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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. Perhaps this is Bobs Karma also. 100 years ago They threw him out of Thailand. this time around he is ready to run out of the country willingly.
  2. Maybe it is your Karma.. 100 years ago they threw you out of Thailand. This time you will leave willingly. yeah, i got pickpocketed near there on that side of the street many years ago.
  3. Maybe it is your Karma.. 100 years ago they threw you out of Thailand. This time you will leave willingly.
  4. Why say again? Do you think it has ever stopped? These TukTuks are notorious doing this type of scam to foreigners. They have been doing it for many many years.
  5. They may be part of it.. But that is uncontrollable in Thailand. However to take no action at all and even to refuse making it a disaster zone for breathing simply due to a possible loss of tourist dollars is irresponsible. If he is unwilling to be part of the solution and uncaring about the people who come or live there then why is he still the PM? He is only part of the problem that will create even more problems in the future. I wonder what would happen if someone filed a lawsuit against the PM for his failure to warn people by making it a disaster zone for breathing. Suing them for failing to act that caused even more sickness or death. Even a tourist could do that I suppose if the conditions existed.
  6. Wow! If this isn't telling people to be misdirected so they can wiggle out of being the focus on peoples attention... I do not know what is. Why discourage public discussions? Why tell people to look at other things and not this. Clearly the intent would be so they can be forgotten and the case can be done any way they want it to minimize damage to the RTP.
  7. Normally, I do not believe any NIDA polls. But it seems plausible that Pita would still be the lead runner for PM on peoples minds. The gov tried to suppress him with their stupid accusations about a station he still owned shares in. It did however manage to prevent his being able to be made the PM. So they hit the right spot there. Now with them trying to disband his party so he still won't be able to be PM may be successful as well. When are the people going to speak out. I am wondering why COVID has made the people so passive now about things. Perhaps this is why the focus on bad foreigners has become prevalent as well. If netizens are focused on something else then they will be passive towards this.
  8. be careful not to click like on anything he posts. It may come back and bite you in the a--. Don't share anything from his page either.
  9. Am surprised that the anti corruption police have not sequestered financial records of all those that were affiliated with the Thaksin prison hospital fiasco to see if any of them received some form of payment to continually say Thaksin was deathly ill and unable to be in a real prison. I guess it is not something they would want to go public with. The list must go pretty high up the chain of command if not all the way up to the top.
  10. So rather than making it an official meeting of the Phue Thai party leaders. He meets them one on one to tell them what to do. I guess Thais will believe he is not really officiating anything by meeting them one by one. So he is not really still leading them. haha.. Just meeting old friends at an official Phue Thai party leader meeting. He sure looks like he can walk and talk normally. I still fail to see why others do not protest his treatment when he was supposedly in prison so sick that he could not sit in a jail cell.
  11. Hey honey, Where do you want to go for the holiday? I know, lets go to Chiang Mai and spend our holiday breathing the worst air in the world and trying to make it better shooting water in the air. Good idea honey. We can return from holiday and not need to work. We can go directly to the hospital here and have out lungs flushed with oxygen.
  12. And your one-sided opinion may sit well with other countries. But in Thailand rape is used quite often by women who did not get what they wanted after they had the sex. Payment or relationship or perhaps just angry at the man. Proof of rape is not always needed to get someone into trouble for this. I do not say this is the case in this particular instance. But One never really knows unless there is really proof to see and convict. A young girl and a rich business man hmm... Could be rape or maybe she found out he had another woman also. Let's only hope justice is served and the man becomes known as playing many women or of being a real rapist.
  13. I'm confused by their assumptions. The construction is the reason they are using for his cause of death? I do not see any construction in the photos or videos that show the location where he crawled under and died.
  14. They are waiting for the planes to be grounded before really acting on this. Only a great loss of tourism income caused by lack of flights will get them to take drastic action.
  15. Wow! Is this a demotion or promotion. Seems like being placed in a position working directly with the Prime Ministers office would be considered a promotion. The influence gained by being in that office would be overwhelming. It also seems to be the worst place to put a bad cop caught breaking the laws.
  16. Perhaps it was not the weather... It may be that foreigner who got the tattoo while drunk saying he had sex with a ladyboy.. Worried of the ramifications of his arrival back home haha.
  17. Biden fans will love this. So easy to make it into more than it is. Already the news has twisted it to mean all illegals entering the country. Rather than what it most likely means is all those that commited crimes in the US already. It was only recently that some illegals did some very bad crimes that most would place them in a not normal person category. Have your fun twisting this. I think it will not affect those who actually have brains and sees the underlying tone for what it is. Trump will beat Biden if he does not become a criminal himself with some of the stupid charges still waiting their queue to go to court over.
  18. For someone who just joined this group 4 days ago. You seem very opinionated without using any facts. You seem to be the opinion holder that needs and wants to be dragged through the mud as you quoted and then used your chance to post something like this ridiculous article. Why is it you can not understand people or women or even love? Age is only a boundary in your mind. That does not mean it is in everyones. Why refute and comment so negatively. They may be the happiest couple when together. She may have married him for love and knowing her future is secure the same almost all women in the world do. Also, you seem not to like older men in your thinking. Wait until you get older to see if you fit the same decrepit description you used for another. With age comes experience, especially in sex. Perhaps you use your own inability to have sex for more than a few minutes and with bad breath. In my thinking the older man with more experience can sex for quite a long time. Perhaps this is also why the young girl wanted to marry him. He can give her the orgasms you would fail to give her.
  19. What was the point of this? Do these rescue teams know that after about 10 minutes there is no more brain.
  20. Why aren't these male siblings being charged in aiding and abetting. Or some other charge that reflect their part in this attempted rape. What idiot in their right mind trades a young girl for a fishing net and encourages the young girl to go off alone to an older mans hut while they fish?
  21. Hehe... Police are not too bright if they can not see the motive for this.
  22. Talk about timing. This news released at the same time as a warning about a severe summer storm approaching that area today and tomorrow.. I guess they will now be able to take credit if the summer storm actually dissipates the smog problem there rather than the summer storm that is predicted.
  23. this is actually stupid. using AI to forecast weather 3 hours in advance. Any decent forecaster can do this reliably for an even longer time to prepare. All this AI is doing now is replacing incompetence in the weather forecasting occupation in Thailand
  24. Wife says, the Thai version is somewhat different. She tells me the foreigner first went to the house where he got injuries from the woman. Then he went to the hospital for treatment.. After the treatment for his injuries he returned to that house and started an argument which led to him assaulting her as well.. She also claims the Thai version of news says that he initially had an argument with his wife and the other woman intervened by assaulting him. However, this was not what the news is depicting on TV. Seems there are 2 versions to the story being told that cater to either thee truth or the to lies. So at the moment I am unsure what is true. I do know, if the foreigner was assaulted without his doing the same, that he should continue trying to get a lot of money from them simply because, if he did the assault then the woman will be asking for even more.
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