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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. For some reason, perhaps based on other police actions against foreigners who do not immediately listen to them. I think there is more to the story that is not being told and that the news and police are basing their sole criticisms against the very bad foreigners. Even in the video clip the foreigner holding the gun and emptying the clip was tryin to tell the Thai near how the police assaulted them and was trying to kill them. It could be, that these foreigners were really trying to defend themselves and the cop drew his gun at them and they disarmed him for fear that he would shoot them. The police reputations are not very good to safely assume the cop did not change his story to make him innocent of doing any wrongdoings. The news sensationalism though will surely get all who watch without understanding english to think these foreigners really did all this cop was saying. They even misquote what the foreigners were saying in English to make them look even more bad.. I am not saying the story is not true. But there is enough reason to have a lot of doubt that it went down the way the report is saying.
  2. Although you are correct about your comments. I think that has been happening for decades here. The root of the automobile problem is that there are so many failing the exhaust pollution content allowed and are bypassing the inspection done yearly. More so do I see cars puffing out black smoke than I see engines idling at lights and on the sides of roadways. The same goes for trucks although I had noticed there are a lot less spitting out visible smoke from their exhausts. Whatever the exact cause is, the noticeable increase in smoke and reduction even in visibility has increased enormously this year compared to others. I am just grateful I am living far from that smoke.
  3. Although this act does dirty the property and must be cleaned off, I fail to see how it does damage. Nothing was broken.
  4. I thought checkpoints were outlawed by Thailand last year? I seem to recall reading about it in the news.
  5. This is ludicrous. Allowing passerby to see them? They mean allowing peeping Toms to look into windows that is none of their business. In other countries these people looking into the rooms windows would be the crime.
  6. I would have to agree about suing the women. If the police have no camera evidence of the act then who is to say it ever happened. What did happen though is these 2 men got their photos posted online with detrimental comments made about them. That is defamation and having their photos posted online without their expressed permission is a computer crime and very punishable in Thailand. 2 wrongs do not make it right but these 2 men should seek justice as well.
  7. Wait a minute.. I thought the police are always claiming there is no prostitution in Thailand? When I browse the dating apps I always come across many Thai women who are advertising short time or long time even on their profile pages. Some are advertising to add their Line for sex video and pics as well. Why are the police not addressing everyone. Thais are exempt in this witch hunt it seems. They are not interested in the fact that they are sex workers. They care more that it is a foreigner doing it. Bangkok and Pattaya also have many foreigner sex workers. Why are they not going after them as well either?
  8. What world class hospital are you referring to in this OP about Thaksin? HE was supposedly in a prison hospital albeit in the privileged section above all others. Come to think of it, i do not know of any world class Thai hospitals.
  9. Let us hope it is not the usual walk the talk but only while it is newsworthy.
  10. As much as I hate to say it. I think culture and how they raise their kids without the child having any responsibility for their actions is catching up to them. It seems daily across the country violent acts are happening now. Stupid things causing them but people unable to control themselves.
  11. Do not fear. I am sure these kids learned a valuable lesson with this type of reaction from the courts. When they grow up they will be responsible law-abiding citizens and never do anything to harm another individual again. The parents will be giving punishments to their kids for the monies lost. All 5000 of it. So, this will make the parents more aware when their child is planning to do something so horrible. They will remember the 5000 baht fine and make sure their child does not participate. Ohh.. Isn't Aprils Fools in 2 weeks?
  12. Talk about sensationalizing. This is a bale as stated was found with the boy. I seriously doubt he managed to get 2 of those stuffed into 2 ziplock bags. If anyone is found with any amount of weed it is automatically the weed that is to blame. They really need to de-legalize weed so they can stop blaming it for everything.
  13. I wonder how many actual listeners were giggling and snickering at his comments and vision?
  14. These online games are set up so you win enough to appease you. Then only allow you to win occasionally based on the amounts you already have spent. It is a good draw and keeps the hopes of winning big again strong. The normal person can get addicted to this easily enough if they were not able to see the patterns. So it is understandable that there are many many older Thais addicted to this. In my wife's work she is always being told she should play this game or that online. Even her sisters family is telling her how good it is. But always when I have her ask questions about the history of money spent or won. There is a negative value cast out showing it is a losing option. So, this is enough to get my wife to lose interest in playing it. What Thais who understand this loss needs to worry about, as well as this foreigner with his step-daughter losing so much money is that she will eventually be seeking ways that may affect him to get more money to play or to pay off her debts from it. She is family and Thai families have their ways to get other family members to give money. Also, some others commented about there are no legal casinos in Thailand. But there was a feasibility study done to change those laws. And of course, it would show that if legalised the government would always be the winner.I expect that soon legislation will allow casinos to start up here. This would help the government but hurt so many Thais and foreigners financially. I dread when this would happen. The repercussions would be far reaching.
  15. Haha foul play suspected? Do they think he accidentally slit his throat.. Or maybe he did it deliberately?
  16. This is how the Chinese massage places advertise for happy endings at their massage places. I wonder if the 1 baht fee is all she is really asking for. Surely she must be making a lot more money than what this fee suggests.
  17. One bike for rent. Hardly a business. However the Russian was not too smart advertising his bike the way he did. If the police really wanted to find foreigners with illegal businesses they would delve into the monies made with the bike rental places on the sides of the roads. In Pattaya there are many foreigners who buy a dozen of so bikes and use a Thai to rent them and then pay the foreigners after they get their commision. I am sure Phuket would be the same. It is a lucrative business and without work permits. I know several retirees earning incomes this way.
  18. dead for a year but people seeing her within the past few months. This will surely lead to some good ghost stories in the area.
  19. They still do it in rural Thailand. Every day there are trucks loaded with coconuts with monkeys hanging off the sides passing on the highways
  20. Soon LOS will become LOC... Land of Chimps and Chumps
  21. Sounds like they are in a pickle with this. They were too late to reserve a slot in the 126° E orbit and failed to make the considerations what may happen this year with the slot in 50.5° E orbit. Failure to plan in the future regarding this seems the norm for many things when planning.
  22. Never fear. Already several Asian countries are saying their population will be less than needed in the next generation simply because the women stopped wanting to get married or to make babies.Thailand included. There is no support from the complaining governments to increase the populations except for in China. Whereas they are paying outright if you can conceive more than one child in your household. As for your concern. You are barking up the wrong tree.. Personally, I shoot blanks now and quite a lot of them daily. You can not expect others though to be this way especially in Thailand where there are thousands or beautiful women waiting for the foreigner to give them an orgasm and hoping they will get a baby and rich husband out of them when they shoot their loads.
  23. I used to be able to buy this at a doctors office. Hospitals rarely want to give it to you anymore. Now they offer something similar with a warning on its addictiveness. However, I have never been told to keep the paperwork with me. The chances he bought this on the street is slim at best. It is not something so common for sale and consumption illegally. The witch hunt continues. I wonder how many taxis they stopped that had Thais in them?
  24. this is in phuket and currently phuket is the center of a farang witch hunt. What surprises me more is that there was a case made for this prior to his arrest to put him on a watchlist for leaving the country. Surely, there is no proof money was not paid to the worker. He could easily have claimed he paid cash to them.
  25. Typical Thailand. Rather than issue the arrest warrant immediately, they tell him to come in to acknowledge the charges against him. Basically telling him here is his chance to flee the country before he has to face these charges. They use the excuse of his position to give him this opportunity to run rather than them going to his house and making sure he is brought to the station to be arrested. This is the same tactic they have used many times for people with money or power who broke the law and there was enough evidence to convict them yet, they still have not learned from all those that have fled Thailand prior to their arrest or while on bail.
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