. You do not know anything more than that. It does not even say if he was passing in the correct lane.
  23. Come on... FEMA is supposed to be there when help is needed in disasters. Yet, the hurricane that devastated New Orleans, they could not even get their SH-t together to send drinking water.
  24. What makes you think he will ruin it. Biden already did that and Trump will attempt to make it better. That does not mean he will make it better. But really, at this point anything is better than what Biden did to the country.
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